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Methods Inf Med 1971; 10(01): 55-60
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1636023
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1636023
Original Article
Bibliography about Studies on Medical Diffusion
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Publication Date:
10 February 2018 (online)

- 1 Adelson R, Bernstein A. A Computer Simulation Model of Community Referendum. Publ. Opin. Quart 27: 93-123 1963;
- 2 Agaruala S. N. A Family Planning Survey in Four Delhi Villages. Pop. Studies 15: 110-120 1961;
- 3 Agnew P. C, Hsu F. L. K. Introducing Change in a Mental Hospital. Hum. Organ 19: 195-198 1960;
- 4 Ahmed M, Ahmed F. Male Attitudes toward Family Limitation in East Pakistan. Eugen. Quart 12: 209-226 1965;
- 5 Anand A. A Study of Selected Value-Orientations of Rural Women as Related to the Adoption of Recommended Health Practices. M.S. Thesis: University of Delhi; 1966
- 6 Back K. W. The Change-Prone Person in Puerto Rico. Publ. Opin. Quart 22: 330-340 1958;
- 7 Badenhorst L. T. Family Limitation and Methods of Contraception in an Urban Population; Pop. Studies 16: 286-301 1962;
- 8 Balfour M. C. Family Planning in Asia. Pop. Studies 15: 102-109 1961;
- 9 Basu R. N. Experiences with a Poorly Effective Oral Contraceptive in an Indian Village. Demography 01: 106-110 1964;
- 10 Bauer R. A. Risk Handling in Drug Adoption: The Role of Company Preference. Publ. Opin. Quart 25: 546-559 1961;
- 11 Bauer R. A. The Social Cost and Benefits of Promotion: The Case of Ethical Pharmaceuticals. Arthur D. Little, Inc; Cambridge/Mass: 1962
- 12 Bauer R. A, Wortzel L. H. Doctor’s Choice: The Physician and His Source of Information About Drugs. J. Mktg. Res 03: 40-47 1966;
- 13 Beal G. M, Klonglan G. E, Bohlen J. M. Adoption of an Abstract Idea: Psychological Adoption of Public Fallout Shelters. Paper presented at the Rural Sociological Society Meetings, Miami 1966
- 14 Beasley J, Harter C. L, McCalister D. V. Aspects of Family Planning Among Low Income, High Risk Mothers. In Sobreno A, Lewit S. (Eds.) Advances in Planned Parenthood. Vol. III 197-204 Excerpta Medica Foundation, International Congress Series; No. 138 Amsterdam: 1963
- 15 Becker M. H. Sociometric Location and Innovativeness. Amer. soc. Rev 35: 267-282 1970;
- 16 Behrman S. J, Corsa L, Freedman R. Fertility and Family Planning. University of Michigan Press; Ann Arbor: 1969
- 17 Belcher J. C. Acceptance of the Salk Polio Vaccine. Rural Sociol 23: 158-170 1958;
- 18 Belci-ier J. C, Hay D. G. Use of Health Care Services and Enrollment in Voluntary Health Insurance in Hancock County, Georgia, 1956. Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin; No. 72 Athens: 1959
- 19 Belci-ier J. C, Hay D. G. Use of Health Care Services and Enrollment in Voluntary Health Insurance in Habersham County, Georgia, 1957. Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin; No. 73 Athens: 1960
- 20 Ben-David J. Roles and Innovations in Medicine. Amer. J. Sociol 65: 557-568 1960;
- 21 Berelson B. National Family Planning Program: A Guide. Studies in Fam. Plann 05: 1-12 1964;
- 22 Berelson B. On Family Planning Communication. Demography 01: 94-105 1964;
- 23 Berelson B. Turkey: National Survey on Population. Studies in Fam. Plann 05: 1-5 1964;
- 24 Berelson B. Family Planning Programs in Taiwan. In Murumatsu M. (Ed.) Population Dynamics. 87-97 Johns Hopkins Press; New York: 1965
- 25 Berelson B. KAP Studies on Fertility. In Berelson B. (Ed.) Family Planning and Population Programs. 655-668 University of Chicago Press; Chicago: 1966
- 26 Berelson B, Freedman R. A Study in Fertility Control. Sei. Amer 210: 29-37 1964;
- 27 Berelson B. (Ed.) Family Planning and Population Programs. University of Chicago Press; Chicago: 1966
- 28 Bhatia B. A Study in Family Planning Communication — Direct Mailing. Demography 03: 343-351 1966;
- 29 Blake J. Family Structure in Jamaica. Free Press; New York: 1961
- 30 Bogue D. J. (Ed.) The Rural South Fertility Experiments. University of Chicago, Community and Family Study Center; Chicago: 1966
- 31 Bogue D. J. (Ed.) Sociological Contributions to Family Planning Research. University of Chicago, Community and Family Study Center; Chicago: 1967
- 32 Borman L. D. The Marginal Route of a Mental Hospital Innovation. Paper presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology, Lexington/Kentucky 1965
- 33 Brim O. The Acceptance of New Behavior in Child-Rearing. Hum. Relat 07: 473-492 1954;
- 34 Bylund H. B. Social and Psychological Factors Associated with Acceptance of New Food Products. Pennsylvania Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 708; University Park: 1963
- 35 Caplow T. Market Attitudes: A Research Report from the Medical Field. Harvard Bus. Rev 30: 105-112 1952;
- 36 Caplow T, Raymond J. J. Factors Influencing the Selection of Pharmaceutical Products. J. Mktg 19: 18-23 1954;
- 37 Carroll J. A Note on Departmental Autonomy and Innovation in Medical Schools. J. Bus 40: 531-534 1967;
- 38 Carstairs G. M. Medicine and Faith in Rural Pakistan. In Paul B. D. (Ed.) Health, Culture and Community. 107-134 Russell Sage Foundation; New York: 1955
- 39 Cassel J. Comprehensive Health Program Among South African Zulus. In Paul B. D. (Ed.) Health. Culture and Community. 15-41 Russell Sage Foundation; New York: 1955
- 40 Cassel J. Social and Cultural Considerations in Health Innovations. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sei 107: 739-747 1963;
- 41 Centro Latinoamericano de Demografia. La Fecundidad Rural en Latinoamerica: Una Encuesta Experimental para Medir Actitudes, Conocimiento y Comportamiento. Demography 02: 97-114 1965;
- 42 Chattopadhyay S. N. A Study of Some Psychological Correlates of Adoption of Innovation in Farming. Ph. D. Dissertation, Indian Agricultural Research Institute; New Delhi: 1963
- 43 Chattopadhyay S. N, Pareek U. Prediction of MultiPractice Adoption Behavior from Some Psychological Variables. Rural Sociol 32: 324-333 1967;
- 44 Ci-iawdhari T P. S. (Ed.) Selected Readings on Community Development. National Institute of Community Development; Hyderabad: 1967
- 45 Clark O T. A, Abell H. C. The Relevancy of Certain Social and Psychological Variables as Related to the Adoption of Recommended Farming Practices Among Dutch Dairy Farmers. University of Guelph, Agricultural Extension Education Report 12; Guelph/Ontario: 1966
- 46 Coe R. M, Barnhill E. A. Social Dimensions of Failure in Innovation. Hum. Organ 26: 149-156 1967;
- 47 Coleman J. S, Katz E, Menzel H. Social Processes in the Diffusion of a Medical Innovation Among Physicians. Paper presented at the American Sociological Society Meetings, Detroit 1956
- 48 Coleman J. S, Katz E, Menzel H. The Diffusion of an Innovation Among Physicians. Sociometry 20: 253-270 1957;
- 49 Coleman J. S, Katz E, Menzel H. Medical Innovation: A Diffusion Study. Bobbs-Merrill; New York: 1966
- 50 Coleman J. S, Menzel H, Katz E. Social Processes in Physicians’ Adoption of a New Drug. J. chron. Dis 09: 1-19 1959;
- 51 Committee on Food Habits. The Problem of Changing Food Habits. National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences; Washington, D. C: 1963
- 52 Connell E. B. Organization and Experience in a Family Planning Clinic. In Sobreno A, Lewit S. (Eds.) Advances in Planned Parenthood. Vol. III 205-212 Excerpta Medica Foundation, International Congress Series; No. 138 Amsterdam: 1967
- 53 Cowper L. T, Rios J. S, Guerrero F. L. Village Sanitation Campaigns on Guam. S. Pacif. Bull 08: 63-65 1958;
- 54 Crain R. L. Inter-City Influence in the Diffusion of Fluoridation. Ph. D. Dissertation; University of Chicago: 1962
- 55 Crain R. L. Fluoridation: The Diffusion of an Innovation Among Cities. Soc. Forces 44: 467-476 1966;
- 56 Crain R. L, Rosenthal D. B. Structure and Values in Local Political Systems: The Case of Fluoridation Decisions. J. Polit 28: 169-196 1966;
- 57 Davis M. Community Attitudes Toward Fluoridation. Publ. Opin. Quart 23: 474-482 1959;
- 58 Deasy L. C. Socio-Economic Status and Participation in the Poliomyelitis Vaccine Trial. Amer. Sociol. Rev 21: 185-191 1956;
- 59 Deutschmann P. J, Mendez A, Herzog W. Adoption of New Foods and Drugs in Five Guatemalan Communities. Unpublished paper, Institute de Nutricion de Centro America and Programa Interamericano de Informacion Popular, San José 1965
- 60 Diswath B. The Adoption of a Sanitary Practice in Five Thai Villages. M. S. Thesis, Cornell University; Ithaca: 1964
- 61 Dodd S. C. A Controlled Experiment on Rural Hygiene in Syria. Oxford University Press; New York: 1934
- 62 Dubey D. C. Adoption of a New Contraceptive in Urban India: Analysis of Communication and Family Decision-Making Processes. Ph. D. Dissertation, Michigan State University; East Lansing: 1967
- 63 Dubey D. C, Ciioldin H. M. Communication and Diffusion of the IUD: A Case Study in Urban India. Unpublished paper, Michigan State University, Department of Sociology, East Lansing 1967
- 64 Ellenbogen B. Age, Status and Diffusion of Preventive Health Practices. Cornell University, Department of Rural Sociology Bulletin; No. 64 Ithaca, N.Y: 1964
- 65 Ellenbogen B, Ramsey C. E, Danley R. A. Factors in Farmers’ Subscription to Health Insurance. Cornell University, Department of Rural Sociology Mimeograph Bulletin; No. 60 Ithaca, N.Y: 1961
- 66 Emery F. E, Oeser O. A. Information, Decision and Action: A Study of the Psychological Determinants of Changes in Farming Techniques. Cambridge University Press; New York: 1958
- 67 Engel J. F, Knapp D. A, Knapp D. E. Sources of Influence in the Acceptance of New Products for Self-Medication: Preliminary Findings. Unpublished paper, Ohio State University, Department of Business Organization; Columbus, Ohio: 1966
- 68 Evans R. I. Resistance to Innovation in Higher Education. Jossey-Bass; San Francisco: 1968
- 69 Feldman J. J. The Dissemination of Health Information. Aldine; Chicago: 1966
- 70 Fosen R. H. Structural and Social Psychological Factors Affecting Differential Acceptance of Recommended Agricultural Practices: A Study in the Application of Reference Group Theory. M. S. Thesis, Cornell University; Ithaca: 1956
- 71 Frank R, Tietze C. Acceptance of an Oral Contraceptive Program in a Large Metropolitan Area. Amer. J. Obstet. Gynecol 93: 122-127 1965;
- 72 Freedman R. American Studies of Family Planning and Fertility: A Review of Major Trends and Issues. In Kiser C. V. (Ed.) Research in Family Planning. 211-227 Princeton University Press; Princeton: 1962
- 73 Freedman R. Population: The Vital Revolution. Anchor Books; Garden City: 1964
- 74 Freedman R. The Research Challenge to Social Scientists in the Developing Family Planning Programs: The Case of Taiwan. J. soc. Issues 23: 165-169 1967;
- 75 Freedman R, Slesinger D. P. Fertility Differentials for the Indigenous Non-Farm Population of the United States. Pop. Studies 15: 161-173 1961;
- 76 Freedman R, Takeshita JY. Studies of Fertility and Family Limitation in Taiwan. Eugen. Quart 12: 233-250 1965;
- 77 Freedman R, Takeshita J. Y. Family Planning in Taiwan. Princeton University Press; Princeton, N.J: 1969
- 78 Freedman R, Takeshita J. Y, Sun T. H. Fertility and Family Planning in Taiwan: A Case Study in Demographic Transition. Amer. J. Sociol 70: 16-27 1964;
- 79 Gamson W. A. The Fluoridation Dialogue: Is It an Ideological Conflict?. Publ. Opin. Quart 25: 526-537 1961;
- 80 Gamson W. A. Public Information in a Fluoridation Referendum. Hlth Educ. J 29: 47-54 1961;
- 81 Gamson W. A. Social Science Aspects of Fluoridation: A Summary of Research. Harvard University School of Public Health, Community Aspects of Fluoridation Document 21-S; Cambridge/Mass: 1961
- 82 Gillespie R. W. Family Planning on Taiwan, 1964-1965. Population Council M. Report; Taichong: 1965
- 83 Glaser E. M. Utilization of Applicable Research and Demonstration Results. Human Interaction Research Institute, Mimeo Report; Los Angeles: 1966
- 84 Glaser M. A. A Study of the Public’s Acceptance of the Salk Vaccine Programs. Amer. J. Publ. Hlth 48: 141-146 1958;
- 85 Goldstein B, Eichhorn R. L. The Changing Protestant Ethic: Rural Patterns in Health, Work, and Leisure. Amer. sociol. Rev 26: 557-565 1961;
- 86 Graham S, Gibson R. Acceptance and Rejection of a Decremental Innovation: Cessation of Smoking. Paper presented at American Sociological Association Meetings, San Francisco 1967
- 87 Hall M. F. Birth Control in Lima, Peru: Attitudes and Practices. Milbank mem. Fd Quart 43: 409-438 1965;
- 88 Hanks L. M, Hanks T. R. Diphtheria Immunization in a Thai Community. In Paul B. D. (Ed.) Health, Culture and Community. 155-185 Russell Sage Foundation; New York: 1955
- 89 Hauser P. H. On Design for Experiment and Research in Fertility Control. In Kiser C. V. (Ed.) Research in Family Planning. 463-476 Princeton University Press; Princeton, N.J: 1962
- 90 Hawkins N. G. Graduate Training for Health Research. Paper presented at American Sociological Association Meeting, Chicago 1959
- 91 Hawkins N. G. The Detailman and Preference Behavior. Southwest. soc. Sei, Quart 40: 213-224 1959;
- 92 Hay D. G, Lowry S. G. Acceptance of Voluntary Health. Insurance in Scotland Nedc Community, North. Carolina, 1955. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Progress Report 27; Raleigh: 1957
- 93 Hay D. G, Lowry S. G. Use of Health Care Services and Enrollment in Voluntary Health Insurance in Montgomery County, North Carolina, 1956. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Progress Report. 31; Raleigh: 1958
- 94 Higgins E. Some Fertility Attitudes Among White Women in Johannesburg. Pop. Studies 36: 73-78 1962;
- 95 Hill R, Stycos J. M, Back K. W. The Family and Population Control: A Puerto Rican Experiment in Social Change. University of North Carolina Press; Chapel Hill: 1959
- 96 Holmes J. H. Dogmatism as a Predictor of Communication Behavior in the Diffusion of Consumer Innovations. Ph. D. Dissertation, Michigan State University; East Lansing: 1967
- 97 Horn D, Courts F. A, Taylor R. M, Solomon E. S. Cigarette Smoking Among High School Students. Amer. J. Publ. Hlth 49: 1497-1511 1959;
- 98 Hong S. B, Yoon J. H. Male Attitudes Toward Family Planning on the Island of Kangwha-Gun, Korea. Milbank mem. Fd Quart 40: 443-452 1962;
- 99 Hoyos H. M, Torres M. Planificacion Familiar. Colombian Association of Schools of Medicine, Division of Population Studies; Bogota: 1967
- 100 Hsu F L. K. A Cholera Epidemic in a Chinese Town. In Paul B. D. (Ed.) Health, Culture and Community. 135-154 Russell Sage Foundation; New York: 1955
- 101 Johnson H. M, Carnie G. M, Lawrence C. J. Personality Characteristics of School Superintendents in Relation to Their Willingness to Accept Innovation in Education. Utah State University Research Report; Logan: 1967
- 102 Jones G. N. Preventive Medicine at Work. Pub. Admin. Rev 1965; 1-31.
- 103 Junghare Y. N, Roy P. The Relation of Health-Practice Innovations to Social Background Characteristics and Attitudes. Rural Sociol 28: 394-400 1963;
- 104 Kantner J. F. Pakistan: The Medical Social Research Project at Lulliani. .Studies Fam. Plann 04: 5-10 1964;
- 105 Katz E, Levin M. L, Hamilton H. Traditions of Research on the Diffusion of Innovation. Amer. sociol. Rev 28: 237-253 1963;
- 106 Katz E, Menzel H. On the Flow of Scientific Information in the Medical Profession. Columbia University Bureau of Applied Social Research; New York: 1954
- 107 Kiian A. M. Pilot Project in Family Planning. East Pakistan, Pakistan Academy for Rural Development; Comilla: 1963
- 108 Khan A. M. Population Control: A Two-Year Rural Action Experience. Demography 03: 126-129 1964;
- 109 Kiian A. M, Choldin H. M. New Family Planners in Rural East Pakistan. Demography 02: 1-7 1965;
- 110 Kim H. Y. Structural Balance and Adoption and Diffusion of an Innovation. A Study of Adoption and Diffusion of the Intrauterine Contraceptive Device.. Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Washington; Seattle: 1967
- 111 Kiser C. V. (Ed.) Research In Family Planning. Princeton University Press; Princeton, N.J: 1962
- 112 Kivlin J. E. Correlates of Family Planning in Eight Indian Villages. Michigan State University, Diffusion of Innovations Research Report 18; East Lansing: 1968
- 113 Koya Y. Lessons from Contraceptive Failure. Pop. Studies 36: 4-11 1962;
- 114 Koya Y. Does the Effect of a Family Planning Program Continue. Eugen. Quart 13: 141-147 1964;
- 115 Kunstadter P. Culture Change, Social Structure, and Health Behavior: A Quantitative Study of Clinic Use Among the Apaches of the Mescalero Reservation. Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Michigan; Ann Arbor: 1961
- 116 Lewis O. Medicine and Politics in a Mexican Village. In Paul B. J. (Ed.) Health, Culture and Community. 403-434 Russell Sage Foundation; New York: 1955
- 117 Lionberger H. F. The Role of Communication Media and Agents in the Adoption of New Ideas and Practices. Paper presented at the Fourth All India Conference on Family Planning, Hyderabad 1961
- 118 Lionberger H. F. Some Observations Regarding the Nature and Scope of Action-Research in Family Planning. Unpublished paper, University of Missouri, Columbia 1961
- 119 Lionberger H. F. Implications of Diffusion Research in Rural Sociology for Implemented Change in Public Health With Particular Reference to Fluoridation of Water. Paper presented at the University of California Conference on Fluoridation of Water, Carmel 1964
- 120 Lowry S. G, Hay D. G. Acceptance of Voluntary Health Insurance in Sampson County, North Carolina, 1’955. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Progress Report 28; Raleigh: 1957
- 121 Lowry S, Mayo S. C, Hay D. G. Factors Associated with the Acceptance of Health Care Practices Among Rural Families. Rural Sociol 23: 198-202 1958;
- 122 Lu L. P, Chen H. C, Chou L. P. An Experimental Study of the Effect of Group Meetings on the Acceptance of Family Planning in Taiwan. J. soc. Issues 23: 171-177 1967;
- 123 MacCoBY E. The Communication of Information about Child Care and Development: Summary Report. Stanford University, Institute for Communication Research, Mimeo Paper; Palo Alto, Calif: 1962
- 124 MacGREGOR F. C. Social and Cultural Components in the Motivations of Persons Seeking Plastic Surgery of the Nose. J. Hlth soc. Behav 08: 125-135 1967;
- 125 Maddox P. Birth Control Practices in Appalachia. In Sobreno A, Lewit S. (Eds.) Advances in Planned Parenthood,’ Vol. Ill. 63-65 Excerpta Medica Foundation, International Congress Series; No. 138 Amsterdam: 1967
- 126 Malhotka M. An Investigation into the Acceptance of the Applied Nutrition Programme in a Selected Village of Punjab. M. S. Thesis; University of Delhi: 1966
- 127 Mauldin W. P. Retention of IUDS: An International Comparison. Studies Fam. Plann 18: 1-12 1967;
- 128 McLaughlin C. P, Penchansky R. Diffusion of Innovation in Medicine: A Problem of Continuing Medical Education. J. med. Educ 40: 437-447 1965;
- 129 Menzel H. Public and Private Conformity under Different Conditions of Acceptance in the Group. J. abnorm, soc. Psychol 55: 398-402 1957;
- 130 Menzel H. Social Determinants of Physicians’ Reactions to Innovations in Medical Practice. Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Wisconsin; Madison: 1959
- 131 Menzel H. Innovations, Integration, and Marginality: A Survey of Physicians. Amer. sociol. Rev 25: 704-713 1960;
- 132 Menzel H, Katz E. Social Relations and Innovation in the Medical Profession: The Epidemiology of a New Drug. Publ. Opin. Quart 19: 337-352 1955;
- 133 Menzel H, Katz E. Comment on Charles Winick: The Diffusion of an Innovation Among Physicians in a Large City. Sociometry 26: 125-127 1963;
- 134 Menzel H, Coleman J, Katz E. Dimensions of Being ‘Modem’ in Medical Practice. J. diron. Dis 04: 20-40 1959;
- 135 Metz A. S. The Relationship of Dental Care Attitude Toward Fluoridation. J. Hlth soc. Behav 08: 55-59 1967;
- 136 Metzneh C. A, Bashshur R. Factors Associated with Choice of Health Care Plans. J. Hlth soc. Behav 08: 291-299 1967;
- 137 Miller G. The Adoption of Inoculation for Smallpox in England and France.. University of Pennsylvania Press; Philadelphia: 1957
- 138 Miller R. A, Croley H. T, Roberts B. J, Haider F. J. IUD Rejected Cases: An Example of Clinic and Client Experiences in East Pakistan. Pakistan J. Fam. Plann 02: 21-27 1968;
- 139 Mtawall C. V. A Health Campaign in Tanganyika Territory. Commun. Develop. Bull 02: 55-58 1951;
- 140 Murumatsu M. Population Dynamics.. Johns Hopkins Press; New York: 1965
- 141 Niehoff A. H. Food Habits and the Introduction of New Foods.. Paper, performed by Human Resources Research Office, Division 7; Alexandria/Va: 1966
- 142 O’Donnell J. A, Jones J. P. Diffusion of the Intravenous Techniques Among Narcotic Addicts in the U.S. J. Hlth soc. Behav 09: 120-130 1968;
- 143 Palmore J. A. Awareness Sources and Stage in the Adoption of Specific Contraceptives.. University of Michigan, Population Studies Center; Unpublished paper, Ann Arbor: 1967
- 144 Palmore J. A. The Chicago Snowball: A Study of the Flow and Diffusion of Family Planning Information. In Bogue D. J. (Ed.) Sociological Contributions to Family Planning Research. 272-363 University of Chicago Community and Family Planning Center; Chicago: 1967
- 145 Palmore J. A, Freedman R. Perceptions of Contraceptive Practice by Others: Effects on Acceptance. In Freedman R, Takeshita J. L. Family Planning in Taiwan. 224-240 Princeton University Press; Princeton, N.J: 1968
- 146 Parameswaran E. G, Bhogie S. Psychological Study in Adoption of Farm Innovation and Educational Innovation: A Comparative Study.. Paper presented at the Seminar on Innovation in Education, Osmania University; Hyderabad: 1967
- 147 Pareek U. (Ed.) Behavioral Science Research in India: A Directory.. The Behavioral Science Center; Hyderabad: 1966
- 148 Paul B. D. (Ed.) Health, Culture and Community: Case Studies of Public Reactions to Health Programs.. Russell Sage Foundation; New York: 1955
- 149 Paul Jr W. J.. Psychological Characteristics of the Innovator.. Ph. D. Dissertation, Western Reserve University; Cleveland: 1965
- 150 Payne A. M. M. Innovation Out of Unity. Milbank mem. Fd Quart 43: 397-408 1965;
- 151 Pierce R. M, Rowntkee G. Contraceptive Methods Used by Couples Married in the Last Thirty Years. Pop. Studies 35: 121-159 1961;
- 152 Planning Research and Action Institute: Acceptance of Family Planning Methods as a Function of the Nature and Intensity of Contact.. Planning Research and Action Institute; Lucknow: 1961
- 153 Plaut T. F. A. Analysis of Voting Behavior on a Fluoridation Referendum. Publ. Opin. Quart 23: 213-222 1959;
- 154 Polgar S. Sociocultural Research in Family, Planning in the United States: Review and Prospects. Hum. Organ 23: 321-329 1966;
- 155 Potter R. G. Taiwan: IUD Effectiveness in the Taichung Medical Follow-Up Study. Studies Fam. Plann 18: 13-20 1967;
- 156 Potter R. G, Chou L. P, Freedman R, Jain A. K. Social and Demographic Correlates of IUD Medical Follow-Up Study.. Social Statistics Section Proceedings of the American Statistical Association; Washington, D.C: 1966
- 157 Quesada G. M. On The Diffusion of Innovations Research Tradition.. Office of Research Analysis; Alamogordo, New Mexico: 1969
- 158 Quesada G. M. Patron-Dependence, Communication Behavior, and the Modernization Process.. Ph. D. Dissertation, Michigan State University; East Lansing: 1970
- 159 Raina B. L, Blake R. R, Weiss E. M. A Study in Family Planning Communication—Meerut District.. Central Family Planning Institute Monograph Series 3; New Delhi: 1967
- 160 Rao K. G. An Exploratory Study of IUD Acceptors.. Central Family Planning Institute Monograph 2; New Delhi: 1966
- 161 Raphael E. E. Community Structure and Acceptance of Psychiatric Aid. Amer. J. Sociol 69: 340-358 1964;
- 162 Reiider R. R. The Role of the Detail Man in the Diffusion and Adoption of an Ethical Pharmaceutical Innovation Within a Single Medical Community.. Ph. D. Dissertation, Stanford University; Palo Alto/Calif: 1961
- 163 Rehder R. R. Communication and Opinion Formation in a Medical Community: The Significance of the Detail Man. Acad. Management J 08: 282-291.
- 164 Requena M. B. Studies of Family Planning in the Quinta Normal District of Santiago: The Use of Contraceptives. Milbank mem. Fd Quart 43: 69-99 1965;
- 165 Riley J. W, Riley M. The Use of Various Methods of Contraception. Amer. sociol. Rev 05: 890-903 1940;
- 166 Roberts B. J, Yankey D, Griffiths W, Clark E. W, Shafiullah A. B. M, Hug R. Family PI finning Survey in Dacca, East Pakistan. Demography 02: 74-96 1965;
- 167 Rogers E. M. Personality Correlates of the Adoption of Technological Practices. Rural Sociol 22: 267-268 1957;
- 168 Rogers E. M. Diffusion of Innovations.. Free Press; New York: 1962
- 169 Rogers E. M. Bibliography on the Diffusion of Innovations.. Michigan State University, Diffusion of Innovations Research Report No. 6; East Lansing: 1968
- 170 Rogers E. M, Bettinghaus E. P. Comparison of Generalizations from Diffusion Research on Agricultural and Family Planning Innovations.. Paper presented at the American Sociological Association Meetings; Miami Beach: 1966
- 171 Rogers E. M, Shoemaker F. F. Communication of Innovations: A Cross-Cultural Approach.. Free Press; New York: 1969
- 172 Ross J. Predicting the Adoption of Family Planning. Studies Fam. Plann 09: 8-12 1966;
- 173 Ross J. United States: The Chicago Fertility Control Studies. Studies Fam. Plann 15: 1-8 1966;
- 174 Ross J, Bong S. The AID Computer Program Used to Predict Adoption of Family Planning in Koyang.. Population Council. Unpublished Paper; New York: 1965
- 175 Rowden D. W. Three Models for Theory and Research in the Diffusion of Contraceptive Techniques and Information.. Southern Sociological Society Meetings; Atlanta: 1970
- 176 Rowntree G, Pierce R. M. Birth Control in Britain. Pop. Studies 15: 3-31 1961;
- 177 Sagi P. C, Potter R. G, Westoff C. F. Contraceptive Effectiveness as a Function of Desired Family Size. Pop. Studies 15: 291-296 1961;
- 178 Sallan V. A Study of the Opinions and Characteristics of ‘Discontinuers’ of a Selected Family Planning Programme in a Selected Village of Delhi State.. M. S. Thesis, University of Delhi; New Delhi: 1966
- 179 Sarupria S. L. Attitudes Towards Family Planning in a Small Urban Community. Indian J. soc. Work 25: 79-87 1964;
- 180 Satterthwaite A. P. Experience with Oral and Intrauterine Contraception in Rural Puerto Rico. In Sheps M. C, Ridley J. C. (Eds.) Public Health and Population Change. 474-480 University of Pittsburgh Press; Pittsburgh, Penna: 1965
- 181 Schächter S, Burkick H. A Field Experiment on Rumor Transmission and Distortion. J. abnorm, soc. Psychol 50: 363-371 1955;
- 182 Sharples G EN. Child Amputees: Disability Outcomes and Antecedents.. University of Michigan, Department of Health Development; Ann Arbor: 1969
- 183 Sheppard D. Neighborhood Norms and the Adoption of Farm Practices. Rural Sociol 25: 356-358 1960;
- 184 Sheppard D. Farmers’ Reasons for Not Adopting Controversial Techniques in Grassland Farming. J. Brit. Grassland Soc 16: 6-13 1961;
- 185 Sheps M. C, Ridley J. C. (Eds.) Public Health and Population Change.. University of Pittsburgh Press; Pittsburgh, Penna: 1965
- 186 Sherrington A. M. An Annotated Bibliography of Studies on the Flow of Medical Information to Practitioners. Meth. Inform. Med 06: 45-57 1965;
- 187 Shibutani T. Improvised News: A Sociological Study of Rumor.. Bobbs-Merrill; New York: 1966
- 188 Sills D. L, Gill R. E. Young Adults’ Use of the Salk Vaccine. Soc. Probl 06: 248-253 1959;
- 189 Singh K. K, Pardasani H. B. Effectiveness of Short-Duration Contacts in Popularizing Family Planning in Rural India. Behav. Sci. Comm. Develop 01: 135-149 1967;
- 190 Smith D. H. A Psychological Model of Individual Participation in Formal Voluntary Organizations: Application to Some Chilean Data. Amer. J. Sociol 72: 249-266 1966;
- 191 Smith M. B. Motivation, Communications Research and Family Planning. In Sheps M. C, Ridley J. C. (Eds) Public Health and Population Change. 70-89 University of Pittsburgh Press; Pittsburgh, Penna: 1965
- 192 Smith M, Sheppard D. A Study of the Dissemination of Information About a New Technique in Dairy Farming. Farm. Econ 09: 133-147 1959;
- 193 Sobreno A, Lewit S. (Eds.) Advances in Planned Parenthood.. Excerpta Medica Foundation, International Congress Series No. 138; Amsterdam: 1967
- 194 Spector P, Torres A. Communication and Motivation in Community Development: An Experiment.. Institute for International Services; Washington, D.C: 1963
- 195 Spicer E. H. (Ed.) Human Problems in Technological Change.. Russell Sage Foundation; New York: 1952
- 196 Stoeckel J. E, Choudhury M. A. The Impact of Family Planning of Fertility in Comilla. Pakistan J. Fam. Plann 02: 13-20 1968;
- 197 Straits B. C. The Discontinuation of Cigarette Smoking: A Multiple Discriminant Analysis.. Paper presented at the American Sociological Association Meetings; Miami Beach: 1966
- 198 Stycos J. M. Birth Control Clinics in Crowded Puerto Rico. In Paul B. D. Health, Culture and Community. 189-210 Russell Sage Foundation; New York: 1955
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