Thieme E-Books & E-Journals -
Nervenheilkunde 2017; 36(08): 591-598
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1627504
Kulturelle Kompetenz
Schattauer GmbH

Cultural formulation of diagnosis: state of the art

Literature review of a culturally-sensitive toolKulturformulierung der Diagnose: aktueller Stand
H. Rohlof
1   Transparant Mental Health Care, Leiden, The Netherlands
S. Groen
2   De Evenaar, North Netherlands Centre for Transcultural Psychiatry, GGZ Drenthe Mental Health Care, Beilen, The Netherlands
R. van Dijk
3   Parnassia Psychiatric Institute/Parnassia Academy, The Hague, The Netherlands
J. Knipscheer
4   University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
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