Nuklearmedizin 1983; 22(05): 246-250
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1624139
Originalarbeiten - Original Articles
Schattauer GmbH

Instant 99mTc-Labelled Glucoheptonate Kit for Kidney Imaging

Rasche Herstellung von 99mTc-Glukoheptonat zur Abbildung der Nieren
N. H. Agha
1   From the Nuclear Research Centre, Radioisotope Production Department, Ebin Al-Nafees Hospital for Cardiovascular Diseases, Baghdad, Iraq
M. Al-Hilli
1   From the Nuclear Research Centre, Radioisotope Production Department, Ebin Al-Nafees Hospital for Cardiovascular Diseases, Baghdad, Iraq
H. M. A. Karim
1   From the Nuclear Research Centre, Radioisotope Production Department, Ebin Al-Nafees Hospital for Cardiovascular Diseases, Baghdad, Iraq
M. H. S. Al-Hissoni
*   From the Nuclear Research Centre, Radioisotope Production Department, the Department of Nuclear Medicine*, Ebin Al-Nafees Hospital for Cardiovascular Diseases, Baghdad, Iraq
M. N. Jassim
*   From the Nuclear Research Centre, Radioisotope Production Department, the Department of Nuclear Medicine*, Ebin Al-Nafees Hospital for Cardiovascular Diseases, Baghdad, Iraq
› Author Affiliations
The authors would like to thank Mr. Reiad Jahid and Mr. Jassim Abdul Razzak for their technical assistance. This work was performed under the auspices of the Iraqi Atomic Energy Organization. This paper has been presented in part at the 6th Congress of the European Nuclear Medicine Society, Brussels, May 1983.
Further Information

Publication History

Received: 04 July 1983

Publication Date:
10 January 2018 (online)

Gelchromatography column scanning has been used to study the fractions of reduced hydrolyzed 99mTc, 99mTc-pertechnetate and 99mTc-chelate in a 99mTc-glucoheptonate (GH) preparation. A stable high labelling yield of 99mTc-GH complex in the radiopharmaceutical has been obtained with a concentration of 40-50 mg of glucoheptonic acid-calcium salt and not less than 0.45 mg of SnCl2 2 H2O at an optimal pH between 6.5 and 7.0. The stability of the complex has been found significantly affected when sodium hydroxide solution was used for the pH adjustment. However, an alternative procedure for final pH adjustment of the preparation has been investigated providing a stable complex for the usual period of time prior to the injection. The organ distribution and the blood clearance data of 99mTc-GH in rabbits were relatively similar to those reported earlier. The mean concentration of the radiopharmaceutical in both kidneys has been studied in normal subjects for one hour with a scintillation camera and the results were satisfactory.

Die Fraktionen des reduzierten und hydrolysierten 99mTc, 99mTc-Pertechnetats und des 99mTc-Chelats wurden bei der Herstellung von 99mTc-Glukoheptonat mittels Gelchromatographie untersucht. Es wurde ein stabiler 99mTc-Glukoheptonatkomplex mit hoher Ausbeute erhalten, wobei die Konzentration zwischen 40 und 50 mg des Kalziumsalzes der Glukoheptonsäure lag und nicht weniger als 0,45 mg SnCl2 2 H20 bei einem optimalen pH zwischen 6,5 und 7,0 betrug. Die Stabilität des Komplexes wurde durch die Verwendung einer Natriumhydroxid-Lösung zur pH-Adjustierung signifikant beeinflußt. Es konnte jedoch eine alternative Methode der pH-Adjustierung des Präparates untersucht werden, die den Komplex über die übliche Zeit bis zur Injektion stabil hielt. Die Organverteilung und die Blutclearance des 99mTcGH waren bei Kaninchen relativ ähnlich den früher berichteten Daten. Die durchschnittliche Konzentration des Radiopharmazeutikums in beiden Nieren wurde an Normalpersonen während einer Stunde mit einer Szintillationskamera gemessen; die Ergebnisse waren zufriedenstellend.

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