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Nuklearmedizin 1971; 10(03): 266-275
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1624752
Originalarbeiten — Original Articles — Travaux Originaux
Schattauer GmbH

Sr-85 Profile Counting and Scanning in Early Diagnosis of Bone Metastases

Strontium-85 Profilzählung und Szintigraphie in der Frühdiagnose von KnochenmetastasenComptage en profil du 85Sr et scintigraphic dans le diagnostic précoce des métastases osseuses
Penti J. Taskinen
1   Radiotherapy Clinic, University of Oulu (Finland) and Department of Radiotherapy, Central Hospital of Etelä-Saimaa, Lappeenranta (Finland)
Soini Vähätalo
1   Radiotherapy Clinic, University of Oulu (Finland) and Department of Radiotherapy, Central Hospital of Etelä-Saimaa, Lappeenranta (Finland)
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