Nuklearmedizin 1977; 16(02): 68-70
DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1620608
Originalarbeiten – Original Articles
Schattauer GmbH

Plasma Renin Activity in Patients with Ischaemic Heart Disease[*]

J. Urbánek
1   From the Institute of Biophysics and Nuclear Medicine and IVth Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of General Medicine Charles University Prague, Department of Internal Medicine, and the Research Institute for Endocrinology Prague, CSSR
O. Hofman
1   From the Institute of Biophysics and Nuclear Medicine and IVth Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of General Medicine Charles University Prague, Department of Internal Medicine, and the Research Institute for Endocrinology Prague, CSSR
R. Reisenauer
1   From the Institute of Biophysics and Nuclear Medicine and IVth Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of General Medicine Charles University Prague, Department of Internal Medicine, and the Research Institute for Endocrinology Prague, CSSR
A. Slaby
1   From the Institute of Biophysics and Nuclear Medicine and IVth Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of General Medicine Charles University Prague, Department of Internal Medicine, and the Research Institute for Endocrinology Prague, CSSR
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Further Information

Publication History

Received:09 July 1976

Publication Date:
10 January 2018 (online)


Plasma renin activity (PRA) stimulated by upright posture was measured in 300 men aged 45 - 64 years using a radioimmunoassay of angiotensin-I. The examined subjects were normotensive or patients with benign essential hypertension and were divided into 6 groups according to the absence of manifest atherosclerosis, the presence of definite angina pectoris or a history of myocardial infarction. Each group contained 50 unselected subjects, with a comparable mean age. Significant differences in mean PRA were found between corresponding groups of hypertensives and normotensives, the values in hypertensives being lower. The percentage of low renin values was higher in hypertensives with ischaemic heart disease than in other groups. It is suggested that this finding might be explained by functional disturbances in the kidneys in hypertensives with ischaemic heart disease.

* Dedicated to the 50th birthday anniversary of Prof. MUDr. Z. Dienstbier, DrSc, Prague.

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