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Methods Inf Med 1996; 35(04/05): 285-301
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1634681
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1634681
Original Article
Natural Language Processing in Medicine: An Overview
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Publication Date:
20 February 2018 (online)

An overview is given of natural language processing applications in medicine. An attempt has been made to enumerate the most important and known international projects and to summarize their goals, principles, methods and results. A section is devoted to projects involving the Dutch language. A more general discussion about the two fundamental approaches concerning medical language understanding is provided. An extensive bibliography may be useful for those wishing to explore this research domain.
- 1 McCray AT, Safran C, Chute C, Scherrer JR. eds. Natural Language and Medical Concept Representation. Meth Inform Med. 1995 34. 1/2 (special issue).
- 2 Scherrer JR, Coté R, Mandil S. eds. Computerized Natural Medical Language Processing for Knowledge Engineering. Amsterdam: North Holland Publ Comp; 1989
- 3 Van Ginneken AM. Electronic Health Record (Synopsis). In: Van Bemmel JH, McCray AT. eds. Yearbook of Medical Informatics 1994. Stuttgart: Schattauer Verlag; 1994: 173-5.
- 4 Scherrer JR, Revillard C, Borst F, Berthoud M, Lovis C. Medical office automation integrated into the distributed architecture of a hospital information system. Meth Inform Med 1994; 33: 174-9.
- 5 Baud R, Rassinoux AM, Scherrer JR. Natural Language Processing and Medical Records. In: Lun K, Degoulet P, Pierre T, Rienhoff O. eds. MEDINFO 92. Amsterdam: North Holland Publ Comp; 1992: 1362-7.
- 6 Rassinoux AM, Michel PA, Juge C, Baud R, Scherrer JR. Natural Language Processing of Medical Texts within the HELIOS Environment. Comput Meth Prog Bio 1994; 45: 79-96.
- 7 Sager N, Lyman M, Nhan NT, Tick L. Medical Language Processing: Applications to Patient Data Representation and Automatic Encoding. Meth Inform Med 1995; 34: 140-6.
- 8 Do Amaral M, Satomura Y. Associating Semantic Grammars with the SNOMED: Processing Medical Language and Representing Clinical Facts into a Language-Independent Frame. In: Greenes R, Peterson H, Protti D. eds. MEDINFO 95. Edmonton: Healthcare Computing & Communications; 1995: 18-22.
- 9 McCray AT, Nelson S. The Representation of Meaning in the UMLS. Meth Inform Med 1995; 34: 193-201.
- 10 Pietrzyck P. A Medical Text Analysis System for German Syntax Analysis. Meth Inform Med 1991; 30: 275-283.
- 11 Rector AL, Solomon WD, Nowlan WA. et al. A Terminology Server for Medical Language and Medical Information Systems. Meth Inform Meth 1995; 34: 147-57.
- 12 Sager N, Friedman C, Lyman M. Medical Language Processing: Computer Management of Narrative Data. Reading, Massachussets: 1987
- 13 Zweigenbaum P. et al. MENELAS, an access system for medical records using natural language. Comput Meth Prog Bio 1994; 45: 117-20.
- 14 Bernauer J. Conceptual Graphs as an Operational Model for Descriptive Findings. In: Frisse ME. ed. SCAMC 92. New York: McGraw Hill, Inc.; 1992: 214-8.
- 15 Li PY, Evens M, Hier D. Generating Medical Case Reports with the Linguistic String Parser. In: AAAI 86 1986; 1069-73.
- 16 Wagner J, Solomon W, Michel PA. et al. Multilingual Natural Language Generation as Part of a Medical Terminology Server. In: Greenes R, Peterson H, Protti D. eds. MEDINFO 95. Edmonton: Healthcare Computing & Communications; 1995: 100-4.
- 17 Moore G, Hutchins G, Boitnoit J, Miller R, Polacsek R. Word Root Translation of 45,564 Autopsy Reports into MeSH Titles. In: Stead WW. ed. SCAMC 87. Los Angeles: IEEE Computer Society Press; 1987: 128-32.
- 18 Schröder M. Supporting Speech Processing by Expectations: A conceptual Model of Radiological Reports to Guide the Selection of Word Hypotheses. In: Görz G. ed. KONVENS 92. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 1992: 119-28.
- 19 Humphreys B, Lindberg D. The Unified Medical Language System Project: a distributed experiment in improving access to biomedical information. In: Lun K, Degoulet P, Pierre T, Rienhoff O. eds. MEDINFO 92. Amsterdam: North Holland Publ Comp; 1992: 1496-500.
- 20 Friedman C, Huff S, Hersh W, Pattison-Gordon E, Cimino J. The Canon Group’s Effort: Working Toward a Merged Model. J Am Informatics Assoc 1995; 2: 4-18.
- 21 Rossi Mori A. Cooperative Development of a shared Ontology for Medicine. In: CEN/TC251/WG2 Geneva: 1994
- 22 White W, Barkman B, Bemier-Bonneville L, Cousineau L. A Method for Automatic Coding of Medical Information. Meth Inform Med 1977; 16: 1-10.
- 23 Zingmond D, Lenert L. Monitoring freetext data using medical language processing. Comput Biomed Res 1993; 26: 467-81.
- 24 Hersh W, Leone T. The SAPHIRE Server: A New Algorithm and Implementation. In: Reed M, Gardner M. eds. SCAMC 95. Philadelphia: Harley & Belfus Inc.; 1995: 858-62.
- 25 Hersh W, Hickham D. Information Retrieval in Medicine: the SAPHIRE experience. In: Greenes R, Peterson H, Protti D. eds. MEDINFO 95. Edmonton: Healthcare Computing & Communications; 1995: 1132-7.
- 26 Evans D, Rothwell D, Monarch I, Lefferts R, Côté R. Towards Representations for Medical Concepts. Med Decis Making 1991; ll (supplement): S102-S8.
- 27 Evans D, Hersh W, Monarch I, Lefferts R, Handerson S. Automatic Indexing of Abstracts via Natural-language Processing Using a Simple Thesaurus. Med Decis Making 1991; 11 (supplement): S108-S15.
- 28 Evans D. The Language of Medicine and the Meaning of Information. In: Evans D, Patel V. eds. Advanced Models of Cognition for Medical Training and Practice. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 1992
- 29 Morris Ch.W.. Writings of the General Theory of Signs. The Hague: Mouton; 1971
- 30 Wolff S. The use of morphosemantic regularities in the medical vocabulary for automatic lexical coding. Meth Inform Med 1984; 23: 195-203.
- 31 Rassinoux AM, Wagner J, Lovis Ch, Baud R, Rector A, Scherrer JR. Analysis of Medical Texts Based on a Sound Medical Model. In: Reed M, Gardner M. eds. SCAMC 95. Philadelphia: Harley & Belfus Inc.; 1995: 27-31.
- 32 Wingert F. Morphologic Analysis of Compound Words. Meth Inform Med 1985; 24: 155-62.
- 33 Dujols P, Aubas P, Baylon C, Grémy F. Morphosemantic Analysis and Translation of Medical Compound Terms. Meth Inform Med 1991; 30: 30-5.
- 34 Rossi Mori A, Thornton A, Gangemi A. An Entity-Relationship Model for a European Machine-Dictionary of Medicine. In: SCAMC 90. SCAMC Inc.; 1990: 185-9.
- 35 Nijholt A. Computers and Languages, Theory and Practice (Studies in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence 4). Amsterdam: North Holland Publ Comp; 1988
- 36 Grishman R, Kittredge R. Analyzing Language in Restricted Domains: Sublanguage Description and Processing. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; 1986
- 37 Kittredge R, Lehrberger J. Sublanguage. Berlin: De Gruyter; 1982
- 38 Chi E, Lyman M, Sager N, Friedman C, Macleod CA. Database of Computer-structured Narrative: Methods of computing complex relations. In: SCAMC 85. IEEE; 1985: 221-6.
- 39 Grishman R, Sager N, Raze C, Bookchin B. The Linguistic String Parser. In: National Computer Conference. AFIPS Press; 1973: 427-34.
- 40 Hirschman L, Grishman R, Sager N. From text to structured information – Automatic processing of medical reports. In: National Computer Conference. AFIPS Press; 1976: 267-75.
- 41 Sager N. The String Parser for Scientific Literature. In: Rustin R. ed. Natural Language Processing. New York: Algorithmics Press Inc.; 1973: 61-87.
- 42 Sager N. Natural Language Information Processing: a computer grammar of English and its applications. Reading MA: Addison-Wesley; 1981
- 43 Sager N, Friedman C, Chi E. et al. The Analysis and Processing of Clinical Narrative. In: Salamon R, Blum B, Jørgensen M. eds. MEDINFO 86. Amsterdam: North Holland Publ Comp; 1986 Elsevier 1986: 1101-5.
- 44 Lyman M, Sager N, Friedman C, Chi E. Computer-structured Narrative in Ambulatory Care: Its Use in Longitudinal Review of Clinical Data. In: SCAMC 85. IEEE; 1985: 82-6.
- 45 Oliver N. A sublanguage based medical language processing system for German. New York: Dept. of Computer Science, New York University; 1992. [unpublished Ph.D. thesis].
- 46 Grishman R. Implementation of the String Parser of English. In: Rustin R. ed. Natural Language Processing. New York: Algorithmics Press Inc.; 1973: 89-109.
- 47 Lyman M, Sager N, Chi E, Tick L, Nhàn NT, Su Y, Borst F, Scherrer JR. Medical Language Processing for Knowledge Representation and Retrieval. In: SCAMC 89. SCAMC Inc.; 1989: 548-53.
- 48 Nhàn NT, Sager N, Lyman M, Tick L, Borst F, Su Y. A Medical Language Processor for Two Indo-European Languages. In: SCAMC 89. SCAMC Inc.; 1989: 554-8.
- 49 Sager N, Lyman M, Tick L, Borst F, Nhàn NT, Revillard C, Su Y, Scherrer JR. Adapting a Medical Language Processor from English to French. In: MEDINFO 89 1989; 795-9.
- 50 Sager N, Nhàn NT, Lyman M, Tick L. Computer Analysis of Clinical Narrative: why, how, what, when. In: BIRA 95. Gent: 1995: 22-53.
- 51 Hirschman L, Grishman R, Sager N. Grammatically-Based Automatic Word Class Formation. Inform Process Manag 1975; 39-57.
- 52 Marsh E, Sager N. Analysis and Processing of Compact Text. In: Horecký J. ed. Proceedings of COLING 82. Amsterdam: North Holland Publ Comp; 1982: 201-6.
- 53 Sager N. A Two-Stage BNF Specification of Natural Language. J Cybernetics 1972; 39-50.
- 54 Sager N. Syntactic formatting of science information. Fall Joint Computer Conference 1972; 791-800.
- 55 Zweigenbaum P, Bachimont B, Bouaud B, Cavazza M, Doré L. HELENE: Compréhension de comptes rendus d’hospitalisation. In: Degoulet P. et al, eds. Informatique et Santé. vol 1: Informatique et Gestion des Unités de Soins; 1989: 257-68.
- 56 Hirschman L, Palmer M, Dowding J, Dahl D. et al. The Pundit NLP System. In: AI systems in Government Conference 1989. IEEE Computer Society Press; 1989
- 57 Hirschman L, Puder K. Restriction Grammar: a Prolog Implementation. In: van Caneghem M, Warren D. eds. Logic Programming and its Applications. Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Corporation; 1985: 244-61.
- 58 Borst F, Lyman M, Nhan NT, Tick L, Sager N, Schener JR. Textinfo: A Tool for Automatic Determination of Patient Clinical Profiles Using Text Analysis. In: SCAMC 91. McGraw-Hill; 1991: 63-7.
- 59 Sager N, Lyman M, Nhàn NT, Tick L, Borst F, Schener JR. Clinical knowledge bases from natural language patient documents. In: Lun K, Degoulet P, Piene T, Rienhoff O. eds. MEDINFO 92. Amsterdam: North Holland Publ Comp; 1992: 1374-81.
- 60 McCray AT, Sponsler J, Brylawski B, Browne A. The Role of Lexical Knowledge in Biomedical Text Understanding. In: SCAMC 87. IEEE Computer Society Press; 1987: 103-7.
- 61 McCray AT. Natural language processing for intelligent information retrieval. In: Nagel J, Smith W. eds. IEEE 1991. Orlando: 1991: 1160-1.
- 62 McCray AT. Extending a Natural Language Parser with UMLS knowledge. In: Clayton P. ed. SCAMC 91. McGraw Hill; 1991: 194-8.
- 63 McCray AT, Srinivasan S, Browne A. Lexical Methods for Managing Variation in Biomedical Terminologies. In: SCAMC 94 1994; 235-9.
- 64 McCray AT, Razi A. The UMLS Knowledge Source Server. In: Greenes R, Peterson H, Protti D. eds. MEDINFO 95. Edmonton: Healthcare Computing & Communications; 1995: 144-7.
- 65 UMLS Knowledge Sources 6th Experimental Edition. National Library of Health; 1995
- 66 McCray AT, Srinivasan S. Automated Access to a Large Medical Dictionary: Online Assistance for Research and Application in NLP. Comput Biomed Res 1990; 23: 179-98.
- 67 Rindflesch T, Aronson A. Semantic Processing in Information Retrieval. In: Safran Ch. ed. SCAMC 93. McGraw Hill; 1993: 611-5.
- 68 McCray AT. Inferencing in Information Retrieval. In: DARPA 92 1992; 218-23.
- 69 Baud R, Rassinoux AM, Scherrer JR. Natural Language Processing and Semantical Representation of Medical Texts. Meth Inform Med 1992; 31: 117-25.
- 70 Borst F, Wehrli E, Scherrer JR. MEDIAL, a Natural Language Processing System for Medical Records. In: Roger F, Willems JL, O’Moore R, Barber B. eds. MIE 84. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 1984: 128-33.
- 71 Borst F, Sager N, Nhàn NT. et al. Analyse automatique de comptes rendus d’hospitalisation. In: Degoulet P. et al, eds. Informatique et Santé, vol. 1: Informatique et Gestion des Unités de Soins. France: Springer Verlag; 1989. vol. 1 246-56.
- 72 Baud R, Rassinoux AM, Scherrer JR. Knowledge Representation of Discharge Summaries. In: Stefanelli M, Hasman A, Fieschi M, Talmon J. eds. AIME 91. Springer-Verlag; 1991: 173-82.
- 73 Baud R, Alpay L, Lovis C. Let’s Meet the Users with Natural Language Understanding. In: Barahona P, Christensen JP. eds. Knowledge and Decisions in Health Telematics. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 1994: 103-8.
- 74 Rassinoux AM, Baud R, Scherrer JR. Conceptual graphs model extension for knowledge representation of medical texts. In: Lun K, Degoulet P, Pierre T, Rienhoff O. eds. MEDINFO 92. Amsterdam: North Holland Publ Comp; 1992: 1368-74.
- 75 Morel-Guillemaz AM, [Rassinoux] Baud R, Scherrer JR. Proximity Processing of Medical Text. In: O’Moore R, Bengtsson S, Bryant J, Bryden J. eds. MIE 90. Springer-Verlag; 1990: 625-30.
- 76 Rassinoux AM, Juge C, Michel PA. eds. Analysis of Medical Jargon: the RECIT system. In: Barabhona P, Stefanelli M, Wyatt J. eds. AIME 95. Springer-Verlag; 1995: 42-52.
- 77 Wagner J, Baud R, Scherrer JR. Using the Conceptual Graph Operations for Natural Language Generation in Medicine. In: ICCS95. 1995
- 78 Rassinoux AM. Extraction et Représentation de la Connaissance tirée des Textes Médicaux. Département d’informatique, Université de Genève; 1994. [unpublished Ph.D. thesis].
- 79 Sowa J. Conceptual Structures: Information Processing in Mind and Machine. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley; 1984
- 80 Sowa J. Principles of Semantic Networks. San Mateo: Morgan Kaufmann; 1991
- 81 Sowa J. Conceptual Analysis for Knowledge Base Design. Meth Inform Med 1995; 1 2: 165-71.
- 82 Pietrzyck P. Free text analysis. Int Journal Biomed Comput 1995; 39: 139-44.
- 83 Baud R, Lovis C, Alpay L. Modelling for Natural Language Understanding. In: Safran Ch. ed. SCAMC 93. New York: McGraw Hill; 1993: 289-93.
- 84 Rector A. Coordinating Taxonomies: Key to Re-usable Concept Representations. In: AIME 95. Springer Verlag; 1995: 17-28.
- 85 Wagner J, Baud R, Scherrer JR. Generating Noun Phrases from a Medical Knowledge Representation. In: Barahona P, Veloso M, Bryant T. eds. MIE 94. Lisbon: 1994: 218-23.
- 86 Lovis C, Michel PA, Baud R, Scherrer JR. Word Segmentation Processing: A way to Exponentially Extend Medical Dictionaries. In: Greenes R, Peterson H, Protti D. eds. MEDINFO 95. Edmonton: Healthcare Computing & Communications; 1995: 28-32.
- 87 Friedman C, Cimino J, Johnson S. A Conceptual Model for Clinical Radiology Reports. In: SCAMC 93. New York: McGraw Hill; 1993: 829-33.
- 88 Friedman C, Johnson S, Forman B, Starren J. Architectural Requirements for a Multipurpose Natural Language Processor in the Clinical Environment. In: Reed M, Gardner M. eds. SCAMC 95. Philadelphia: Harley & Belfus Inc.; 1995: 347-51.
- 89 Friedman C, Alderson P, Austin J, Cimino J, Johnson S. A General Natural-language Text Processor for Clinical Radiology. J Am Med Informatics Assoc 1994; 1: 161-74.
- 90 Cimino J, Clayton P, Hripcsak G, Johnson S. Knowledge based approaches to the maintenance of a large controlled medical terminology. J Am Med Informatics Assoc 1994; 1: 35-40.
- 91 Hripcsak G, Friedman C, Alderson P. et al. Unlocking Clinical Data from Narrative Reports: A Study of Natural Language Processing. Ann Intern Med 1995; 9: 681-8.
- 92 Johnson S, Aguirre A, Peng P, Cimino J. Interpreting Natural Language Queries using the UMLS. In: SCAMC 93. New York: McGraw Hill; 1993: 294-8.
- 93 Haug P, Koehler S, Lau ML, Wang P, Rocha R, Huff S. Experience with a Mixed Semantic/Syntactic Parser. In: Reed M, Gardner M. eds. SCAMC 95. Philadelphia: Harley & Belfus Inc.; 1995: 284-8.
- 94 Haug P, Ranum D, Frederick P. Computerized Extraction of Coded Findings from Free-Text Radiologic Reports. Radiology 1990; 174: 543-8.
- 95 Ranum D. Knowledge-based understanding of radiology text. Comput Meth Prog Bio 1989; 30: 209-15.
- 96 Zweigenbaum P, Cavazza M. Deep sentence understanding in a restricted domain. In: COLING 90. Helsinki: 1990: 82-4.
- 97 Zweigenbaum P, Cavazza M, Doré L, Bouaud J, Sedlock D. Natural Language Processing of Patient Discharge Summaries (NLPAD) – Extraction Prototype. In: Nothoven van Goor J, Christensen JP. eds. AIM 92. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 1992: 215-22.
- 98 Zweigenbaum P, Bachimont B, Bouaud J, Charlet J, Boisvieux JF. Issues in the Structuration and Acquisition of an Ontology for Medical Language Understanding. Meth Inform Med 1995; 1 2: 15-24.
- 99 Zweigenbaum P. et al. MENELAS, The Final Report. Menelas Deliverable #17. Paris: 1995
- 100 Zweigenbaum P. et al. MENELAS, Coding and Information Retrieval from Natural Language Patient Discharge Summaries. In: Laires M, Ladeira M, Christensen J. eds. Health in the New Communication Age. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 1995: 82-9.
- 101 Zweigenbaum P, Cavazza M. Extracting Implicit Information from Free Text Technical Reports. Information Processing and Management. 1992
- 102 Volot F, Zweigenbaum P, Bachimont BS. et al. Structuration and Acquisition of Medical Knowledge (using UMLS in the Conceptual Graph Formalism). In: SCAMC 93. New York: McGraw Hill; 1993: 710-4.
- 103 Bouaud J, Zweigenbaum P. A reconstruction of conceptual graphs on top of a production system. In: 7th Annual Workshop on Conceptual Graphs. Las Cruces: 1992
- 104 Bouaud J. TREE: the Heuristic Join Strategy of a RETE-like Matcher. In: IJCAI93. Chambéry: IJCAI; 1993: 496-502.
- 105 Bouaud J. Un système de production à base de graphes conceptuels: application dans un système de compréhension de textes. In: Actes de la Journée PRC-GDR IA Graphes Conceptuels 94. Marseille: LIRMM; 1994
- 106 Zweigenbaum P. et al. MENELAS Linguistic and Conceptual Knowledge Version 1, Menelas Deliverable #9. Paris: 1993
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- 116 Bouaud J, Bachimont B, Charlet J, Zweigenbaum P. Acquisition and structuring of an ontology within conceptual graphs. In: ICCS94 Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition using Conceptual Graph Theory 1994; 1-25.
- 117 Bouaud J, Bachimont B, Charlet J, Zweigenbaum P. Methodological principles for structuring an “ontology”. IJCAI95 Workshop on “Basic Ontological Issues in Knowledge Sharing”.
- 118 Zweigenbaum P, Bachimont B, Bouaud J, Charlet J, Boisvieux JF. A Multi-lingual Architecture for Building a Normalised Conceptual Representation from Medical Language. In: Reed M, Gardner M. eds. SCAMC 95. Philadelphia: Harley & Belfus Inc.; 1995: 357-61.
- 119 Cavazza M, Doré L, Zweigenbaum P. Model-based Natural Understanding in Medicine. In: MEDINFO 92. Amsterdam: North Holland Publ Comp; 1992: 1356-61.
- 120 Doré L, Cavazza M, Zweigenbaum P, Boisvieux JF. Analyse Pragmatique pour la compréhension de comptes rendus d’hospitalisation. In: Degoulet P. et al., eds. Informatique et Santé, vol. 5: Nouvelles Méthodes de Traitement de l’Information Médicale. France: Springer Verlag; 1992. Vol. 5 139-52.
- 121 Bouaud J, Bachimont B, Zweigenbaum P. Processing Metonymy: a Domain-Model Heuristic Graph Traversal Approach. In: COLING 96. (in press).
- 122 Ledoray V, Pellegrin L, Guisano B, Roux M. Système de compréhension de comptes rendus médico-techniques: architecture, connaissances nécessaires et résultats. In: Degoulet P. et al., eds. Informatique et Santé. France: Springer Verlag; 1992: 111-25.
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- 126 Smart J, Roux M. A model for representing medical knowledge: application to the analysis of medical reports written in natural language. In: AIME 95. Springer Verlag; 1995
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- 156 Spyns P, Zweigenbaum P, Willems JL. Representation and Extraction of Information from Patient Discharge Summaries by means of Natural Langage Processing. In: Ten Hoopen A, Hofdijk W, Beckers W. eds. MIC 92. Rotterdam: Publicon Publishing; 1992: 309-16 [in Dutch].
- 157 Spyns P, Dehaspe L, Willems JL. The Meneias Syntactic Analysis Component for Dutch. Menelas Delivrable #6. Leuven: 1993
- 158 Spyns P. A Tagger/Lemmatizer for Dutch medical language. Technical report 94-002. K.U. Leuven, Dept, of Medical Informatics; Leuven: 1994
- 159 Spyns P. A robust Category Guesser for Dutch Medical Language. In: 4th Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing. ACL, Morgan Kaufmann; 1994: 150-5.
- 160 Spyns P, De Wachter L. Morphological Analysis of Dutch Medical Compounds and Derivations. ITL Review of Applied Linguistics 1995; 109 10: 19-35.
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- 167 Ceusters W. The generation of multi-lingual specialised lexicons by using augmented lemmatizer-taggers. Delivrable report MultiTALE #1. Gent: 1994
- 168 Paulussen H, Martin W. Dilemma-2: a Lemmatizer-Tagger for medical abstracts. In: 3th Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing. Trento: ACL; 1992: 141-6.
- 169 De Moor G. Standardisation in Health Care Informatics and Telematics in Europe: CEN TC 251 Activities. In: De Moor G. et al., eds. Progress in Standardisation in Health Care Informatics. Amsterdam: 1993: 1-13.
- 170 Ceusters W, Deville G, De Moor G. Automated extraction of neurosurgical procedure expressions from full text reports: the Multi-TALE experience. In: MIE 96. 1996 (in press).
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- 173 Mousel P, Thienpont G. Integrating Natural Language Technology in Medical Information Systems: The Anthem Approach. In: BIRA 95. Gent: 1995: 82-90.
- 174 Deville G, Herbigniaux E. Natural Language Modeling in a Machine Translation Prototype for Healthcare Applications: a Sublanguage Approach. In: Proceedings TMI95. Leuven: 1995: 142-57.
- 175 Ceusters W, Deville G. A Multi-Dimensional View on Natural Language Modelling in Medicine: Identifying Key-features for successful Applications. Meth Inform Med. 1995 1. 2 (supplementary paper).
- 176 Deville G. When linguistics meets medical knowledge engineering: an interdisciplinary approach to Machine Translation in Healthcare. In: BIRA 95. Gent: 1995: 54-81.
- 177 Ceusters W, Deville G, Devlies J, Gérardy C, Mousel P, Streiter O, Penson D. The ANTHEM Project: when machine translation meets automatic encoding. In: Language Engineering Convention. Paris, France: 1994: 25-32.
- 178 Bouaud J, Séroussi B. An experiment towards a Document-Centered Hypertextual Computerised Patient Record. In: MIE 96. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 1996. (in press).
- 179 Spyns P, Ceusters W. Document Management in Health Care: Presentation of the DOME project. In: van der Lei J, Beckers WPA. eds. AMICE 95. Rotterdam: VMBI/TMI; 1995: 359-68.
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- 183 Ceusters W, Deville G, Buekens F. The Chimera of Purpose and Language Independent Concept System in Health Care. In: Barahona P, Veloso M, Bryant T. eds. MIE 94. Lisbon: 1994: 208-12.
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- 189 Degoulet P. et al, eds. Informatique et Santé, vol. 7: Informatisation de l’Unité de Soins du Futur. France: Springer Verlag; 1994
- 190 De Moor G. et al, eds. Progress in Standardisation in Health Care Informatics. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 1993
- 191 Greenes R, Peterson H, Protti D. eds. MEDINFO 95. Alberta: HC & CC; 1995
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