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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1634833
Combining Physiologic Models and Symbolic Methods to Interpret Time-Varying Patient Data*
This work was supported in part by grants NLM T15 LM07047 and LM04136 from the National Library of Medicine and the SUMEX Computer Resource, RR-00785, from the Division of Research Resources. We thank all the members of the ONCOCIN project, especially David Combs, Christopher Lane, Mark Musen, Janice Rohn, Samson Tu, and Cliff Wulfman, for making this project possible.Publication History
Publication Date:
08 February 2018 (online)
This paper describes a methodology for representing and using medical knowledge about temporal relationships to infer the presence of clinical events that evolve over time. The methodology consists of three steps: (1) the incorporation of patient observations into a generic physiologic model, (2) the conversion of model states and predictions into domain-specific temporal abstractions, and (3) the transformation of temporal abstractions into clinically meaningful descriptive text. The first step converts raw observations to underlying model concepts, the second step identifies temporal features of the fitted model that have clinical interest, and the third step replaces features represented by model parameters and predictions into concepts expressed in clinical language. We describe a program, called TOPAZ, that uses this three-step methodology. TOPAZ generates a narrative summary of the temporal events found in the electronic medical record of patients receiving cancer chemotherapy. A unique feature of TOPAZ is its use of numeric and symbolic techniques to perform different temporal reasoning tasks. Time is represented both as a continuous process and as a set of temporal intervals. These two temporal models differ in the temporal ontology they assume and in the temporal concepts they encode. Without multiple temporal models, this diversity of temporal knowledge could not be represented.
Symbolic Data Interpretation - Physiological Models and Simulation - Computer-Based Problem Solving - Temporal Reasoning and Representation* Portions of this paper appeared in the Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, IEEE Computer Society Press, November 1989.
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