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Nuklearmedizin 1983; 22(06): 306-308
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1624149
Originalarbeiten - Original Articles
Schattauer GmbH

51Cr-Bleomycin in the Diagnosis of Ocular Melanoma[*]

51Cr-Bleomycin in der Diagnose des okulären Melanoms
J. Liniecki
1   From the Department of Nuclear Medicine, Med. School (Head: Prof. J. Liniecki), Lodz, Poland
2   From the Dept, of Ophtamology, Military Med. School (Head: Prof. Z. Krawczykowa), Lodz, Poland
T. Pertynski
1   From the Department of Nuclear Medicine, Med. School (Head: Prof. J. Liniecki), Lodz, Poland
2   From the Dept, of Ophtamology, Military Med. School (Head: Prof. Z. Krawczykowa), Lodz, Poland
Z. Krawczykowa
1   From the Department of Nuclear Medicine, Med. School (Head: Prof. J. Liniecki), Lodz, Poland
2   From the Dept, of Ophtamology, Military Med. School (Head: Prof. Z. Krawczykowa), Lodz, Poland
J. Stepien
1   From the Department of Nuclear Medicine, Med. School (Head: Prof. J. Liniecki), Lodz, Poland
2   From the Dept, of Ophtamology, Military Med. School (Head: Prof. Z. Krawczykowa), Lodz, Poland
K. Durski
1   From the Department of Nuclear Medicine, Med. School (Head: Prof. J. Liniecki), Lodz, Poland
2   From the Dept, of Ophtamology, Military Med. School (Head: Prof. Z. Krawczykowa), Lodz, Poland
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