Originalarbeiten — Original Articles — Travaux Originaux
Schattauer GmbH
The Influence of Aortography on the Radioisotope Renogram[*]
L’influence de l’aortographie sur la rénographie isotopiqueEinfluß der Aortographie auf das Radioisotopen-Renogramm
B. Malamos M.D.
From the Department of Clinical Therapeutics of the University of Athens Medical School („Alexandra” Hospital) and from the 1st Department of Surgery Athens University Medical School (Hospital „King Paul”)
N. Christeas
From the Department of Clinical Therapeutics of the University of Athens Medical School („Alexandra” Hospital) and from the 1st Department of Surgery Athens University Medical School (Hospital „King Paul”)
E. Gyftaki M.D.
From the Department of Clinical Therapeutics of the University of Athens Medical School („Alexandra” Hospital) and from the 1st Department of Surgery Athens University Medical School (Hospital „King Paul”)
P. Balas M.D.
From the Department of Clinical Therapeutics of the University of Athens Medical School („Alexandra” Hospital) and from the 1st Department of Surgery Athens University Medical School (Hospital „King Paul”)
V. Alevizou-Terzaki M.D.
From the Department of Clinical Therapeutics of the University of Athens Medical School („Alexandra” Hospital) and from the 1st Department of Surgery Athens University Medical School (Hospital „King Paul”)