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Methods Inf Med 1978; 17(01): 55-74
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1636608
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1636608
Original Article
Problems of Medical Diagnosis
— A Bibliography —Further Information
Publication History
Publication Date:
19 February 2018 (online)

The present bibliography aims at informing and stimulating researchers when studying the multiple facets of medical diagnosis. The complexity of investigation in this domain can be judged by the fact that papers dealing with medical diagnosis do not appear in medical journals only. Clearly, medical diagnosis is no longer a strictly medical problem. Mathematical and statistical models and analyses must be created and improved before computer programs for diagnostics can be elaborated.
Part 1: Alphabetical List of Titles
- 1 Abel H, Zywietz C, Schiemann W, Alraun W. ECG Data Processing with the Hanover Program. Advanc. Cardiol 19 1977; 127-131.
- 2 Abraham S., Caceres C. A. Statistical Computer Methods for Diagnosis. In Enslein K. (Ed.): Data Acquisition and Processing in Biology and Medicine. Vol. 3, 277-288 Oxford: Pergamon Press; 1964
- 3 Adams W. R. Studies of Teaching of the Diagnostic Process. In Jacquez J. A. (Ed.): The Diagnostic Process. Proceedings of a Conference Held at The University of Michigan. May 9-11, 1993: 367-385 Ann Arbor, Michigan: Malloy Lithographing; 1964
- 4 Adlassnig K-P, Gergely T, Grabner H, Grabner G. A Computer Assisted System for Diagnostic Decision Malting. Online Usage of the Database of the Medical Information System WAMIS. In Shires D. B, Wolf H. (Eds): MEDINFO 77. 213-218 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1977
- 5 Agalides E. The Digital Differential Analyzer as an Ideal Computer for Aid in Medical Diagnosis. La Jolla, Calif: Biophysics and Biosensors Laboratory of Science Applications, Inc; 1973
- 6 Aitchison J. Statistical Problems of Treatment Allocation. J. roy. statist. Soc. A 133 1970; 206-239.
- 7 Aitchison J, Aitken C G. G. Multivariate Binary Discrimination by the Kernel Method. Biometi’ika 63 1976; 413-420.
- 8 Aitchison J, Begg C. B. Statistical Diagnosis when Basic Cases are not Classified with Certainty. Biometrika 63 1976; 1-12.
- 9 Aitchison J, Habbema J D. F, Kay J. W. A Critical Comparison of Two Methods of Statistical Discrimination. Appl. Statist 26 1977; 15-25.
- 10 Aitchison J, Kay J. W. Principles, Practice and Performance in Decision Making in Clinical Medicine. In White D. J, Bowen K. C. (Eds): Proceedings of the 1973 NATO Conference on the Role and Effectiveness of Theories of Decision in Practice. London: Hodder and Stoughton; 1975
- 11 Albin M. Fuzzy Sets and Their Application to Medical Diagnosis and Pattern Recognition. (Ph. D. Thesis). Berkeley: University of California; 1975
- 12 Alexander D. C, Wortzman D. Computer Diagnosis of Electrocardiograms. I. Equipment. Comput. biomed. Res 01 1968; 348-365.
- 13 Alf Jr. E. F., Dorfman D. D. The Classification of Individuals into Two Criterion Groups on the Basis of a Discontinuous Payoff Function. Psychometrika 32 1967; 115-123.
- 14 Alpérovitch A, Fragu P. A Suggestion for an Effective Use of a Computer-aided Diagnosis System in Screening for Hyperthyroidism. Meth. Inform. Med 16 1977; 93-95.
- 15 Alpérovitch A, Fragu P, Patois E, Lellouch J. Routine Use of a Computer-aided Decision System. A Po itive Evaluation in Hyperthyroidism Screening. In Shires D. B, Wolf H. (Eds):’MEDINFO 77, 209-212 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1977
- 16 Alpérovitch A, Le Minor M, Lellouch J. The Choice of a Strategy for the Selection of Complementary Investigations: A Study by Simulation. In Shires D. B, Wolf H. (Eds): MEDINFO 77. 133-136 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1977
- 17 Alpérovitch A, Le Minor M, Lellouch J. Three Examples of Computer-aided Medical Decision. In de Dombai F. T, Grémy F. (Eds): Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help?. 143-149 Amsterdam: NorthHolland Publ. Co; 1976
- 18 Alpérovitch A, Lellouch J. Methods for Aiding Medical Decision: Application to Diagnosis of Round Intra-Thoracic X-Rays Picture. Comput. biomed. Res 07 1974; 127-141.
- 19 Alpérovitch A, Lellouch J. Value of Computer Diagnosis of a Single Thoracic X-Ray Circular Opacity. Biomedicine 20 1974; 54-60.
- 20 Amosov M. M, Shkabara Y. E. Experience in Formulating a Diagnosis by Means of Diagnostic Machine. Eksp. Khir. Anest 04 1961; 15-22.
- 21 Anderson Jr. C. T., Cembrowski G. S, Toren Jr E. C.. Computer-assisted Differential Diagnosis of Laboratory Abnormalities and Follow-up Testing. Evaluation of the Accuracy of a Computer Program. Amer. J. clin. Path 65 1976; 234-241.
- 22 Anderson G, Llerena C, Davidson D, Taylor T. R. Practical Application of Computer-assisted Decision-making in an Antenatal Clinic — A Feasibility Study. Meth. Inform. Med 15 1976; 224-229.
- 23 Anderson J. Medical Computer Records in Relation to the Definition of Disease. In Lange H-J, Wagner G. (Hrsg.): Computerunterstützte ärztliche Diagnostik. 69-75 Stuttgart-New York: Schattauer; 1973
- 24 Anderson J. A, Boyle J. A. Computer Diagnosis: Statistical Aspects. Brit. med. Bull 24 1968; 230-235.
- 25 Anderson J. A, Whaley K, Williamson J, Buchanan W. W. A Statistical Aid to the Diagnosis of Keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Quart. J. Med 41 1972; 175-189.
- 26 Anderson T. W. Asymptotic Evaluation of the Probabilities of Misclassification by Linear Discriminant Functions. In Cacoullos T. (Ed.): Discriminant Analysis and Applications. 17-35 New York: Academic Press; 1973
- 27 Anderson T. W, Bahadur R. R. Classification into Two Multivariate Normal Distributions with Different Covariance Matrices. Ann. math. Statist 33 1962; 420-431.
- 28 Armitage P. Sequential Analysis with More than Two Alternative Hypotheses and Its Relation to Discriminant Function Analysis. J. roy. statist. Soc. B 12 1950; 137-144.
- 29 Asselain B, Derouesne C, Salamon R, Bernadet M, Grémy F. The Concept of Utility in Medical Decision Aid: Example of an Application. In Shires D. B, Wolf H. (Eds): MEDINFO 77. 123-125 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1977
- 30 Ax A. F. Computers and Psychophysiology in Medical Diagnosis. IRE Trans, med. Electron. ME-7. 1960: 263-264.
- 31 Baer R. M. A Note on Computer Diagnosis. IEEE Trans, bio-med. Engng BME-IJ. 1964: 8-12.
- 32 Bahadur R. R. On Classification Based on Response to Dichotomous Items. In Solomon H. (Ed.): Studies in Item Analysis and Prediction. 169-176 Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press; 1961
- 33 Bahn R. C. Computer-aided Medical Decision Making. Minn. Med 54 1971; 717-719.
- 34 Bailey N T. J. Probability Methods of Diagnosis on a Small Computer. In Mathematics and Computer Science in Biology and Medicine. Proceedings of M. R. C. 1964 Conference. 103-107 London: Her Majesty’s Stationary Office; 1965
- 35 Balda R. A, Caceres C. A. Computer-assisted ECG Interpretation. Anesth. Analg. Curr. Res 53 1974; 169-176.
- 36 Ballard D, Sklansky J. Tumor Detection in Radiographs. Comput. biomed. Res 06 1973; 299-231.
- 37 Barker D. J. P., Bishop, J. M.: Computer-based Screening System for Patients at Risk of Hyperthyroidism. Lancet 1969; 11: 835-838.
- 38 Barker D J. P, Bishop J. M. Computer Analysis of Symptoms Patterns as a Method of Screening Patients at Special Risk of Hypothyroidism. Brit. J. prev. soc. Med 24 1970; 193-196.
- 39 Barness L. A, Tunnessen Jr. W. W., Worley W. E, Simmons T. L, Ringe Jr T B. K.. Computer-assisted Diagnosis in Pediatrics. Amcr. J. Dis. Child 127 1974; 852-858.
- 40 Barnett G. O. Computers in Patient Care. New Engl. J. Med 279 1968; 1321-1327.
- 41 Bahnett G. O, Bailieul J. B, Farquhar B. B. The Testing of Clinical Judgement - an Experimental Computer Based Measurement of Sequential Problem-solving Ability. In Jacquez J. A. (Ed.): Computer Diagnosis and Diagnostic Methods. 191-202 Springfield; 111. C. C. Thomas; 1972
- 42 Barnhard H. J, Jacobson H. G, Nance J. W. Diagnostic Radiology Information System (DRIS). Radiologe 14 1974; 314-319.
- 43 Baron D. N, Fraser P. M. The Digital Computer in the Classification and Diagnosis of Disease. Lancet 1965; II: 1066-1069.
- 44 Barthel D, Sauer I, Forberg J, Brehme K-H. Computerdiagnose mit lernenden Automaten. Dtsch. Gesundh. Wes 22 1967; 375-378.
- 45 Bartholomay A. F. Some Mathematical Aspects of the Medical Diagnostic Process. I. A General Mathematical Model. Bull. math. Biophys 33 1971; 413-424.
- 46 Bartholomay A. F. Some Mathematical Aspects of the Diagnostic Process. II. A Mathematical Model of Electrocardiographic Diagnosis. Bull. math. Biol 35 1973; 535-547.
- 47 Baruch J. J. Doctor-Machine Symbiosis. IRE Trans, med. Electron ME-7 1960; 290-292.
- 48 Bauer P, Brunner H, Michalek P, Paumgartner G, Richter H, Stoeger H, Grabner G. Computerdiagnostik in der Hepatologie. In Fellinger K. (Hrsg.): Computer in der Medizin Probleme, Erfahrungen, Projekte. 222-231 Wien: Brüder Hollinek; 1968
- 49 Bauer P, Gangl A, Grabner G. Ein Computer-Verfahren zur Zuordnung eines Krankheitsbildes zu einer Diagnosegruppe. Wien. Z. inn. Med 51 1970; 497-509.
- 50 Bauer P, Gangl A, Grabner G, Jahn O. Ein ComputerVerfahren zur Unterstützung des Arztes bei der Erstellung von Differential-Diagnosen. Impuls. 1965. H. 10 705-712
- 51 Bauman W. A. Clinical Evaluation with Computer Aid. Study of Cystic Fibrosis of Pancreas by Means of Dataprocessing Equipment. N.Y. St. J. Med 65 1965; 2665-2670.
- 52 Bay K. S, Lee S J. K, Flathman D. P, Roll J. W, Piercy W. Application of Step-wise Discriminant Analysis and Bayesian Classification Procedure in Determining Prognosis of Acute Myocardial Infarction. Canad. med. Ass. J. 115 1976: 887-892.
- 53 Bechterewa N. P, Moissejewa N. I, Ussow W. W. Der Einsatz der Rechentechnik für die Diagnostik der Erkrankungen und die Bewertung der Zustände des Organismus. Z. ärztl. Fortbild. (Jena) 63 1969; 1005-1013.
- 54 Becker H. C, Nettleton W. J, Meyers P. H, Sweeney J. W, Nice C. M. Digital Computer Determination of a Medical Diagnostic Index Directly from Chest X-Ray Images.. IEEE Trans, bio-med. Engng BME-iZi. 1964: 67-72.
- 55 Beckett P G. S, Grisell J. G, Gudobba R. Psychiatric Attributes of MMPI Profiles. Proceedings of the 6th IBM Medical Symposium, Poughkeepsie and. Brookhaven Nat. Lab; 1964
- 56 Bégon F, Dhumeaux D. The Application of Computer Techniques to the Laboratory Diagnosis. Diseases of the Liver and Biliary System. Minn. Med 54 1971; 101-105.
- 57 Beier W, Glass K. Zu einigen Aspekten der Computerdiagnostik. Med. Klin 57 1962; 1848-1851.
- 58 Beiser H. R. The Clinician and the Computer. The Computerized Study of Two Contrasting Cases. J. Amer. Acad. Child Psychiat 14 1975; 348-364.
- 59 Bennett A. E. The Medical Implications of Computers. Med. Rec. (Reading) 11 1970; 44-55.
- 60 Bennett K. S, Barrows H. S. An Investigation of the Diagnostic Problem Solving Methods Used by Resident Neurologists. Math. Biosci 15 1972; 163-181.
- 61 Berkley C. Computers as Aids to Diagnosis. Proc. of San José Conf. of Health Inform. Retrieval 1959, USC School of Medicine and IBM-ASDD, IBM Ed.-Center. San José/Calif: 1961
- 62 Berkowitz S. B. Differential Diagnosis — A Memory Stimulus System for Pocket, Punchcard and Computer. Springfield; 111. C. C. Thomas: 1967
- 63 Bernard J. The Medical Decision. In de Dombai F. T, Grémy F. (Eds): Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help?. 3-9 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1976
- 64 Berson A. S, Stallmann F. W, Broders J. H, PipBERGER H. V. Telephone Transmission of Electrocardiograms and On-line Computer Diagnosis. Amer. J. med. Electron 04 1965; 35-37.
- 65 Best W. R, Becktel J. M, Johnson A. F. Descriptive Functions in Disease. Biometrics 27 1971; 895-901.
- 66 Betaque N. E, Gorry G. A. Automating Judgmental Decision Making for a Serious Medical Problem. Mngmt Sei 17 1971; B421-B434.
- 67 Billewicz W. Z, Chapman R. S, Crooks J, Day M. E, Gossage J, Wayne E, Young J. A. Statistical Methods Applied to the Diagnosis of Hypothyroidism. Quart. J. Med 38 1969; 255-266.
- 68 Bishop C. R, Warner H. R. A Mathematical Approach to Medical Diagnosis: Application to Polycythemic States Utilizing Clinical Findings with Values Continuously Distributed. Comput. biomed. Res 02 1969; 486-493.
- 69 Bjerregaard B, Brynitz S, Holst-Christensen J, Kalaja E, Lund-Kristensen J, Hilden J, Dombal F. T, de Horrocks J. C. Computer-aided Diagnosis of the Acute Abdomen: A System from Leeds Used on Copenhagen Patients. In de Dombal F. T, Grémy F. (Eds): Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help ?. 165-171 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1976
- 70 Bleich H. L. Computer Evaluation of Acid-base Disorders. J. clin. Invest 48 1969; 1689-1696.
- 71 Bleich H. L. The Computer as a Consultant. New Engl. J. Med 284 1971; 141-147.
- 72 Bleich H. L. Computer-based Consultation. Amer. J. Med 53 1972; 285-291.
- 73 Bleich H. L. Computerized Clinical Diagnosis. Fed. Proc 33 1974; 2317-2319.
- 74 Blomer R. J. Computer in der Medizin. III. Diagnostik als Rechenoperation. Med. Welt 26 1975; 320-322.
- 75 Blomer R. J, Thurmayr R, Wenzl H, Bachhuber F. Computerhilfe bei der Indikation zur Probelaparotomie nicht perforierter Bauchtraumen. Diagnostik 05 1972; 661-664.
- 76 Blomer R. J, Victor N, Schimetzek H. A Dialogueoriented Model for Computer-aided Diagnosis. Journées Inform. Méd 02 1972; 69-79.
- 77 Blomer S, Blomer R. J. Dimension Reduction and Piecewise Linear Discriminant Analysis. Decision Making and Medical Care. In de Dombal F. T, Grémy F. (Eds): Can Information Science Help?. 459-466 Amsterdam: NorthHolland Publ. Co; 1976
- 78 Bock H. E, Eggstein M. (Hrsg.): Diagnostik-Informationssystem. Integrierte elektronische Datenverarbeitung für die ärztliche Diagnostik. Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer; 1970
- 79 Bogdanek T. The Application of Mathematical Discrimination in the Differential Diagnosis of Two Types of Diabetes. In Wiener N, Schade J. P. (Eds) •. Progress in Biocybernetics. Vol. 1, 45-54 New York: Elsevier; 1964
- 80 Bohn H. J. Medizinische Diagnose mit Datenverarbeitungssystemen. Elektron. Rechenanl 06 1964; 27-30.
- 81 Bonner R. E, Evangelisti C. J, Steinbeck H. D, Cohen L. A Diagnostic Assistance Program. Meth. Inform. Med 05 1966; 114-128.
- 82 Bonner R. E, Schwetman H. D. Computer Diagnosis of Electrocardiograms. II. A Computer Program for EKG Measurements. Comput. biomed. Res 01 1968; 366-386.
- 83 Bonner R. E, Schwetman H. D. Computer Diagnosis of Electrocardiograms. III. A Computer Program for Arrhythmia Diagnosis. Comput. biomed. Res 01 1968; 387-407.
- 84 Bordage G. Computers and Medical Diagnostic Problemsolving. In Shires D. B, Wolf H. (Eds): MEDINFO 77. 863-867 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1977
- 85 Bouckaert A. Le diagnostic numérique des goitres. Nuel.Med. (Stuttg) 07 1968; 319-330.
- 86 Bouckaert A. Sequential Scheme for the Differential Diagnosis of Goiters. In de Haene R, Wambersie A. (Eds): Computers in Radiology. 476-478 Basel: Karger; 1970
- 87 Bouckaert A. Computer Diagnosis of Goitres. I. Classification and Differential Diagnosis. J. chron. Dis 24 1971; 299-310.
- 88 Bouckaert A. Computer Diagnosis of Goitres. II. Syndrome Recognition and Diagnosis. J. chron. Dis 24 1971; 311-320.
- 89 Bouckaert A. Computer Diagnosis of Goitres. III. Optimal Subsymptomatologies. J. chron. Dis 24 1971; 321-327.
- 90 Bouckaert A. Computer-aided Diagnosis of Goitres in a Cancer Department. Int. J. bio-med. Comput 03 1972; 3-15.
- 91 Bouckaert A. Computer Diagnosis of Goiters. The Optimal Size of Optimal Subsymptomatologies. Int. J. Comput. Inform. Sei 03 1974; 345-362.
- 92 Bouckaert A. Computer Learning of the Differential Diagnosis of Goiters. Int. J. bio-med. Comput 06 1975; 213-220.
- 93 Bouckaert A, Beckers C. Computer-aided Differential Diagnosis of Goitres in Internal Medicine. Int. J. bio-med. Comput 04 1973; 1-17.
- 94 Bouckaert A, Thtry S. Physiopathological Inference by Computer. Int. J. bio-med. Comput 05 1977; 85-94.
- 95 Boyle J. A, Anderson J. A. Computer Diagnosis: Clinical Aspects. Brit. med. Bull 24 1968; 224-229.
- 96 Boyle J. A, Greig W. R, Franklin D. A, Harden R. M, Buchanan W. W, McGirr E. M. Construction of a Model for Computer-assisted Diagnosis: Application to the Problem of Non-toxic Goitre. Quart. J. Med 35 1966; 565-588.
- 97 Boyle J. A, Greig W. R, Franklin D. A, Harden R. M, Buchanan W. W, McGirr E. M. An Experimental Approach to the Calculation of Diagnosis Using an Automatic Digital Computer. Excerpta Medica, International Congress Ser. Vol. 121, 1966: 49.
- 98 Brannick L. J. An Analog Approach to Computer Diagnosis. IRE Trans, med. Electron. ME-7 1960; 247-248.
- 99 Breneman J. C. Postoperative Thromboembolic Disease. Computer Analysis Leading to Statistical Prediction. J. Amer. med. Ass 193 1965; 576-580.
- 100 Briccetti A. B, Bleich H. L. A Computer Program that Evaluates Patients with Hypercalcemia. J. clin. Endocr 41 1975; 365-372.
- 101 Britton K. E, Qutnn V, Brown B. L, Ekins R. P. A Strategy for Thyroid Function Tests. Brit. med. J 1975; III: 350-352.
- 102 Brodman K. Diagnostic Decisions by Machine. IRE Trans. med. Electron ME-7 1960; 216-219.
- 103 Brodman K. Data Processing and the Interpretation of Symptoms. IV. Comments. In Jacquez J. A. (Ed.): The Diagnostic Process. Proceedings of a Conference Held at The University of Michigan, May 9–11, 1963, 49-253 Ann Arbor, Michigan: Malloy Lithographing; 1964
- 104 Brodman K, Goldstein L. S. The Medical Data Screen. An Adjunct for the Diagnosis of 100 Common Diseases. Arch. environm. Hlth 14 1967; 821-826.
- 105 Brodman K, van Woereom A. J. Computer-aided Diagnostic Screening for 100 Common Diseases. J. Amer. med. Ass 197 1966; 901-905.
- 106 Brodman K, Woerkom A. J, van Erdman A. J, Goldstein L. S. Interpretation of Symptoms with a Data-processing Machine. Arch. intern. Med 103 1959; 776-782.
- 107 Brooks R, Kxeinmuntz B. Design of an Intelligent Computer Psychodiagnostician. Behav. Sci 19 1974; 16-20.
- 108 Brooks R. C, Dwyer S. J, Lodwick G. S. Computer Diagnosis of Congenital Heart Disease. Proceedings of the 1974 International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Oct. 2-4 Dallas: Texas;
- 109 Brown G. W. Basic Principles for Construction and Application of Discriminators. (With Discussion by John W. Tukey and John C. Flanagan). J. clin. Psychol 06 1950; 58-76.
- 110 Brown P. J. Remarks on Some Statistical Methods for Medical Diagnosis. J. roy. statist. Soc. A 139 1976; 104-107.
- 111 Bruce R. A, Cox A. R. Medical Diagnosis by Computer. Northw. Med 60 1961; 1075-1082.
- 112 Bruce R. A, Portman R. M, Blackmoor J. R, Lampert R. V, Hopper V, McGill R, Mickey M, Harris R. Computer Diagnosis of Heart Disease. Proceedings of the 5th IBM Medical Symposium. Endicott; N.Y: 1963. Vol. 5, 77-98.
- 113 Bruce R. A, Yarnall S. R. Computer-aided Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Disorders. J. cliron. Dis 19 1966; 473-484.
- 114 Brunk H. D, Lehr J. L. An Improved Bayes’ Method for Computer Diagnosis. In Harper P. S. (Ed.): Proceedings of the Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiology. University of Chicago, October 1966. Chicago: University Press; 1966
- 115 Brunk H. D, Pierce D. A. Estimation of Discrete Multivariate Densities for Computer-aided Differential Diagnosis of Disease. Biometrika 61 1974; 493-500.
- 116 Buchanan B. G, Davis R, Yu V, Cohen S. Rule Based Medical Decision Making: MYCIN. In Shires D. B, Wolf H. (Eds): MEDINFO 77. 147-150 Amsterdam: NorthHolland Publ. Co; 1977
- 117 Buchanan W. M, Perkins E. S. A Simple Diagnostic Computer. Med. biol. Engng 05 1967; 175-177.
- 118 Buchmueller K, Wangermann G, Reissmann C. Die Anwendung der elektronischen Datenverarbeitung in der medizinischen Diagnostik. Z. ärztl. Fortbild. (Jena) 63 1969; 1087-1092.
- 119 Buente P. Entscheidungshilfe für Diagnostik und Therapie. IBM-Seminar. Bad Liebenzell/Schwarzw; 1967
- 120 Buente P. Der Computer im Dienste von Diagnostik und Therapie. Therapiewoche 18 1968; 1436-1441.
- 121 Buente P. Vorbereitung ärztlicher Entscheidungen. – Struktur eines Programmsystems. IBM-Seminar. Bad Liebenzell/Schwarzw; 1969
- 122 Burbank F. A Computer Diagnostic System for the Diagnosis of Prolonged Undifferentiating Liver Disease. Amer. J. Med 46 1969; 401-415.
- 123 Burchell H. B, Reed J. A Test Experience with a Machine-processed Electrocardiography Diagnosis: the Recognition of »Normal« and Some Specific Patterns. Amer. Heart J 92 1976; 773-780.
- 124 Bush A. R. The Computer as a Tool for Aiding Diagnosis in Cardiology. In Marois M. (Ed.): Man and Computer. 249-264 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1974
- 125 Bykhovskiy M. L, Selenzneva N. D, Kuzin V. F. Computer Diagnosis in the Class of Compatible Diseases with Reference to Tumors and Tumorlike Formations of the Female Internal Genitalia. Biomed. Engng (N.Y) 07 1974; 205-208.
- 126 Bykhovskiy M. L, Vishnevskiy A. A, Kharnas S. S. Problems in the Development of a Diagnostic Process by Means of Mathematical Machines. Eksp. Khir. Anest 04 1961; 3-15.
- 127 Caceres C. A. Integration of Data in Diagnosis. Circulat. Res 11 1962; 563-568.
- 128 Caceres C. A. Adjunctive Use of Computers in Diagnosis. Mod. Med 02 1963; 124-130.
- 129 Caceres C. A. Total-systems Approach. Transducers are Linked to a Diagnostic Computer by Phone Lines in a Package Developed and Used by the Public Health Service. Electronics 40 1967; 111-116.
- 130 Caceres C. A, Hochberg H. M. Performance of the Computer and Physician in the Analysis of the Electrocardiogram. Amer. Heart J 79 1970; 439-442.
- 131 Caceres C. A, Rikli A. E. The Digital Computer as an Aid in the Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Disease. Trans. N.Y. Acad. Sci 23 1960/61 240-258.
- 132 Caceres C. A, Rikli A. E. Diagnostic Computers. Springfield, Ill: C. C. Thomas; 1969
- 133 Caceres C. A, Steinberg C. A, Gorman P. A, Calatayub J. B, Dobrow R. J, Weihrer A. L. Computer Aids in Electrocardiography. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci 118 1964; 85-102.
- 134 Cady Jr. L. D., Simson E, Blackburn H, Taylor H. L. Computed Cardiographic Pattern Diagnosis. Meth. Inform. Med 04 1965; 92-96.
- 135 Card W. I. The Diagnostic Process. In Abrams M. E. (Ed.): Medical Computing. 29-34 London: Chatto & Windus; 1970
- 136 Card W. I. The Diagnostic Process. J. roy. Coll. Phycns Lond 04 1970; 183-187.
- 137 Card W. I. The Computing Approach to Clinical Diagnosis. Proc. roy. Soc. B 154 1973; 421-432.
- 138 Card W. I. Mathematical Method in Diagnosis. J. roy. Coll. Phycns Lond 09 1975; 193-196.
- 139 Card W. I, Good I. J. The Estimation of the Implicit Utilities of Medical Consultants. Math. Biosci 06 1970; 45-54.
- 140 Card W. I, Good I. J. Logical Foundations of Medicine. Brit. med. J 1971; I: 718-720.
- 141 Card W. I, Good I. J. The Mathematical Structure of Clinical Medicine. Edinburgh: University Press; 1973
- 142 Cassano G. B, Castrogiovanni P, Conti L. The Computer Diagnosis in a Multicenter Study of Psychoactive Agents. Psychopharmacol. Bull 12 1976; 22-24.
- 143 Castell R, Busch H, Hoffmann J, Mittelsten D. M.Scheid, Mombour W, Waldmann H. Übereinstimmung zwischen konventioneller und Computer-Diagnostik bei ambulanten psychiatrischen Patienten. Arch. Psychiat. Nervenkr 222 1976; 1-11.
- 144 Castrogiovanni P, Cassano G. B, Conti L, Maggini C, Bollono L, Sarteschi P. An Automated Diagnostic Process (PDA) in Clinical Psychopharmacology. An Exemplification of Its Use in Sulpiride versus Haloperidol Comparative Trial. Int. Pharmacopsychiat 11 1976; 74-83.
- 145 Cattaneo A. D, Lucchelli P. E, Rocca E, Mattioli F, Becchi G. Computer versus Clinical Diagnosis of Biliary Tract Diseases. J. Abdom. Surg 14 1972; 71-75.
- 146 Chesler L. G, Hershdorfer A. M, Lincoln T. L. The Use of Information in Clinical Problem Solving: A Framework for Analysis. Math. Biosci 06 1970; 83-108.
- 147 Chien Y. P, Fu K. S. Computer Processing of Chest X-Ray Pictures for the Diagnosis of Heart Disease. Proceedings of the 1974 International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Oct. 2–4 Dallas: Texas;
- 148 Christl H. L. Die Anwendung der dynamischen Programmierung bei sequentiellen Diagnoseverfahren. In Lange H-J, Wagner G. (Hrsg.): Computerunterstützte ärztliche Diagnostik, S. 209-214 Stuttgart-New York: Schattauer; 1973
- 149 Christl H. L. Zum Problem der Bestimrnung optimaler Diagnosestrategien. EDV Med. Biol 06 1975; 44-49.
- 150 Christl H. L. Time Dependence and Bayesian Approach. In de Dombai F. T, Grémy F. (Eds): Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help?. 467-476 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1976
- 151 Christl H. L, Stock S. Simulationsuntersuchungen über das Verhalten verschiedener automatischer Diagnoseverfahren. In Lange, H.-J., Wagner, G. (Hrsg.): Computerunterstützte ärztliche Diagnostik, S. 269-288 Stuttgart-New York: Schattauer; 1973
- 152 Chu J. T. Some Decision Making Methods Applicable to the Medical Sciences. In Le Cam L. M, Neyman J. (Eds): Proceedings of the 5th Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability. Vol. IV, 925-934 Berkeley Los Angeles: University of Calif. Press; 1967
- 153 Clarke M. R. Computer Developments in Research and Diagnosis. Proc. roy. Soc. Med 64 1971; 819-822.
- 154 Cobelli C, Salvan A. A Medical Record and a Computer Program for Diagnosis of Thyroid Diseases. Meth. Inform. Med 14 1975; 126-132.
- 155 Coe F. L. The Performance of a Computer System for Metabolic Assessment of Patients with Nephrolithiasis. Comput. biomed. Res 07 1974; 40-55.
- 156 Collen M. F. Machine Diagnosis from a Multiphasic Screening Program. Proceedings of the 5th IBM Medical Symposium. Endicott; N.Y: 1963
- 157 Collen M. F. Automated Health Testing. In Collen M. (Ed.): Hospital Computer Systems. New York: J. Wiley & Sons; 1974
- 158 Collen M. F, Rubin L, Neyman J, Dantzig R. G, Baer R. M, Siegelaub A. B. Automated Multiphasic Screening and Diagnosis. Amer. J. publ. Hlth 54 1964; 741-750.
- 159 Cooper J. K, McGough T, Ostrow B, Caceres C. A. Role of a Digital Computer in a Diagnostic Centre. J. Amer. med. Ass 193 1965; 911-915.
- 160 Copeland D. Concepts of Disease and Diagnosis. Perspect. Biol. Med 20 1977; 528-538.
- 161 Cornfield J. Statistical Classification Methods. In Jacquez J. A. (Ed.): Computer Diagnosis and Diagnostic Methods. 108-130 Springfield, Ill: C. C. Thomas; 1972
- 162 Cornfield J, Dunn R. A, Batchlor C. D, Pipberger H. V. Multigroup Diagnosis of Electrocardiograms. Comput. biomed. Res 06 1973; 97-120.
- 163 Couch R. D. Computer Diagnosis – Review and Comment. Path. Ann 11 1976; 141-159.
- 164 Couch R. D, Lai D. C. Computer-aided Diagnosis – the Information Index for Laboratory Tests. In Enslein K. (Ed.): Data Acquisition and Processing in Biology and Medicine. Vol. 5 63-73 Oxford: Pergamon Press; 1968
- 165 Croft D. J. Is Computerized Diagnosis Possible?. Comput. biomed. Res 05 1972; 351-367.
- 166 Croft D. J, Machol R. E. Mathematical Methods in Medical Diagnosis. Ann. biomed. Engng 02 1974; 69-89.
- 167 Crombie D. L. Diagnostic Process. J. Coll. gen. Practit 06 1963; 579-589.
- 168 Crombie D. L, Dobell K. N-Tuplets in Computer Diagnosis. J. roy. Coll. gen. Practit 18 1969; 219-225.
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- 170 Cumberbatch J, Heaps H. S. Application of a NonBayesian Approach to Computer-aided Diagnosis for Upper Abdominal Pain. Int. J. bio-med. Comput 04 1973; 105-115.
- 171 Cumberbatch J, Heaps H. S. A Disease-conscious Method for Sequential Diagnosis by Use of Disease Probabilities without Assumption of Symptom Independence. Int. J. bio-med. Comput 07 1976; 61-78.
- 172 Cumberbatch J, Leung K. V, Heaps H. S. A Nonprobabilistic Method for Automatic Medical Diagnosis. Int. J. bio-med. Comput 05 1974; 133-146.
- 173 Dahmer J. Zur Logik der ärztlichen Diagnose. Med. Welt 20 1969; 1521-1523.
- 174 Dale P. W. Preliminaries to Programming a Computer for Psychiatric Diagnosis. Meth. Inform. Med 03 1964; 33-34.
- 175 Davies P. Symptom Diagnosis Using Bahadur’s Distribution. Int. J. bio-med. Comput 03 1972; 307-311.
- 176 Delbrueck A, Schneider B. Einsatzmöglichkeiten der elektronischen Datenverarbeitung in der ärztlichen Diagnostik. Münch. med. Wschr 111 1969; 1664-1669.
- 177 Demy N. G, Catlin K. G. Automation in Diagnostic Radiology – a Critique. Radiology 93 1969; 698-701.
- 178 Diamond H. S, Weiner M, Plotz C. M. A Computer Assisted Instructional Course in Diagnosis and Treatment of the Rheumatic Diseases. Arthr. and Rheum 17 1974; 1049-1055.
- 179 Dickey J. M. Estimation of Disease Probabilities Conditioned on Symptom Variables. Math. Biosci 03 1968; 249-265.
- 180 Dickson J. F, Stark L. Remote Real-time Computer System for Medical Research and Diagnosis. J. Amer. med. Ass 196 1966; 967-972.
- 181 Dobrow R. J, Fieldman A, Clason W. P, Caceres C. A, Reinfrank R. F. Automated Electrocardiography at a Community Hospital Utilizing Computer Diagnosis. Conn. Med 32 1068; 201-210.
- 182 de Dombal F. T. Some Observations of the Procedures Used in Medical Diagnosis in Real-life Situations and under Artificial Simulated Conditions. In Lange H-J, Wagner G. (Hrsg.): Computerunterstützte ärztliche Diagnostik, S. 51-55 Stuttgart-New York: Schattauer; 1973
- 183 de Dombal F. T. Surgical Diagnosis Assisted by a Computer. Proc. roy. Soc. B 154 1973; 433-440.
- 184 de Dombal F. T. Computer-assisted Diagnosis of Abdominal Pain. In Rose J, Mitchell J. H. (Eds): Advances in Medical Computing. 10-19 Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 1975
- 185 de Dombal F. T. How »Objective« is Medical Data?. In de Dombal F. T, Grémy F. (Eds): Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help?. 33-40 Amsterdam: Nortli-Holland Publ. Co; 1976
- 186 de Dombal F. T. Computer-aided Diagnosis; a Practical Proposition?. In de Dombal F. T, Grémv F. (Eds): Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help?. 153-157 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1976
- 187 de Dombal F. T, Clamp S. E, Leaper D. J, Staniland J. R, Horrocks J. C. Computer-aided Diagnosis of Lower Gastrointestinal Tract Disorders. Gastroenterology 68 1975; 252-260.
- 188 de Dombal F. T, Grémy F. (Eds): Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help?. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1976
- 189 de Dombal F. T, Hartley J. R, Sleeman D. H. A Computer-assisted System for Learning Clinical Diagnosis. Lancet 1969; 01: 145-148.
- 190 de Dombal F. T, Hartley J. R, Sleeman D. H. Teaching Surgical Diagnosis with the Aid of a Computer. Brit. J. Surg 56 1969; 754-757.
- 191 de Dombal F. T, Horrocks J. C. Computer-aided Diagnosis: Conclusions from an Overall Experience Involving 4,469 Patients. In Anderson J, Forsythe J. M. (Eds): MEDINFO 74. Vol. 2, 581-585 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1974
- 192 de Dombal F. T, Horrocks J. C, Clamp S. E, Storr J. E. Simulation Techniques and Computer-aided Teaching of the Clinical Diagnostic Process: Five Years Experience. In Anderson J, Forsythe J. M. (Eds): MEDINFO 74. Vol. 1 247-252 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1974
- 193 de Dombal F. T, Horrocks J. C, Staniland J. R. The Computer as an Aid to Gastroenterological Decision-making. Scand. J. Gastroent 10 1975; 225-227.
- 194 de Dombal F. T, Horrocks J. C, Staniland J. R, Gill P. W. Simulation of Clinical Diagnosis; a Comparative Study. Brit. med. J 1971; II: 575-577.
- 195 de Dombal F. T, Horrocks J. C, Staniland R. J, Guillou P. J. Construction and Uses of a »Data Base« of Clinical Information Concerning 600 Patients with Acute Abdominal Pain. Proc. roy. Soc. Med 64 1971; 978.
- 196 de Dombal F. T, Horrocks J. C, Staniland J. R, Guillou P. J. Pattern-Recognition: A Comparison of the Performance of Clinicians and Non-Clinicians – with a Note on the Performance of a Computer-based System. Meth. Inform. Med 11 1972; 32-37.
- 197 de Dombal F. T, Horrocks J. C, Walmsley G, Wilson P. D. Computer-aided Diagnosis and Decision-making in the Acute Abdomen. J. roy. Coll. Phycns Lond 09 1975; 211-218.
- 198 de Dombal F. T, Leaper D. J, Horrocks J. C, Staniland J. R, McCann A. P. Human and Computer-aided Diagnosis of Acute Abdominal Pain: Further Report with Emphasis on Performance of Clinicians. Brit. med. J 1974; I: 376-380.
- 199 de Dombal F. T, Leaper D. J, Staniland J. R, McCann A. P, Horrocks J. C. Computer-aided Diagnosis of Acute Abdominal Pain. Brit. med. J 1972; II: 9-13.
- 200 de Dombal F. T, Woods P. A, Hartley J. R. Digoxin: A Computer-based Diagnostic Game. Brit. J. Surg 56 1969; 625-626.
- 201 Dorau F, Grabner H, Grabner G. A Medical Information System as an Aid to Computer Assisted Diagnosis. In MEDCOMP 77. 659-666 Uxbridge, England: Online; 1977
- 202 Drechsler K-H, Blomer R. J. Hold-one-out Rules. In de Dombal F. T, Grémy F. (Eds): Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help ?. 499-504. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1976
- 203 Duda R. O, Hart P. E, Nilsson N. J. Subjective Bayesian Methods for Rule-based Inference Systems. Proceedings 1976 National Computer Conference, Vol. 45, 1075-1082.
- 204 Dudley H AF. Pay-off, Heuristics and Pattern-recognition in the Diagnostic Process. Lancet 1965; 11: 723-726.
- 205 Dunn O. J. Some Expected Values for Probabilities of Correct Classification in Discriminant Analysis. Technometrics 13 1971; 345-353.
- 206 Dunn O. J, Varady P. D. Probabilities of Correct Classification in Discriminant Analysis. Biometrics 22 1966; 908-924.
- 207 Duran B. S, Lewis T. O. An Application of Cluster Analysis to the Construction of a Diagnostic Classification. Comput. Biol. Med 04 1974; 183-188.
- 208 Dusserre L, Nakache J-P. Sample Size Problems in Discriminant Analysis. In Anderson J, Forsythe J. M. (Eds): MEDINFO 74. Vol. 2, 613-620 Amsterdam: NorthHolland Publ. Co; 1974
- 209 Dusserre L, Nakache J. P, Grémy F. Tactical Aspects in the Use of Linear Discriminant Analysis. In de Dombal F. T, Grémy F. (Eds): Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help?. 447-457 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1976
- 210 DuBoulay G, Popple A, Price V. E. The Assistance of a Computer in the Diagnosis of Intracranial Tumours. In de Haene R, Wambersie A. (Eds): Computers in Radiology. 317-323 Basel: Karger; 1970
- 211 DuBoulay G, Price V. E. The Diagnosis of Intracranial Tumours Assisted by Computer. Brit. J. Radiol 41 1968; 762-781.
- 212 Edwabds D. A. W. Flow Charts, Diagnostic Keys, and Algorithms in the Diagnosis of Dysphagia. Scot. med. J 15 1970; 378-385.
- 213 Edwards D. A. W. Discriminative Information in Diagnosis. Proc. roy. Soc. Med 64 1971; 676-677.
- 214 Edwards W. N = 1: Diagnosis in Unique Cases. In Jacquez J. A. (Ed.): Computer Diagnosis and Diagnostic Methods. 139-151 Springfield, III: C. C. Thomas; 1972
- 215 Edwards W, Phillips L. D, Hays W. L, Goodman B. C. Probabilistic Information Processing Systems: Design and Evaluation. IEEE Trans. Syst. Sci. Cybern. SSC-4 1968; 248-265.
- 216 Eggstein M, Knodel W, Graeser W, Ludwig U, Schmülling R-M. Das Diagnostik-Informations-System. Öst. Ärzteztg 26 1971; 1901-1912.
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- 219 Ehlers C. T. Maschinelle Krankenblattdokumentation und diagnostischer Einsatz des Computers. Verh. dtsch. Ges. inn. Med 74 1968; 196-199.
- 220 Eizenberg G, Genthon P, Bonafe J. L. Detection of the Origin of Hirsutism in Women by Data Analysis Methods. In MlfrDCOMP 77, 687-697 Uxbridge, England: Online; 1977
- 221 Elstein A. S. Clinical Judgment: Psychological Research and Medical Practice. Science 194 1976; 696-700.
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- 223 Engle Jr R. L., Davis B. J. Medical Diagnosis: Present, Past and Future. I. Present Concepts of the Meaning and Limitations of Medical Diagnosis. Arch, intern. Med 112 1963; 512-519.
- 224 Engle Jr R. L.. Medical Diagnosis: Present, Past and Future. II. Philosophical Foundations and Historical Development of Our Concepts of Health, Disease and Diagnosis. Arch, intern. Med 112 1963; 520-529.
- 225 Engle Jr R. L.. Medical Diagnosis: Present, Past and Future. III. Diagnosis in the Future, Including a Critique on the Use of Electronic Computers as Diagnostic Aids to the Physician. Arch, intern. Med 112 1963; 530-543.
- 226 Engle Jr R. L., Flehinger B. J. HEME: a Computer Program for Diagnosis-oriented Analysis of Hematologic Disease. Trans. Amer. clin. climat. Ass 86 1975; 33-42.
- 227 Engle Jr R. L., Flehinger B. J, Allen S, Friedman R, Lipkin M, Davis B. J, Leveridge L. L. HEME: a Computer Aid to Diagnosis of Hematologic Disease. Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med 52 1976; 584-600.
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- 229 Epstein M. N, Kaplan E. B. Criteria for Clinical Decision Making. In Schneider W, Sagvall Hein A.-L. (Eds): Computational Linguistics in Medicine. 35-44 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1977
- 230 Erbe R, Linhart P. Statistical Methods for Computer Supported Diagnostics Applied in the Field of Liver Diseases. IBM Publ. 74.03.002. Heidelberg: IBM - Wiss. Zentrum 1974
- 231 Erdmann Jr A. J.. Data Processing and the Interpretation of Symptoms. I. Results. In Jacquez J. A. (Ed.): The Diagnostic Process. Proceedings of a Conference Held at The University of Michigan. May 9-11, 1963, 215-231 Ann Arbor, Michigan: Malloy Lithographing; 1964
- 232 Estes W. K. Elements and Patterns in Diagnostic Discrimination Learning. Trans. N.Y. Acad. Sci 34 1972; 84-95.
- 233 Eysenck H. J. Psychiatric Diagnosis as a Psychological and Statistical Problem. Psychol. Rep 01 1955; 3-17.
- 234 Feinberg B. N, Schoeffler J. D. Computer Optimization Methods Applied to Medical Diagnosis. Comput. Biol. Med 05 1975; 3-19.
- 235 Feinstein A. R. Clinical Judgement. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1967
- 236 Feinstein A. R. Taxonomy and Logic in Clinical Data. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci 161 1969; 450-459.
- 237 Feinstein A. R, Koss N. Prognosis by Computers Based on Storage and Retrieval of Data for 5-year Clinical Course of 691 Cases of Lung Cancer. J. clin. Invest 45 1966; 1007.
- 238 Feinstein A. R, Koss N. Computer-aided Prognosis I, II. Arch, intern. Med 127 1971; 438-459.
- 239 Feldman S, Klein D. F, Honigfeld G. A Comparison of Successive Screening and Discriminant Function Techniques in Medical Taxonomy. Biometrics 25 1969; 725-734.
- 240 Feldman S, Klein D. F, Honigfeld G. The Reliability of a Decision Tree Technique Applied to Psychiatric Diagnosis. Biometrics 25 1972; 831-840.
- 241 Feubzeig W, Munter P, Swets J, Breen M. Computeraided Teaching in Medical Diagnosis. J. med. Educ 39 1964; 746-754.
- 242 Fieldman A, Dobbow R. J, Reinfrank R. F, Abraham S, Cacebes C. A. Evaluation of Routine ECG Screening of an Outpatient Population with Computer Diagnoses. J. Amer. med. Ass 205 1968; 627-630.
- 243 Fischer M. Development and Validity of a Computerized Method for Diagnosis of Functional Psychoses (DIAS). Evaluation Based on Comparison with Clinical Diagnosis, Prognosis, »Stability«, and Family History. Acta psychiat. scand 50 1974; 243-288.
- 244 Fisher M, Fox R. J, Newman A. Computer Diagnosis of the Acutely 111 Patient with Fever and a Rash. Int. J. Dermatol 12 1973; 59-63.
- 245 Fitzgerald L. T, Overall J. E, Williams E. J. A Computer Program for Diagnosis of Thyroid Disease. Amer. J. Roentgenol 97 1966; 901-905.
- 246 Fitzgerald L. T, Williams C. M. Computer Diagnosis of Thyroid Disease. (Thesis). Gainsville: University of Florida Printing Office; 1964
- 247 Fitzgerald L. T, Williams C. M. Modified Program for Computer Diagnosis of Thyroid Disease. Radiology 52 1964; 334-339.
- 248 Fleiss J. L, Spitzer R. L, Cohen J, Endicott J. Three Computer Diagnosis Methods Compared. Arch. gen. Psychiat 27 1972; 643-649.
- 249 Flenley D. C. A Dedicated Mini-computer in On-line Data Reduction in Physiological Studies of New Diagnostic Methods in Heart and Lung Disease. Hlth Bull. (Edinb) 34 1976; 174-176.
- 250 Fowler Jr R. D.. Computer Interpretation of Personality Tests: The Automated Psychologist. Comprehens. Psychiat 08 1967; 455-467.
- 251 Fowler Jr R. D.. MMPI Computer Interpretation for College Counseling. J. Psychol 69 1968; 201-207.
- 252 Fowler Jr R. D.. The Current Status of Computer Interpretation of Psychological Tests. Amer. J. Psychiat 125 1969; Suppl. 21-27.
- 253 Fowler Jr R. D., Marlowe Jr G. H.. Computers in Behavioral Science. A Computer Program for Personality Analysis. Behav. Sci 13 1968; 413-416.
- 254 Fox J. Some Observations of Fuzzy Diagnosis and Medical Computing. Int. J. bio-med. Comput 08 1977; 269-275.
- 255 Fragtt P, Patois E, Hubeb C, Lellouch J. Original Approach of the Hyperthyroidism Diagnosis with Computer. In Anderson J, Forsythe J. M. (Eds): MEDINFO 74, Vol. 2, 559-564 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1974
- 256 Fraser P, Healy M, Rose N, Watson L. Discriminant Functions in Differential Diagnosis of Hypercalcemia. Lancet 1971; I: 1314-1318.
- 257 Fraser P. M, Baron D. N. Computer-assisted Classification and Diagnosis of Liver Disease. Proc. roy. Soc. Med 59 1969; 776-779.
- 258 Fraser P. M, Franklin D. A. Mathematical Models for the Diagnosis of Liver Disease. Problems Arising in the Use of Conditional Probability Theory. Quart. J. Med 43 1974; 73-88.
- 259 Freemon F. R. Computer Diagnosis of Headache. Headache 05 1968; 49-56.
- 260 Freemon F. R. Medical Diagnosis: Comparison of Human and Computer Logic. Int. J. bio-med. Comput 03 1972; 217-221.
- 261 Freiman A. H, Steinberg C. A. The Analysis of Simultaneously Recorded Cardiovascular Data with a Digital Computer. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci 115 1964; 1091-1105.
- 262 Fbenkel L. D. Application of Computers to Diagnostic Medicine. Sth. med. J 62 1969; 1143-1148.
- 263 Fbiedman H. D. On the Expected Error in the Probability of Misclassification. Proc. IEEE 53 1965; 658-659.
- 264 Fries J. F. Experience Counting in Sequential Computer Diagnosis. Arch, intern. Med 126 1970; 647-651.
- 265 Fry D. L. The Use of Computers in Physiologic Diagnosis.. IRE Trans, med. Electron. ME-7 1960; 269.
- 266 Fryback D. G, Thornbury J. R. Evaluation of a Computerized Bayesian Model for Diagnosis of Renal Cyst vs. Tumor vs. Normal Variant from Excretory Urogram Information. Invest. Radiol 11 1976; 102-111.
- 267 Fukunaga K, Kessell D. Error Evaluation and Model Validation in Statistical Pattern Recognition. (Rep. Tr-EE 72-23). West Lafayette, Indiana: School Elec. Engng, Purdue University; 1972
- 268 Fukunaga K, Kessell D. Nonparametric Bayes Error Estimation Using Unclassified Samples. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory IT-iS 1973; 434-439.
- 269 Gamboa R, Klingeman J. D, Pipberger H. V. Computer Diagnosis of Biventricular Hypertrophy from the Orthogonal Electrocardiogram. Circulation 39 1969; 72-82.
- 270 Gangl A, Grabner G, Bauer P. Erste Erfahrungen mit einem Computer-Programm zur Differentialdiagnose der Leberkrankheiten. Wien. Z. inn. Med 50 1969; 553-586.
- 271 Gardner M. J, Barker D. J. P. A Case Study in Techniques of Allocation. Biometrics 31 1975; 931-942.
- 272 Garey M. R. Optimal Binary Decision Trees for Diagnostic Identification Problems. (Ph. D. Thesis). Madison: University of Wisconsin; 1970
- 273 Garland L. H. Studies on the Accuracy of Diagnostic Procedures. Amer. J. Roentgenol 52 1959; 25-38.
- 274 Gatev V, Venediicov I. Some Possibilities in Applying the Theory of Information in Diagnostics. In Masturzo A. (Ed.): Cybernetic Basis of Modern Medicine. 119-123 Napoli: SIMC; 1964
- 275 Gawler J. Computer Assisted Tomography (E. M. I. Scanner). Its Place in the Investigation of Suspected Intracranial Tumours. Lancet 1974; II: 419-423.
- 276 Gerster F, Dirlich G. Ein Programm zur Entscheidungshilfe in der Psychiatrie. IBM Nachr 25 1975; 44-48.
- 277 Gheorghe A. V, Bali H. N, Carson E. R. A Markovian Decision Model for Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment Applied to the Respiratory System. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybem. SMC-6 1976; 595-605.
- 278 Gheorghe A. V, Bali H. N, Hill W. J, Carson E. R. Dynamic Decision Models for Clinical Diagnosis. Int. J. biomed. Comput 07 1976; 81-92.
- 279 Gilbert E. S. On Discrimination Using Qualitative Variables. J. Amer. statist. Ass 63 1968; 1399-1412.
- 280 Gill P. W, Leaper D. J, Guillou P. J, Staniland J. R, Horbocks J. C, de Dombal F. T. Observer Variation in Clinical Diagnosis - A Computer-aided Assessment of its Magnitude and Importance in 522 Patients with Abdominal Pain. Meth. Inform. Med 12 1973; 108-113.
- 281 Gillmann H, Augsburger W. Grundsätzliche Probleme der EKG-Computerdiagnostik und Entwurf für ein Blockdiagramm orthogonal registrierter Ableitungen. Dtsch. med. J 21 1970; 660-669.
- 282 Ginsberg A. S. The Diagnostic Process Viewed as a Decision Problem. In Jacquez J. A. (Ed.): Computer Diagnosis arid Diagnostic Methods. 203-240 Springfield, I11: C. C. Thomas; 1972
- 283 Ginsberg A. S, Offensend F. L. An Application of Decision Theory to a Medical Diagnosis-treatment Problem. IEEE Trans. Syst. Sci. Cybern. SSC-4 1968; 355-362.
- 284 Glaess S. Diagnostik-Informations-System in Tübingen. Ein Modellprojekt. Z. Datenverarb 07 1969; 92-98.
- 285 Glaser W. Computer Diagnosis. Amer. J. Dis. Child 127 1974; 793-794.
- 286 Gledhill V. X, Mathews J. D. Computer aided Diagnosis: A Learning Model. J. Med 01 1970; 249-264.
- 287 Gledhill V. X, Mathews J. D, Mackay I. R. Computer Aided Diagnosis: A Study of Bronchitis. Meth. Inform. Med 11 1972; 228-233.
- 288 Gleser M. A, Collen M. F. Towards Automated Medical Decisions. Comput. biomed. Res 05 1972; 180-189.
- 289 Goldberg L. R. Simple Models or Simple Processes?. Some Research on Clinical Judgements. Amer. Psychol 23 1968; 483-496.
- 290 Goldberg L. R. Man versus Model of Man: A Rationale Plus Some Evidence for a Method of Improving on Clinical Inferences.. Psychol. Bull 73 1970; 422-432.
- 291 Goldberg M, Green S. B, Moss M. L, Marbach C. B, Garfinkel D. Computer-based Instruction and Diagnosis of Acid-base Disorders. J. Amer. med. Ass 223 1973; 269-275.
- 292 Goldstein L. S. Data Processing and the Interpretation of Symptoms. II. Processing of Data. In Jacquez J. A. (Ed.): The Diagnostic Process. Proceedings of a Conference Held at The University of Michigan. May 9-11, 1963: 241-243 Ann Arbor, Michigan: Malloy Lithographing; 1964
- 293 Good I. J, Card W. I. The Diagnostic Process with Special Reference to Errors. Meth. Inform. Med 10 1971; 176-188.
- 294 Gorry G. A. Strategies for Computer-aided Diagnosis. Math. Biosci 02 1968; 293-318.
- 295 Gorry G. A. Prospects for Computer-aided Diagnosis. New Engl. J. Med 281 1969; 101-102.
- 296 Gorry G. A. Computer-assisted Clinical Decision-making. In Lange H-J, Wagner G. (Hrsg.): Computerunterstützte ärztliche Diagnostik. 215-230 Stuttgart-New York: Schattauer; 1973
- 297 Gorry G. A. Computer-assisted Clinical Decision-making. Meth. Inform. Med 12 1973; 45-51.
- 298 Gorry G. A. Knowledge-based Systems for Clinical Problem Solving. In de Dombal F. T, Grémy F. (Eds): Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help ?. 23-32 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1976
- 299 Gorry G. A, Barnett G. O. Experience with a Model of Sequential Diagnosis. Comput. biomed. Res 01 1968; 490-507.
- 300 Gorry G. A, Barnett G. O. Sequential Diagnosis by Computer. J. Amer. med. Ass 205 1968; 849-854.
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- 302 Gower J. C, Barnett J. A. Selecting Tests in Diagnostic Keys with Unknown Responses. Nature 232 1971; 491-493.
- 303 Grabner G, Gangl A, Bauer P. Computerdiagnostik der Lebererkrankungen. Therapiewoche 20 1970; 1-8.
- 304 Grabner H. Wiener Allgemeines Medizinisches Informationssystem (WAMIS). Münch. med. Wschr. 117 1975; 1765-1768.
- 305 Graul E. H, Ihm P. Grundlagen der Computeranwendung in der Medizin. 2. Teil. Diagnostik. 01 1968; 82-84.
- 306 Greist J. H, Klein M. H, Erdman H. P. Routine On-line Psychiatric Diagnosis by Computer. Amer. J. Psychiat. 133 1976; 1405-1408.
- 307 Grémy F, Goldberg M. Decision Making Methods in Medicine. In Reichertz P. L, Goos G. (Eds): Informatics and Medicine. An Advanced Course. 419-459 Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer; 1977
- 308 Grémy F, Salamon R, Chastang C. Theory of Medical Decision Processes. Introductory Remarks. In Shires D. B, Wolf H. (Eds): MEDINFO 77, 95-99 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1977
- 309 Griesser G. Symptomenstatistik. Meth. Inform. Med. 04 1965; 79-82.
- 310 Griesser G. Diagnostik durch Computer. Chirurg 40 1969; 241-245.
- 311 Gross R. Von der Intuition zum Computer. Wege und Probleme internistischer Diagnostik. Med. Welt. 1965: 873-878.
- 312 Gross R. From Intuition to Computation. Development and Problems of Medical Diagnosis. Meth. Inform. Med. 05. 1966: 35-39.
- 313 Gross R. Medizinische Diagnostik – Grundlagen und Praxis. Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer; 1969
- 314 Gross R. Analyse des ärztlichen Diagno&tikvorganges. In Lange H-J, Wagner G. (Hrsg.): Computerunterstützte ärztliche Diagnostik. S. 31-38 Stuttgart-New York: Schattauer; 1973
- 315 Gross R. Der Kranke, der Arzt und die Technologie. Dtsch. Ärztebl. 70 1973; 2888-2893 u. 2897-2899.
- 316 Gross R. Der Wandel in der medizinischen Diagnostik. Herz Kreisl 05 1973; 99-106.
- 317 Gross R. Einige logische Grundlagen und Grundfragen der Medizin. Dtsch. Ärztebl. 70. 1973: 2319-2321 2392–2395, 2462–2464, 2538–2540 u. 2605–2606.
- 318 Gross R. Über diagnostische und therapeutische Entscheidungen. Klin. Wschr. 53 1975; 293-305.
- 319 Guenther K. H. Probleme einer Computer-Diagnostik. Dtsch. Gesundh.-Wes. 27 1972; 1969-1971.
- 320 Gulesian Jr P. J., Bouhuys A. Computerized Pattern Recognition in the Early Detection of Lung Disease. Proceedings of the 1970 IEEE Systems Science and Cybernetic Conference, 48-54.
- 321 Gustafson D. H, Kestly J. J, Greist J. H, Jensen N. M. Initial Evaluation of a Subjective Bayesian Diagnostic System. Hlth Serv. Res. 06 1971; 204-213.
- 322 Gustafson D. H, Kestly J. J, Ludke R. L, Larson F. Probabilistic Information Processing: Implementation and Evaluation of a Semi-PIP Diagnostic System. Comput. biomed. Res. 06 1973; 355-370.
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- 324 Gustafson J. E, Balm G, Townsend C, Mericle M. Methods of Computer Diagnosis. In Enslein K. (Ed.): Data Acquisition and Processing in Biology and Medicine. Vol. 3, 83-87 Oxford: Pergamon Press; 1964
- 325 Gustafson J. E, Balm G, Townsend C, Mericle M. The Value of the Computer in Medical Diagnosis. In Enslein K. (Ed.): Data Acquisition and Processing in Biology and Medicine. Vol. 3, 17-21 Oxford: Pergamon Press; 1964
- 326 Gustafson J. E, Throckmorton T. D. The Computer as a Consultant. Med. Times. 93 1965; 115-119.
- 327 Habbema J. D.F. Models for Diagnosis and Detection of Combinations of Diseases. In de Dombal F. T, Grémy F. (Eds): Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help?. 399-410 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1976
- 328 Hadley T. P, Geer D. E, Bleich H. L, Freedberg I. M. The Use of Digital Computers in Dermatologie Diagnosis: Computer-aided Diagnosis of Febrile Illness with Eruption. J. invest. Derm. 62 1974; 467-472.
- 329 Haisty Jr W. K., Batchlor C, Cornfield J, Pipberger H. V. Discriminant Function Analysis of RR Intervals: An Algorithm for On-line Arrhythmia Diagnosis. Comput. biomed. Res. 05 1972; 247-255.
- 330 Hall D. L, Dwyer S. J, Harlow C. A, Lodwick G. S. A Review of Computers in Diagnostic Radiology. Technical Report. Department of Electrical Engineering. University of Missouri; Columbia: 1971
- 331 Hall D. L, Lodwick G. S, Kruger R, Dwyer S. J. Computer Diagnosis of Heart Disease. Radiol. Clin. N. Amer. 09 1971; 533-541.
- 332 Hall D. L, Lodwick G. S, Kruger R. P, Dwyer S. J, Townes J. R. Direct Computer Diagnosis of Rheumatic Heart Disease. Technical Report. Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Missouri, Columbia. 1971
- 333 Hall G. H. The Computer in Diagnosis. Practitioner 203 1969; 275-284.
- 334 Hall P, Selander H, Wolodarski J. A Discriminatory Analysis System in a Health Screening Project. In Lange G-J, Wagner G. (Hrsg.): Computerunterstützte ärztliche Diagnostik. S. 325-329 Stuttgart-New York: Schattauer; 1973
- 335 Hartmann F. What could and should Doctors Learn from Their Experiences with Computers in Medicine. In Anderson J, Forsythe J. M. (Eds): MEDINFO 74, Vol. 2, 1155-1170 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1974
- 336 Healy M. J.R. Computer-aided Diagnosis – An Overview of Some Theoretical Problems. In de Dombal F. T, Grémy F. (Eds): Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help?. 357-359 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1976
- 337 Hermans J, Eggermont J. J, Hagedooren J, Odenthal D. W. Probabilistic Differential Diagnosis of Auditory Dysfunction on the Basis of Electrocochleography. Meth. Inform. Med. 14 1975; 87-95.
- 338 Hermans J, Habbema J. D. F. Comparison of Five Methods to Estimate Posterior Probabilities. EDV Med. Biol. 06 1975; 14-19.
- 339 Hershey J. C. Consequence Evaluation in Decision Analytic Models of Medical Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment. Meth. Inform. Med. 13 1974; 197-203.
- 340 Hilden J, Bjerregaard B. Computer-aided Diagnosis and the Atypical Case. In de Dombal F. T, Grémy F. (Eds): Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help?. 365-376 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1976
- 341 Hills M. Allocation Rules and Their Error Rates. J. roy.’ statist. Soc. B. 28 1966; 1-31.
- 342 Hills M. Discrimination and Allocation with Discrete Data. Appl. Statist. 16 1967; 237-250.
- 343 Hirschfeld R, Spitzer R. L, Miller R. G. Computer Diagnosis in Psychiatry: A Bayes Approach. J. nerv. ment. Dis. 155 1974; 399-407.
- 344 Hirschfeld R. M.A, Judge R. D. Clinician vs. Computer: A Study of the Application of Bayes’ Theorem to Clinical Diagnosis. Univ. Mich. med. Center J. 35 1969; 32-35.
- 345 Hockstra D. J, Miller S. D. Sequential Games and Medical Diagnosis. Comput. biomed. Res. 09 1976; 205-215.
- 346 Hoehne K. H, Pfeiffer G. The Role of the PhysicianComputer Interaction in the Acquisition and Interpretation of Scintigraphic Data. Meth. Inform. Med. 13 1974; 65-70.
- 347 Hoelzel D. Konzept fiir ein Medizinisches Informationssystem zur Diagnoseunterstützung. In Lange H-J, Wagner G. (Hrsg.): Computerunterstützte ärztliche Diagnostik. S. 231-235 Stuttgart-New York: Schattauer; 1973
- 348 Hollingworth T. H. Using an Electronic Computer in a Problem of Medical Diagnosis. J. roy. statist. Soc. A. 122 1959; 221-231.
- 349 Hon E. H. Computer Aids in Evaluating Fetal Distress. In Stacy R. W, Waxman B. D. (Eds): Computers in Biomedical Research. Yol. 1, 409-437 New York-London: Academic Press; 1965
- 350 Honigfeld G, Klein D. F, Feldman S. Prediction of Psychopharmacologic Effect in Man: Development and Validation of a Computerized Diagnostic Decision Tree. Comput. biomed. Res. 02 1969; 350-361.
- 351 Hooper M. J, Oddie T. H, Stiel J. N, Reeve T. S, Hales I. B. Computer Diagnosis of Thyroid Carcinoma. Aust. N. Z. J. Med. 03 1973; 614-616.
- 352 Horak W, Michalek P, Richter H, Thumb N. Computerdiagnostik in der Rheumatologie. In Fellinger K. (Hrsg.): Computer in der Medizin. Probleme, Erfahrungen, Projekte. S. 232-237 Wien: Brüder Hollinek; 1968
- 353 Horrocks J. C. A Computer-aided Diagnostic System Using a Small Desk-top Computer-calculator. Meth. Inform. Med. 13 1974; 83-88.
- 354 Horrocks J. C, Devroede J, de Doribal F. T. Computeraided Diagnosis of Gastroenterologie Diseases in Sherbrooke: Preliminary Report. Canad. J. Surg. 19 1976; 160-164.
- 355 Horrocks J. C, de Dombal F. T. Computer-aided Diagnosis of Dyspepsia. Amer. J. dig. Dis. 20 1975; 397-406.
- 356 Horrocks J. C, de Dombal F. T. Diagnosis of Dyspepsia from Data Collected by a Physician’s Assistant. Brit. med. J. 1975 III: 421-425.
- 357 Horrocks J. C, Lambert D. E, McAdam W. A. F, Morgan A. G, Pacsoo C, Darnborough A, de Dombal F. T. Transfer of Computer-aided Diagnosis of Dyspepsia from One Geographical Area to Another. Gut 17 1976; 640-644.
- 358 Horrocks J. C, McAdam W. A. F, Devroede G, Gunn A. A, Zoltie N. Some Practical Problems in Transferring Computer-aided Diagnostic Systems from One Geographical Area to Another. In de Dombal F. T. , Grémy F. (Eds): Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help?. 159-164 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1976
- 359 Horrocks J. C, McCann A. P, Staniland J. R, Leaper D. J, de Dombal F. T. Computer-aided Diagnosis: Description of an Adaptable System and Operational Experience with 2,034 Cases. Brit. med. J. 1972; 11: 5-9.
- 360 Hossain A. S. Prospect of Computers in Medical Diagnoses. Indian J. publ. Hlth. 18 1974; 55-58.
- 361 Huber C, Lellouch J. Diagnosis on Qualitative Variables. In de Dombal F. T, Grémy F. (Eds): Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help?. 393-411 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1976
- 362 Hugh A. E. Computers in Diagnostic Radiology. Clin. Radiol. 17 1966; 136-138.
- 363 Hundeshagen H, Geisler S, Dittmann P. Spezielle Probleme der EDV bei der nuklearmedizinischen Herzund Kreislaufdiagnostik. Radiobiol. Radiother. (Berl) 17 1976; 83-89.
- 364 Hurley P. J, Maisey M. N, Natarajan T. K, Wagner Jr H. N.. A Computerized System for Rapid Evaluation of Thyroid Function. J. clin. Endocr. 34 1972; 354-360.
- 365 Iwatsuka R. Automated Computer Assisted Diagnosis of ECG and PCG in the Cardiovascular Screening System. Jap. Circulat. J. (En) 35 1974; 372-376.
- 366 Jackson E. Introducing Students to Computerized Diagnosis. J. dent. Educ. 38 1974; 512-516.
- 367 Jacquez J. A. (Ed.): The Diagnostic Process. Proceedings of a Conference Held at The University of Michigan. May 9-11, 1963. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Malloy Lithographing; 1964
- 368 Jacquez J. A. The Diagnostic Process: Problems and Perspectives. In Jacquez J. A. (Ed.): The Diagnostic Process. Proceedings of a Conference Held at The University of Michigan. May 9-11, 1963. 23-37. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Malloy Lithographing; 1964
- 369 Jacquez J. A. (Ed.): Computer Diagnosis and Diagnostic Methods. Springfield, I11: C. C. Thomas; 1972
- 370 Jacquez J. A. Algorithmic Diagnosis: A Review with Emphasis on Bayesian Methods. In Jacquez J. A. (Ed.): Computer Diagnosis and Diagnostic Methods. 374-393 Springfield, I11: C. C. Thomas; 1972
- 371 Jacquez J. A, Norusis M. J. The Importance of Symptom Non-independence in Diagnosis. In de Dombal F. T, Grémy F. (Eds): Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help?. 379-390 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1976
- 372 Jesdinsky H. J. Diagnose-Modelle in der Medizin. Meth. Inform. Med. 11 1972; 48-59.
- 373 Kabasawa K, Kawamura N, Kaihara S, Hiramatsu K. Sequential Diagnostic System Based on Reduction Theory. In Anderson J, Forsythe J. M. (Eds): MEDINFO 74, Vol. 2, 621-623 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1974
- 374 Kaihara S. Information Processing and Automated Diagnosis in Medical Care. Jap. Circulat. J. (En) 38 1974; 377-378.
- 375 Kayser K. Logic and Diagnosis.-Meth. Inform. Med. 14 1975; 76-80.
- 376 King L. S. What is a Diagnosis? J. Amer. med. Ass. 202 1967; 714-717.
- 377 Kissjov V. T, Nenov D. A. A Method for Correlation Analysis of Medical Information. In MEDCOMP 77, 81-792 Uxbridge, England: Online; 1977
- 378 Kleinmuntz B. M. M. P. I. Decision Rules for the Identification of College Maladjustment: A Digital Computer Approach. Psychol. Monogr. 77. 1963 No. 14.
- 379 Kleinmuntz B. Diagnostic Problem Solving by Computer. Jap. psychol. Res. 07 1965; 189-194.
- 380 Kleinmuntz B. Medical Information Processing by Computer. In Jacquez J. A. (Ed.): Computer Diagnosis and Diagnostic Methods. 45-72 Springfield, I11: C. C. Thomas; 1972
- 381 Kleinmuntz B. The Computer as Clinician. Amer. Psychol. 30 1975; 379-387.
- 382 Klingeman J, Pipberger H. V. Computer Classifications of Electrocardiograms. Comput. biomed. Res. 01 1967; 1-17.
- 383 Klusmeier S, Zywietz C, Abel H. Ein Programm für die Computerauswerfcung von konventionellen Elektrokardiogrammen. Verh. dtsch. Ges. Kreisl.-Forsch. 42 1976; 397-400.
- 384 Knapp R. G, Levi S, Lurie D, Westpiial M. A Computer-generated Diagnostic Decision Guide: A Comparison of Statistical Diagnosis and Clinical Diagnosis. Comput. Biol. Med. 07 1977; 223-230.
- 385 Knill-Jones R. P. The Diagnosis of Jaundice by the Computation of Probabilities. J. roy. Coll. Pliycns Lond. 09 1975; 205-210.
- 386 Knill-Jones R. P, Cochran K. M, Sokiii G. S, Russell R. I, Blumgart L. H. Early Diagnosis of Jaundice: a Computer and Clinical Study. Brit. J. Surg. 62 1975; 654-655.
- 387 Knill-Jones R. P, Stehn R. B, Girmes D. H, Maxwell J. D, Thompson R. P. H, Williams R. Use of Sequential Bayesian Model in Diagnosis of Jaundice by Computer. Brit, med. J. 1973 I: 530-533.
- 388 Kohout L. Algebraic Models in Computer-aided Medical Diagnosis. In Anderson J, Forsythe J. M. (Eds): MEDINFO 74, Vol. 2, 575-579 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1974
- 389 Kolberg T, Virnich H, Winkleb C. Präoperative Artdiagnostik hirnorganischer Prozesse mit Hilfe eines Computerprogramms. Acta neurochir. (Wien) 31 1974; 23-38.
- 390 Koller S. Mathematisch-statistische Grundlagen der Diagnostik. Klin. Wschr. 45 1967; 1065-1072.
- 391 Koller S. Mathematisch-statistische Grundlagen der Diagnostik. Ja und Nein zur sogenannten Computer-Diagnose. Ärztl. Fortbild. 17 1969; 189-192.
- 392 Koller S. Wann ist die Computerhilfe in der Diagnostik für die Praxis anwendungsreif? Dtsch. Ärztebl. 66 1969; 795-799.
- 393 Koller S. Probleme der Computer-Nutzung durch die freie ärztliche Praxis. Dtsch. Ärztebl. 67 1970; 2923-2928.
- 394 Koller S, Überla K. Die Verwendung elektronischer Rechenanlagen in der Medizin I u. II. Fortschr. Med. 84. 1966 209-210 und 279-282.
- 395 Komazawa T, Hayashi C. A Statistical Method for Quantification of Categorical Data and Its Application to Medical Science. In de Dombai F. T, Grémy F. (Eds): Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help?. 533-544 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1976
- 396 Kornreich F, Brismee D. The Missing Waveform Information in the Orthogonal Electrocardiogram (Frank Leads). II. Diagnosis of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy and Myocardial Infarction from »Total« Surface Waveform Information. Circulation 45 1973; 996-1004.
- 397 Kornreich F, Block P, Brismee D. The Missing Waveform Information in the Orthogonal Electrocardiogram (Frank Leads). III. Computer Diagnosis of Angina Pectoris from »Maximal« QRS Surface Waveform Information at Rest. Circulation 49 1974; 1212-1222.
- 398 Kornreich F, Block P, Brismee D. The Missing Waveform Information in the Orthogonal Electrocardiogram (Frank Leads). IV. Computer Diagnosis of Biventricular Hypertrophy from »Maximal« Surface Waveform Information. Circulation 49 1974; 1123-1131.
- 399 Krischer J. P. Diagnostic Nets. Int. J. bio-med. Comput. 02 1971; 27-38.
- 400 Krischer J. P. Application of Sequential Methods in Pattern Recognition to Diagnosis. Math. Biosci. 13 1972; 33-45.
- 401 Kruger R. P, Thompson W. B, Turner A. F. Computer Diagnosis of Pneumoconiosis. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. SMC- 04 1974; 40-49.
- 402 Kruger R. P, Townes J. R, Hall D. L, Dwyer S. J, Lodwick G. S. Automated Radiographic Diagnosis via Feature Extraction and Classification of Cardiac Size and Shape Descriptors. IEEE Trans, biomed. Engng BME- 70 1972; 174-186.
- 403 Kulikowski C. A. Pattern Recognition Approach to Medical Diagnosis. IEEE Trans. Syst. Sci. Cybern. SSC- 06 1970; 173-178.
- 404 Kulikowski C. A, Weiss S, Trighoff M, Safir A. Clinical Consultation and the Representation of Disease Processes: Some AI Approaches. (CBM TR 58). New Brunswick: Rutgers University; 1976
- 405 Kumura E, Mibukura Y, Miura S. Statistical Diagnosis of Electrocardiogram by Theorem of Bayes. Jap. Heart J 04 1963; 469-488.
- 406 Kuznetzov P. I, Pchelintzev L. A. The Application of Some Mathematical Methods in Medical Diagnostics. Math. Biosci 05 1969; 365-377.
- 407 Lachenbruch P. A. On Expected Probabilities of Misclassification in Discriminant Analysis, Necessary Sample Size, and a Relation with the Multiple Correlation Coefficient. Biometrics 24 1968; 823-834.
- 408 Lachenbruch P. A. Some Unsolved Practical Problems in Discriminant Analysis. In Dombal F. T, de Grémy F. (Eds) Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help?. 423-432 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1976
- 409 Lachenbruch P. A. Some Misuses of Discriminant Analysis. Meth. Inform. Med 16 1977; 255-258.
- 410 Lachenbruch P. A, Clarke W. R, Broffitt B, Lin L. The Effect of Non-normality on the Quadratic Discriminant Function. In Shires D. B, Wolf H. (Eds): MEDINFO 77 101-104 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1977
- 411 Lachenbruch P. A, Mickey M. R. Estimation of Error Rates in Discriminant Analysis. Technometrics 10 1968; 1-11.
- 412 Lange H-J. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der sogenannten Computerdiagnostik. Münch, med. Wschr 111 1969; 2473-2479.
- 413 Lange H-J. Diagnostikhilfe durch Computer. Therapiewoche 20 1970; 3291-3298.
- 414 Lange H-J. Grundlagen einer Diagnostikhilfe durch Computer. Langenbecks Arch. klin. Chir 327 1970; 1145-1156.
- 415 Lange H-J, Reiter R. Datenverdichtung bei der Auswertung multivariater epidemiologischer Studien. Meth. Inform. Med 11 1972; 253-257.
- 416 Lange H-J, Victor N. Computer als Hilfsmittel der ärztlichen Diagnostik. In Graul E. H, Habermehl A. (Hrsg.) Computersysteme in der Medizin, S. 155–165. Lövenich Krs. Köln: Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag; 1973
- 417 Lange H-J, Wagner G. (Hrsg.) Computerimterstützte ärztliche Diagnostik. Stuttgart-New York: Schattauer; 1973
- 418 Lange H-J. Decision-making by Doctors and Aided by Computers. In Dombai F. T, de Grémy F. (Eds) Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help?. 11-20 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1976
- 419 Lasker G. E. Application of Sequential Pattern-recognition Technique to Medical Diagnostics. Int. J. bio-med. Comput 01 1970; 173-186.
- 420 Le Minor M, Alpérovitch A, Lockhabt A. M, Métbeau J. M, Dhumeaux D. Strategy for the Diagnosis of Hepatobiliary Disease: the Computer-aided Decision. In MEDCOMP 77. 679-686 Uxbridge, England: Oneline; 1977
- 421 Leaper D. J, Gill P. W, Staniland J. R, Horrocks J. C, de Dombal F. T. The Clinical Diagnostic Process: An Analysis. Brit. med. J. 1973. 111 569-574.
- 422 Leaper D. J, Horrocks J. C, Staniland J. R, de Dombal F. T. Computer-assisted Diagnosis of Abdominal Pain Using »Estimates« Provided by Clinicians. Brit. med. J. 1972. IV: 350-354.
- 423 Ledley R. S. Using Electronic Computers in Medical Diagnosis. IRE Trans, med. Electron. ME- 07 1960; 274-277.
- 424 Ledley R. S. Advances in Biomedical Science and Diagnosis. In Borko H. (Ed.) Computer Applications in the Behavioral Science. 490-521 Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice-Hall; 1962
- 425 Ledley R. S. High-speed Automatic Analysis of Biomedical Pictures. Science 146 1964; 216-223.
- 426 Ledley R. S. Use of Computers in Biology and Medicine. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1965
- 427 Ledley R. S. Computer Aids to Medical Diagnosis. J. Amer. med. Ass 196 1966; 933-943.
- 428 Ledley R. S. Automatic Pattern Recognition for Clinical Medicine. Proc. IEEE 57 1969; 2017-2035.
- 429 Ledley R. S. Practical Problems in the Use of Computers in Medical Diagnosis. Proc. IEEE 57 1969; 1900-1918.
- 430 Ledley R. S. Syntax-directed Concept Analysis in the Reasoning Foundations of Medical Diagnosis. In Jacquez J. A. (Ed.) Computer Diagnosis and Diagnostic Methods. 152-168 Springfield, Ill: C. C. Thomas; 1972 and Comput. Biol. Med. 3 (1973) 89–99.
- 431 Ledley R. S, Lusted L. B. The Use of Electronic Computers to Aid in Medical Diagnosis. Proc. IRE 47 1959; 1970-1975.
- 432 Ledley R. S, Lusted L. B. Reasoning Foundations of Medical Diagnosis. Science 130 1959; 9-21.
- 433 Ledley R. S, Lusted L. B. The Use of Electronic Computers in Medical Data Processing: Aids in Diagnosis, Current Information Retrieval, and Medical Record. IRE Trans, med. Electron. ME- 07 1960; 31-47.
- 434 Ledley R. S, Lusted L. B. Computers in Medical Data Processing. Operat. Res 06 1960; 299-310.
- 435 Ledley R. S, Lusted L. B. The Role of Computers in Medical Diagnosis. Med. Dokum 05 1961; 70-78.
- 436 Ledley R. S, Lusted L. B. Medical Diagnosis and Modern Decision Making. Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics, March, 1961, Vol. 14. 117-158 Providence, R. I: American Mathematical Society; 1962
- 437 Lehr J. L, Parkey R. W, Harlow C. A, Garrotto L. J, Lodwick G. S. Computer Algorithms for the Detection of Brain Scintigram Abnormalities. Radiology 97 1970; 269-276.
- 438 Leiber B. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Computer-Diagnostik. Med. Klin 63 1968; 388-391.
- 439 Leiber B. Die praktische Medizin auf dem Wege zur Computerdiagnostik. Tendenzen und Stationen bis zum Jahre 2000. Arithmed-Internat 01 1969; 20-22.
- 440 Leiber B. Computer-Diagnostik und ärztliche Praxis. Grundlagen – Möglichkeiten – Grenzen – Zukunftsaspekte. Almanach ärztl. Fortb 1969; 243-266.
- 441 Leiber B. Aufgaben und Funktionen der, Informationsbank’ für seltene, ungewöhnliche oder neuartige Krankheitsbilder in Frankfurt a.M. Pädiat. Pädiol 06 1971; 337-341.
- 442 Leiber B. The German Syndrome Identification and Information System (DOFONOS). Meth. Inform. Med 14 1975; 69-72.
- 443 Lemlich A, Covo G, Ziffer H. Multivariant Analysis of Prognostic Factors in Myocardial Infarction. In Enslein K. (Ed.) Data Acquisition and Processing in Biology and Medicine, Vol. 3. 65-81 Oxford: Pergamon Press; 1964
- 444 Leonard M. S, Roberts S. D, Fast T. B, Mahan P. E. Automated Diagnosis of Craniofacial Pain. J. dent. Res 52 1973; 1297-1302.
- 445 Levine H. D. Clinical Interpretation of Electrocardiogram by Means of Electronic Computers. Amer. Heart. J 69 1965; 147-149.
- 446 Levine K. C. Some Thoughts on Computerized Medical Diagnosis. J. med. Ass. Ga 61 1972; 273-274.
- 447 Lincoln T. L, Parker R. D. Medical Diagnosis Using Bayes Theorem. Hlth Serv. Res 02 1967; 34-45.
- 448 Lindley D. V. Making Decisions. London: Wiley; 1971
- 449 Lindley D. V. Costs and Utilities. In de Dombal F. T, Grémy F. (Eds) Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help ?. 101-112 Amsterdam: NorthHolland Publ. Co; 1976
- 450 Lindley D. V. Probability and Medical Diagnosis. J. roy. Coll. Phycns Lond 09 1975; 197-204.
- 451 Lindley D. V. The Role of Utility in Decision-making. J. roy. Coll. Phyncs Lond 09 1975; 225-230.
- 452 Linn B. S. Statistics, Computers, and Clinical Judgment. Lancet 1969; II: 48-50.
- 453 Lipkin M. Correlation of Data with a Digital Computer in the Differential Diagnosis of Hematological Diseases. IRE Trans, med. Electron. ME- 07 1960; 243-246.
- 454 Lipkin M. Digital and Analogue Computer Methods Combined to Aid in the Differential Diagnosis of Hematological Diseases. Circulat Res 11 1962; 607-613.
- 455 Lipkin M. The Likelihood Concept in Differential Diagnosis. Perspect. Biol. Med 07 1964; 485-497.
- 456 Lipkin M. The Role of Data Processing in the Diagnostic Process. In Jacquez J. A. (Ed.) The Diagnostic Process. Proceedings of a Conference Held at The University of Michigan, May 9–11, 1963. 255-273 Ann Arbor, Michigan: Malloy Lithographing; 1964
- 457 Lipkin M. Analytical Methods and Results of Computer Aided Differential Diagnosis of Hematologic Diseases. In Excerpta Medica, International Congress Ser. Vol. 121. 1966: 60-61.
- 458 Lipkin M, Engle R. L, Davis B. J, Zworykin V. K, Ebald R, Sendrow M. Digital Computer as Aid to Differential Diagnosis. Arch, intern. Med 108 1961; 56-72.
- 459 Lipkin M, Engle R. L, Flehinger B. J, Gerstman L. J, Atamer M. A. Computer-aided Differential Diagnosis of Hematological Diseases. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci 161 1969; 670-679.
- 460 Lipkin M, Woodbury M. A. Analytic Studies Related to the Differential Diagnosis of Hematologic Diseases. Blut 09 (Suppl.) 1963; 449-454.
- 461 Liska G. Automatic Detection in Medical Diagnosis. Comput. Sci. Ass. Newslett 02 1965; 9-36.
- 462 Lively W. M, Szygenda S. A, Mize C. E. Modeling Techniques for Medical Diagnosis. I. Heuristics and Learning Programs in Selected Neonatal Hepatic Disease. Comput. biomed. Res 06 1973; 393-410.
- 463 Lodwick G. S. Computer Diagnosis in Radiology. J. Mich. St. med. Soc 61 1962; 1239-1242.
- 464 Lodwick G. S. Radiographic Diagnosis and Grading of Bone Tumors with Comments on Computer Evaluation. Proceedings of the 5th National Cancer Conference; Philadelphia: 1964: 369-380.
- 465 Lodwick G. S. A Systematic Approach to the Roentgen Diagnosis of Bone Tumors. Tumors of Bone and Soft Tissue. Eighth Annual Clinical Conf. on Cancer, 1963. 49-68 Chicago: Year Book Medical Publ., Inc; 1965
- 466 Lodwick G. S. A Probabilistic Approach to the Diagnosis of Bone Tumors. Radiol. Clin. N. Amer 03 1965; 487-497.
- 467 Lodwick G. S. Computer-aided Diagnosis in Radiology. A Research Plan. Invest. Radiol 01 1966; 72-80.
- 468 Lodwick G. S. Solitary Malignant Tumors of Bone: The Application Predictor Variables in Diagnosis. Semin. Roentgenol 01 1966; 293-313.
- 469 Lodwick G. S. Four Technologic Applications of Medical Informatics to Radiology. In Reichertz P. L, Goos G. (Eds) Informatics and Medicine. An Advanced Course. 693-712 Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer; 1977
- 470 Lodwick G. S, Haun C. L, Smith W. E, Keller R. F, Robertson E. D. Computer Diagnosis of Primary Bone Tumors. A Preliminary Report. Radiology 50 1963; 273-275.
- 471 Lodwick G. S, Keats T, Dorst J. The Coding of Roentgen Images for Computer Analysis as Applied to Lung Cancer. Radiology 51 1963; 185-200.
- 472 Lodwick G. S, Reichertz P. L. Computerunterstützte Diagnostik von Tumoren und tumorähnlichen Veränderungen des Knochens. Das begrenzte Bayes-Konzept. Vorläufiger Bericht. Roentgen-Bl 22 1969; 162-168.
- 473 Lodwick G. S, Reichertz P. L. Computer Assisted Diagnosis of Tumors and Tumor-like Lesions of Bone. The Limited Bayes’ Concept. In Lelliffe A. M, Strickland B. (Eds) Symposium Ossium. 305-309 Edinburgh: Livingstone; 1970
- 474 Lodwick G. S, Reichertz P. L, Paquet E, Hall D. L. ODARS: A Computer Aided System for Diagnosing and Reporting. Part I. Clinical Problems. In de Haene R, Wambersie A. (Eds) Computers in Radiology. 279-282 Basel: Karger; 1970
- 475 Lodwick G. S, Turner A. H, Lusted L. B, Templeton A. W. Computer-aided Analysis of Radiographic Images. J. chron. Dis 19 1966; 485-496.
- 476 Lusted L. B. Computer Programming of Diagnostic Tests. IRE Trans, med. Electron. ME- 07 1960; 255-258.
- 477 Lusted L. B. Application of Computers in Diagnosis. Circulat. Res 11 1962; 599-606.
- 478 Lusted L. B. Computer Techniques in Medical Diagnosis. In Stacy R. W, Waxman B. D. (Eds) Computers in Biomedical Research, Vol. 1. 319-338 New York-London: Academic Press; 1965
- 479 Lusted L. B. Logic of the Diagnostic Process. Meth. Inform. Med 04 1965; 63-68.
- 480 Lusted L. B. Logical Analysis in Medical Diagnosis. In Le Cam L. M, Neyman J. (Eds) Proceedings of the 5th Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, Vol. IV. 903-923 Berkeley-Los Angeles: Univ. Calif. Press; 1967
- 481 Lusted L. B. Introduction to Medical Decision Making. Springfield, Ill: C. C. Thomas; 1968
- 482 Lusted L. B. Computer Technics for Decision Making in Diagnostic Radiology. Congress Lecture No. 2 at the 12th International Congress of Radiology; Tokyo: 1969
- 483 Lusted L. B. Signal Detectability and Medical Decisionmaking. Sciencc 171 1971; 1217-1219.
- 484 Lusted L. B. Observer Error, Signal Detectability and Medical Decision-making. In Jacquez J. A. (Ed.) Computer Diagnosis and Diagnostic Methods. 29-44 Springfield, Ill: A. C. Thomas; 1972
- 485 Lusted L. B. Clinical Decision Making. In de Dombal F. T, Grémy F. (Eds) Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help?. 77-99 Amsterdam: NorthHolland Publ. Co; 1976
- 486 Lusted L. B, Ledley R. S. Electronic Computer Aids to Medical Diagnosis. In Smyth C. N. (Ed.) Medical Electronics. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Medical Electronics, Paris, 1959. 415-424 Springfield: C. C. Thomas; 1960
- 487 Lusted L. B, Ledley R. S. Mathematical Models in Medical Diagnosis. J. med. Educ 35 1960; 214-222.
- 488 Lusted L. B, Stahl W. R. Conceptual Models of Diagnosis. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; 1964
- 489 Lusted L. B, Stahl W. R. Conceptual Models of Diagnosis. In Jacquez J. A. (Ed.) The Diagnostic Process. Proceedings of a Conference Held at The University of Michigan, May 9–11, 1963. 157-180 Ann Arbor, Michigan: Malloy Lithographing; 1964
- 490 Macfarlane P. W, Lawrie T DV. Automated E. C. G. Interpretation in the National Health Service. Proc. roy. Soc. B 154 1973; 455-471.
- 491 Machu K. Computer-aided Diagnosis in Cardiovascular Disease. Jap. Circulat. J. (En) 35 1974; 368-371.
- 492 Mai N, Hachmann E. Anwendung des Bayes-Theorems in der medizinischen Diagnostik. Eine Literaturübersicht. Metamed 01 1977; 161-205.
- 493 Manning R. T, Watson L. Signs, Symptoms, and Systematics. J. Amer. med. Ass 198 1966; 1180-1184.
- 494 Marshall R. B, Reekie D, Fleck A. Computer-assisted Diagnosis of Metabolic Bone Disease Using Biochemistry Test Results. Int. J. bio-med. Comput 03 1972; 237-244.
- 495 Martin D. C, Bradley R. R. Probability Models, Estimation, and Classification for Multivariate Dichotomous Populations. Biometrics 28 1972; 203-222.
- 496 Mason E. E, Chernigoy F, Cusminsky B. Computer Analysis in Development of New Diagnostic Methods. Urinary Enzyme Excretion. J. Amer. med. Ass 178 1961; 1088-1090.
- 497 Masturzo A. New Method of Automatic Diagnosis by Weighted Data Computing and its Application to Radiology. In de Haene R, Wambersie A. (Eds) Computers in Radiology. 355-360 Basel: Karger; 1970
- 498 Masturzo A. The Logical Basis of Medimatic Diagnosis. Int. J. bio-med. Comput 01 1970; 187-191.
- 499 Masuyama M. Various Approaches to Automatic Diagnosis by Discrete Variates. Rep. Statist, appl. Res. JUSE 10 1963; 151-160.
- 500 McFee R, Baule G. M. Numerical Diagnosis Using »Statrulesfl. IEEE Trans, bio-med. Engng BME- 16 1969; 27-39.
- 501 McGirr E. M. Computers in Clinical Diagnosis. In Rose J. (Ed.): Computers in Medicine. 19-29 London: J. & A. Churchill Ltd; 1969
- 502 McLachlan G. J. An Asymptotic Expansion for the Variance of the Error of Misclassification of the Linear Discriminant Function. Aust. J. Statist 14 1972; 68-72.
- 503 Meerten R. J, van Durinck J. R, de Wit C. Computer Guided Diagnosis of Asthma, Asthmatic Bronchitis, Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema. First Communication: Description of Symptom Classes and Diseases. Respiration 25 1971; 293-305.
- 504 Meerten R. J, van Durinck J. R, de Wit C. Computer Guided Diagnosis of Asthma, Asthmatic Bronchitis, Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema. Second Communication: Computing Methods and Results. Respiration 25 1971; 399-408.
- 505 Meiske W, Rotte K. H. Zur praktischen Anwendung der Diskriminanzanalyse in der Diagnostik des peripheren Bronchialkarzinoms. Fortschr. Roentgenstr 120 1974; 428-431.
- 506 Meneely G. R. Some Reflections on Medical Diagnosis by Electronic Data Processing Machines. IRE Trans, med. Electron ME-7 1960; 309-312.
- 507 Meyer J, Heinrich K. W, Merx W, Effert S. Zuverlässigkeit der Ekg-Interpretation verschiedener ComputerProgramme im Vergleich zur ärztlichen Befundung. Verb, dtsch. Ges. Kreisl.-Forsch 35 1972; 334-337.
- 508 Meyer J, Merx W, Heinrich K. W, Effert S. Vergleich der Ekg-Interpretation von sieben verschiedenen Computer-Programmen mit denen von drei Ärzten. Verh. dtscb. Ges. inn. Med 79 1973; 1086-1091.
- 509 Milliken J. A, Wartak J, Orme W, Lywood D. W, Fay J. Diagnostic Evaluation of ECG Data by a Computer. Canad. med. Ass. J 104 1971; 801-805.
- 510 Milliken J. A, Wartak J, Orme W, Skoulikidis A. P, Lywood D. W. Use of Computers in the Interpretation of Electrocardiograms. Canad. med. Ass. J 101 1969; 39-43.
- 511 Misyuk N. S, Lepeshinskiy N. A, Liskovets O. A, Mastykin A. S. Diagnosis of Brain Tumors with the Help of the Universal »Ural-Id Computer. Zh. Nevropat. Psikhiat 64 1964; 453-458.
- 512 Mitchell J. H. The Automation of Clinical Diagnosis. Int. J. bio-med. Comput 01 1970; 157-166.
- 513 Miyahara H. Cluster Analysis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. A Case Study of Disease Entities. In de Dombal F. T, Grémy F. (Eds): Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help?. 213-222 Amsterdam: NorthHolland Publ. Co; 1976
- 514 Miyahara H, Whipple G. H, Teager H. M, Webb T. W, Theophilis C. A, Dohi Y. Cardiac Arrhythmia Diagnosis by Digital Computer. Comput. biomed. Res 01 1968; 277-300.
- 515 Miyake A, Shinmura H. Error Rate of Linear Discriminant Function. In de Dombal F. T, Grémy F. (Eds): Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help ?. 435-445 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1976
- 516 Mize C. E, Lively W. M, Szygenda S. A. Modeling Techniques for Medical Diagnosis. II. Differential Diagnosis of Neonatal Hepatitis and Biliary Atresia. Comput. biomed. Res 09 1976; 239-245.
- 517 Moeer J, Hartmann W, Fabel H. Computerunterstützung für klinische Entscheidungen: Automatische Interpretation von Ergebnissen der Blutgasanalyse. In Lange H-J, Wagner G. (Hrsg.): Computerunterstützte ärztliche Diagnostik, S. 317–323. Stuttgart-New York: Schattauer; 1973
- 518 Moeilr J, Odriozola J, Ries P, Reichertz P. L. Einsatz und Erfahrungen mit einem System für klinische Entscheidungshilfe (Clinical Decision Support System). In Fuchs G, Wagner G. (Hrsg.): Krankenhaus-Informationssysteme, S. 347–353. Stuttgart-New York: Schattauer; 1972
- 519 Moehr J. R, Reichertz P. L. Review of Automated Decision Support at the Medical System Hannover. In de Dombal F. T, Grémy F. (Eds): Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help?. 249-257 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1976
- 520 Moiseeva N. I, Usov V. V. Some Medical and Mathematical Aspects of Computer Diagnosis. Proc. IEEE 57 1969; 1919-1925.
- 521 Moon R. E, Jordanov S, Perez A, Turksen I. B. Medical Diagnostic System with Human-like Reasoning Capability. In Shires D. B, Wolf H. (Eds): MEDINFO 77. 115-119 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1977
- 522 Moore F. J. Concept of a Clinical Decision Support System. IBM Techn. Rep. 17–203, 9/66. Yorktown Heights: IBM; 1966
- 523 Moore F. J. Making Informed Decisions. Computer System under Development will Store Medical Data and Suggest Examinations, Diagnoses, and Treatments to Physicians. Electronics 40 1967; 108-110.
- 524 Moore F. J. Development of a Clinical Decision Support System. (Techn. Report). Yorktown Heights: IBM; 1968
- 525 Moore F. J, Goertzel G. An Experimental Clinical Decision Support System. Proceedings of the 8th IBM Medical Symposium; Poughkeepsie, N.Y: 1967: 85-94.
- 526 Moore M. F, Aitchison J, Parker L. S, Taylor T. R. Use of Information in Thyrotoxicosis Treatment Allocation. Meth. Inform. Med 13 1974; 88-92.
- 527 Mori H, Suzuki Y, Hisada K, Kojima K, Tonami N. New Diagnostic Approach to Brain Lesions in Nuclear Medicine. Differential Diagnosis of Brain Lesions with a Computed Brain Scan Diagnosis by the Likelihood Method. Invest. Radiol 10 1975; 251-257.
- 528 Mount J. F, Evans J. W. Computer-aided Diagnosis – a Simulation Study. Proceedings of the 5th IBM Medical Symposium; Endicott, N. Y: 1963. 113–128.
- 529 Murphy E. A. The Diagnostic Process and Multiple Screening Techniques. Meth. Inform. Med 11 1972; 8-14.
- 530 Nakache J. P. Multidimensional Data Analysis in Medical Decision. In de Dombal F. T, Grémy F. (Eds): Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help ?. 113-139 Amsterdam: Norfch-Holland Publ. Co; 1976
- 531 Nakache J. P, Dusserre L. Practical Problems in Linear Discriminant Analysis. EDV Med. Biol 06 1975; 30-35.
- 532 Nakache J. P, Lebart L, Lorente P. Multiple Correspondence Analysis as an Aid to Medical Data Processing. In Shires D. B, Wolf H. (Eds): MEDINFO 77. 105-110 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1977
- 533 Nakamura A. Computer Diagnosv art Disease by Means of Vectorcardiogram. Jap. Circulat. J. (En) 34 1970; 285-299.
- 534 Namba H, Iwasaki R, Miyawaki K, Nakamura K. Digital Computer Methods Combined to Aid in the Differential Diagnosis of Liver Diseases. Med. J. Osaka Univ 15 1965; 389-401.
- 535 Namba H, Kamare M, Hizukuri F, Takayama J, Miyawaki K, Nakamura K, Nakamura M. Diagnosis of Congenital Heart Diseases with an Electronic Computer. Med. J. Osaka Univ 16 1965; 137-147.
- 536 Nash F. A. Diagnostic Reasoning and the Logoscope. Lancet 1960; 11: 1442-1446.
- 537 Necheles T. F, Brenner J. F, Fristensky R, Neurath P. W. The Computer-assisted Morphological Classification of Acute Leukemia. I. Preliminary Results. Biomedicine 25 1976; 241-244.
- 538 Neurath P. W, Enslein K, Mitchell Jr G. W.. Design of Computer System to Assist in Differential Preoperative Diagnosis for Pelvic Surgery. New Engl. J. Med 280 1969; 745-749.
- 539 Neyman J. Outline of Statistical Treatment of the Problem of Diagnosis. Publ. Hlth Rep 62 1947; 1449-1456.
- 540 Nomura Y. Computer Aided Diagnosis and Information Processing in Cardiovascular Care. Jap. Circulat. J. (En) 35 1974; 364-367.
- 541 Nordyke R. A, Kulikowski C. A, Kulikowski C. W. A Comparison of Methods for the Automated Diagnosis of Thyroid Dysfunction. Comput. biomed. Res 04 1971; 374-389.
- 542 Norusis M. J, Jacquez J. A. Diagnosis. I. Symptom Nonindependence in Mathematical Models for Diagnosis. Comput. biomed. Res 08 1975; 156-172.
- 543 Norusis M. J, Jacquez J. A. Diagnosis. II. Diagnostic Models Based on Attribute Clusters: A Proposal and Comparisons. Comput. biomed. Res 08 1975; 173-188.
- 544 Novak D, Lensch S. Symptomenanalyse in der Röntgendiagnostik mit einem Computer. In de Haene R, Wambersie A. (Eds): Computers in Radiology. 343-347 Basel: Karger; 1970
- 545 Novak D, Wendenburg H-H, Haug P, Broszio E. P. Anwendung des Computers zur Analyse der Röntgenzeichen bei Magenulzera. Münch, med. Wschr 111 1969; 2465-2472.
- 546 Nugent C. A. The Diagnosis of Cushing’s Syndrome. In Jacquez J. A. (Ed.): The Diagnostic Process. Proceedings of a Conference Held at The University of Michigan; May 9–11, 1963, 185-201 Ann Arbor, Michigan: Malloy Lithographing; 1964
- 547 Nugent C. A, Warner H. R, Dunn J. T, Tyler F. H. Probability Theory in Diagnosis of Cushing’s Syndrome. J. clin. Endocr 24 1964; 621-627.
- 548 O’Shea J. S. Computer-assisted Pediatric Diagnosis. Amer. J. Dis. Child 129 1975; 199-202.
- 549 Oberwittler W. Früherkennung Arteriosklerose-Gefährdeter mit Computerhilfe. Über eine praktische Anwendung der Diskrimmanzanalyse. Med. Welt 23 1972; 397-399.
- 550 Oddie T. H. Computer Diagnosis from Tests of Thyroid Function. J. clin. Endocr 32 1971; 169-172.
- 551 Oddie T. H, Hales J. B, Stiel J. N, Reeve T. S, Hooper M, Boyd C. M, Fisher D. A. Prospective Trial of Computer Program for the Diagnosis of Thyroid Disorders. J. clin. Endocr 35 1974; 876-882.
- 552 Okada M, Maruyama N, Kanda T, Shirakawa K, Katagiri T. Medical Data Base System with an Ability of Automated Diagnosis. Comput. Progr. Biomed 07 1977; 163-170.
- 553 Okajima M, Stark L, Whipple G, Yasui S. Computer Pattern Recognition Techniques: Some Results with Real Electrocardiographic Data. IEEE Trans, bio-med. Engng BME-10 1963; 106-114.
- 554 Okubo R. S, Russel W. S, Dimsdale B, Lamson B. G. Natural Language Storage and Retrieval of Medical Diagnostic Information. Comput, Progr. Biomed 05 1975; 105-130.
- 555 Olsen J. S. Teaching the Computer to Make Decisions – A Method. In Anderson J, Forsythe J. M. (Eds): MEDINFO 74. Vol. 2, 565-567 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1974
- 556 Ortiz J.Berrocal. Automatic Diagnosis by Computer. In Gomez J.Lopez, Bonmati J. (Eds): 13th International Congress of Radiology; Madrid 1973: 693-699 Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica; 1973
- 557 Ortiz J.Berrocal, Martinez-Alonso J. R, Marin M. C, Diez L. Computerized Diagnosis of Thyroid Diseases. J. nucl. Med 15 1974; 521.
- 558 Ortiz J.Berrocal, Martinez-Alonso J. R, AlonsoDuran M, Ruiz M. C.Gimeno, Garay E.Salas, Sopena R.Monforte. Discriminant Analysis and Bayesian Method in the Diagnostic Decision. Application in Thyroid Pathology. In MEDCOMP 77. 667-678 Uxbridge; England: Online 1977
- 559 Otte M, Thurmayr G. R, Thurmayr R. Computerhilfe bei der Pankreasfunktionsdiagnostik. Diagnostik 05 1972; 656-660.
- 560 Overall J. E. A Configural Analysis of Psychiatric Diagnostic Stereotypes. Behav. Sci 05 1963; 211-219.
- 561 Overall J. E. Empirical Approaches to Classification. In Jacquez J. A. (Ed.): Computer Diagnosis and Diagnostic Methods. 73-107 Springfield, Ill: C. C. Thomas; 1972
- 562 Overall J. E. Strategies for Identifying Patterns of Categorical Variables that have Diagnostic Significance. In Koller S, Berger J. (Hrsg.): Klinisch-statistische Forschung, S. 121–134. Stuttgart-New York: Schattauer; 1976
- 563 Overall J. E, Gorham D. R. A Pattern Probability Model for the Classification of Psychiatric Patients. Behav. Sci 08 1963; 108-116.
- 564 Overall J. E, Hollister L. E. Computer Procedures for Psychiatric Classification. J. Amer. med. Ass 187 1964; 115-120.
- 565 Overall J. E, Hollister L. E. Criteria for Evaluating Diagnostic Decision Making. In Mountain C. (Ed.): Proceedings of Second Houston Symposium on Biomathematics. Springfield, Ill: C. C. Thomas; 1964
- 566 Overall J. E, Williams C. M. Models for Medical Diagnosis. Part One: Theoretical. Med. Dok 05 1961; 51-56.
- 567 Overall J. E, Williams CM. Models for Medical Diagnosis: Factor Analysis, Part Two, Experimental. Med. Dok 05 1961; 78-80.
- 568 Overall J. E, Williams C. M. Models for Medical Diagnosis. Behav. Sci 06 1961; 134-141.
- 569 Overall J. E, Williams C. M. Comparison of Alternative Computer Models for Thyroid Diagnosis. Proceedings of the Third San Diego Symposium for Biomedical Engineering. La Jolla; Calif.: 1963. Vol. 3, 141-146.
- 570 OvERxiXL J. E, Williams C. M. Conditional Probability Program for Diagnosis of Thyroid Function. J. Amer. med. Ass 153 1963; 307-313.
- 571 Overall J. E, Williams C. M. A Computer Procedure for the Diagnosis of Thyroid Functioning. In Enslein K. (Ed.): Data Acquisition and Processing in Biology and Medicine. Vol. 2, 259-274 Oxford: Pergamon Press; 1964
- 572 Pape H, Odriozola J, Möhr J. Automatische Diagnostik von Knochenmarksausstrichen im On-line-Verfahren mit einem Netz von Schwellenlogikelementen. In Lange H-J, Wagner G. (Hrsg.): Computerunterstützte ärztliche Diagnostik, S. 311–316. Stuttgart-New York: Schattauer; 1973
- 573 Patrick E. A. Expected Outcome Loss to Evaluate Medical Diagnosis and Treatments. Comput. Biol. Med 07 1977; 1-8.
- 574 Patrick E. A, Margolin G, Sanghvi V, Uthurusamy R. Pattern Recognition Applied to Early Diagnosis of Heart Attacks. In Shires D. B, Wolf H. (Eds): MEDINFO 77. 203-207 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1977
- 575 Patrick E. A, Shen L. Y. L, Stelmack F. P. Pattern Recognition for Diagnostic and Preventive Medicine. Proc. 1970 Nat. Electron. Conf 28-31.
- 576 Patrick E. A, Shen L. Y. L, Stelmack F. P. Introduction to the Theory of Medical Consulting and Diagnosis. Proc. Nat. Computer Conf 1973; 455-462.
- 577 Patrick E. A, Stelmack F. P, Garrett R. Theory for a Medical Decision Making and Consulting System. (TR-EE 75-16). West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University; 1975
- 578 Patrick E. A, Stelmack F. P, Shen L. Y. L. Review of Pattern Recognition in Medical Diagnosis and Review of Consulting Relative to a New System Model. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern SMC-4 1974; 1-16.
- 579 Patt L. F. Sequencing Laboratory Tests for Improved Sequential Diagnosis. In Anderson J, Forsythe J. M. (Eds): MEDINFO 74. Vol. 2, 569-573 Amsterdam: NorthHolland Publ. Co; 1974
- 580 Pauker S. G, Gorry G. A, Kassirer J. P, Schwartz W. B. Towards the Simulation of Clinical Cognition. Taking a Present Illness by Computer. Amer. J. Med 60 1976; 981-996.
- 581 Pauker S. G, Szolovits P. Analyzing and Simulating Talcing the History of the Present Illness: Context Formation. In Schneider W, Sâgvall A.-L.Hein. (Eds): Computational Linguistics in Medicine. 109-118 Amsterdam: NorthHolland Publ. Co.; 1977
- 582 Paycha F. Diagnosis, Therapeutics, Prognosis and Computers. IRE Trans, med. Electron. ME-7 1960; 288-290.
- 583 Payne L. C. The Role of the Computer in Refining Diagnosis. Lancet 1964; II: 32-35.
- 584 Pearson J. S, Rome H. P, Swenson W. M, Mataya P, Branniok T. L. Development of a Computer System for Scoring and Interpretation of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventories in a Medical Clinic. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci 126 1965; 684-695.
- 585 Pearson J. S, Swenson W. M, Rome H. P, Mataya P, Brannick T. L. Further Experience with the Automated Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. Mayo Clin. Proc 39 1964; 823-829.
- 586 Peterson O. L, Barsamian E. Diagnostic Performance. In Jacquez J. A. (Ed.): The Diagnostic Process. Proceedings of a Conference Held at The University of Michigan. May 9–11, 1963, 347-362 Ann Arbor, Michigan: Malloy Lithographing; 1964
- 587 Pfurtscheller G. Die Bewertung einzelner kortikaler Reizantworten im EEG mittels Computer. Meth. Inform. Med 11 1972; 113-118.
- 588 Pipberger H. V. Computer Analysis of the Electrocardiogram. In Stacy R. W, Waxman B. D. (Eds): Computers in Biomedical Research. Vol. l, 377-407 New York-London: Academic Press; 1965
- 589 Pipberger H. Y. Methods of Diagnostic ECG Classification. In Zywietz C, Schneider G. (Eds): Computer Application on ECG and VCG Analysis. 296-305 Amsterdam: NorthHolland Publ. Co; 1973
- 590 Pipberger H. V, Cornfield J, Dunn R. A. Diagnosis of the Electrocardiogram. In Jacquez J. A. (Ed.): Computer Diagnosis and Diagnostic Methods. 355-373 Springfield, Ill.: C. C. Thomas; 1972
- 591 Pipberger H. V, Klingeman J. D, Cosma J. Computer Evaluation of Statistical Properties of Clinical Information in the Differential Diagnosis of Chest Pain. Meth. Inform. Med 07 1968; 79-92.
- 592 Pipberger H. V, Stallman F. N. Computation of Differential Diagnosis in Electrocardiography. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci 115 1964; 1115-1128.
- 593 Pirtkien R. Die Differentialdiagnose von Vergiftungen mit Hilfe eines Elektronenrechners als Modell der Diagnose von Krankheiten. Verh. dtsch. Ges. inn. Med 72 1967; 428-431.
- 594 Pirtkien R. Möglichkeiten einer Unterstützung der Diagnostik durch Computer. Hippokrates 42 1971; 3-24.
- 595 Pirtkien R. Computereinsatz in der Diagnostik und operativen Indikationsstellung. Chirurg 44 1973; 437-441.
- 596 Pirtkien R. Die Entwicklung eines Diagnostik-Systems. In Lange H-J, Wagner G. (Hrsg.): Computerunterstützte ärztliche Diagnostik, S. 349–354. Stuttgart-New York: Schattauer; 1973
- 597 Pirtkien R. Diagnostic Aid by Computer. In Marois M. (Ed.): Man and Computer. 211-231 Amsterdam: NorthHolland Publ. Co; 1974
- 598 Pirtkien R, Giere W. Die Arbeitsweise eines Computers in der medizinischen Diagnostik. Hippokrates 40 1969; 416-421.
- 599 Pirtkien R, Giere W. Computereinsatz in der Medizin. Diagnostik mit Datenverarbeitung. Stuttgart: Thieme; 1971
- 600 Pliskin J. S, Beck C. H. Decision Analysis in Individual Clinical Decision Making: A Real-world Application in Treatment of Renal Disease. Meth. Inform. Med 15 1976; 43-46.
- 601 Pöppl S. J. Experiences in Computer Classification of EEGs. In de Dombal F. T, Grémy F. Eds Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help?. 195-211 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1976
- 602 Poppl S. J. Optimal Training Sets. In de Dombal F. T, Grémy F. (Eds) Decision Maldng and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help?. 477-497 Amsterdam: NorthHolland Publ. Co; 1976
- 603 Pople H. E, Myers J. D, Miller R. A. DIALOG: A Model of Diagnostic Logic for Internal Medicine. Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Tbilisi, USSR September 3–8 1975; 848-855.
- 604 Pordy L, Jaffe H, Chesky K, Friedberg C. K, Fallowes L, Bonner R. E. Computer Diagnosis of Electrocardiograms. IV. A Computer Programm for Contour Analysis with Clinical Results of Rhythm and Contour Interpretation. Comput. biomed. Res 01 1968; 408-433.
- 605 Pordy L, Oliver G. C. Computer Diagnosis of Cardiac Rhythm. Cardiovasc. Clin 07 1975; 73-85.
- 606 Powers W. E, Schneider A. K, Shumate K, Fotenos H, Gallagher T. Evaluation of Methods of Computer Estimation of Interstitial and Intracavitary Dosimetry. Amer. J. Roentgenol 96 1966; 59-65.
- 607 Pratt A. W. The Use of Categorized Nomenclatures for Representing Medical Statements. In Schneider W, Sagvall Hein A.-L. (Eds.) Computational Linguistics in Medicine. 45-53 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1977
- 608 Prewitt J. M. S. Selection of Variables and Prediction of Performance in Decision-theoretic Approaches to Diagnosis. Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Applications in Radiology. Columbia: University of Missouri; 1970
- 609 Prewitt J. M. S. Parametric and Nonparametric Recognition by Computer: An Application to Leukocyte Image Processing. In Rübinoff M. (Ed.) Advances in Computers. Vol. 12, 285-414 New York-London: Academic Press; 1972
- 610 Prewitt J. M. S. Experiments with Statistical and Quasistatistical Methods in Diagnosis. In Jacquez J. A. (Ed.) Computer Diagnosis and Diagnostic Methods. 294-354 Springfield, Ill: C. C. Thomas; 1972
- 611 Prewitt J. M. S. Decision Theoretic Approaches to White Cell Differentiation. In de Dombal F. T, Grémy F. (Eds) Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help?. 287-308 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1976
- 612 Prewitt J. M. S, Barber A. M, Holmquist J, Stenkvist B. Computer Assisted Identification of Cells in Needle Aspirates of Mammary Tumors. In Shires D. B, Wolf H. (Eds) MEDINFO. 77 693-699 Amsterdam: NorthHolland Publ. Co; 1977
- 613 Proppe A. Datenverarbeitung als Hilfsmittel der Diagnostik. IBM-Seminar, Bad Liebenzell/Schwarzw. 1967
- 614 Proppe A. Computer-Diagnostik. IBM-Seminar, Bad Liebenzell/Schwarzw. 1969
- 615 Proppe A. Arzt, Patient, Wissenschaft und ComputerMedizin. Med. Welt 21 1970; 317-323.
- 616 Proppe A. Notwendigkeit und Problematik einer Computer-Diagnostik. In Ehlers C. T, Hollberg N, Proppe A. (Hrsg.) Computer: Werkzeug der Medizin, S. 127-159 Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer; 1970
- 617 Protti D. J, Craven N, Naimark A, Cherniack R. M. Computer Assistance in the Clinical Investigations of Pulmonary Function Studies. Meth. Inform. Med 12 1973; 102-107.
- 618 Pryor T. A, Warner H. R. Some Approaches to Computerized Medical Diagnosis. In Jacquez J. A. (Ed.) Computer Diagnosis and Diagnostic Methods. 241-254 Springfield, Ill: C. C. Thomas; 1972
- 619 Quinn M. L, Haring O. M, Lewis F. J. Evaluation of Computer Diagnosis of Ectopic Beats Encountered in Routine Patient Monitoring. Comput. Biol. Med 05 1975; 235-243.
- 620 Raeside D. E. Bayesian Statistics: A Guided Tour. Med. Phys 03 1976; 1-11.
- 621 Ramirez G, Dinio R. C, Pribor H. C. Pattern Recognition of Multiple Tests Valve as a Diagnostic Tool. Comput. Biol. Med 02 1972; 39-44.
- 622 REALE A, Maccacaro G. A, Rocca E, D’Intino S, Gioffre P. A, Vestri A, Motolese M. Computer Diagnosis of Congenital Heart Disease. Comput. biomed. Res 01 1968; 533-549.
- 623 Rector A. L, Ackerman E. Rules for Sequential Diagnosis. Comput. biomed. Res 08 1975; 143-155.
- 624 Reece R. L. Using a Computer to Interpret Multiphasic Screening Results. Geriatrics 29 1974; 51-59.
- 625 Reichertz P. Diagnostik und Automation. Med. Mschr 19 1965; 344-347.
- 626 Reichertz P. Computer-Diagnostik von ExtremitätenElektrokardiogrammen mittels formaler und parametrischer Vergleiche. Arch. Kreisl.-Forsch 53 1967; 161-173.
- 627 Reichertz P. Comparison of the Results of a Diagnostic Thyroid Program in Two Different Populations. Radiology 91 1968; 32-36.
- 628 Reichertz P. Computer-Diagnostik. Eine Einführung. Zahnärztl. Fortb 55 1966; 322-336.
- 629 Reichertz P. L. Computer Aided Medical Practice Oriented towards Diagnosis. In Shires D. B, Wolf H. (Eds) MEDINFO. 77 191-198 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1977
- 630 Reichertz P. L. Computer Diagnosis. J. Iowa med. Soc 59 1969; 738-745.
- 631 Reichertz P. L, Lodwick G. S, Paquet E, Hall D. L. ODARS: A Computer Aided System for Diagnosing and Reporting. Part II: Technical Problems. In de Haene R, Wambersie A. (Eds) Computers in Radiology. 283-288 Basel: Karger; 1970
- 632 Reichertz P. L, Lodwick G. S, Templeton A. W. Computerdiagnostik und diagnostische Hilfen in innerer Medizin und Radiologie (konversationelle Computeranwendung). Verh. dtsch. Ges. inn. Med 74 1968; 182-188.
- 633 Reichertz P. L, Winkler C, Kloss G. ComputerDiagnostik von Schilddrüsenerkrankungen: Prüfung der Möglichkeiten anhand eines homogenen Krankengutes. Dtsch. med. Wschr 90 1965; 2317-2321.
- 634 Reichertz P. L, Winkler C, Kloss G. Computer in der ärztlichen Diagnostik. Erfahrungen bei Schilddrüsenerkrankungen. Verh. dtsch. Ges. inn. Med 72 1966; 417-424.
- 63 Reichertz P. L, Winkler C, Kloss G. Experiments with a Computer Program for the Diagnosis of Thyroid Diseases. Proceedings of the Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiology. University of Chicago, October 1966
- 636 Repges R. Ein sequentielles nichtparametrisches Trennverfahren. EDV Med. Biol 06 1975; 9-13.
- 637 Ressler N. Computer-assisted Diagnosis by a Model-free System of Direct Data Analysis. Perspect. Biol. Med 19 1975; 101-117.
- 638 Riedler L. Zum Problem der elektronischen Datenverarbeitung in der medizinischen Diagnostik. Ther. d. Gegenw 111 1972; 650-669.
- 639 Riedler L. Grenzen einer durch elektronische Datenverarbeitung (EDV) unterstützten diagnostischen Hilfeleistung. Ther. d. Gegenw 114 1975; 551-562.
- 640 Riemann H. Programmierte Röntgendiagnostik der Thoraxorgane. In de Haene R, Wambersie A. (Eds) Computers in Radiology. 391-395 Basel: Karger; 1970
- 641 Rikli A. E, Caceres C. A. The Use of Computers by Physicians as a Diagnostic Aid. Trans. N.Y. Acad. Sei 23 1961; 237-239.
- 642 Rimoldi H. J. A. Testing and Analysis of Diagnostic Skills. In Jacquez J. A. (Ed.) The Diagnostic Process. Proceedings of a Conference Held at The University of Michigan, May 9–11, 1963, 315-343 Ann Arbor, Michigan: Malloy Lithographing; 1964
- 643 Rinaldo Jr. J. A., Scheinok P, Rtjpe C. E. Symptom Diagnosis. A Mathematical Analysis of Epigastric Pain. Ann. intern. Med 59 1963; 145-154.
- 644 Rioux P. Local Adaptive Distance in Hierarchical Clustering Applied on Binary Data. In de Dombal F. T, Grémy F. (Eds) Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help?. 579-586 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1976
- 645 Rockoff M. L. Diagnostic Aspects of Computer Applications in Medical Research at University of Pennsylvania. IRE Trans, med. Electron ME-7 1960; 250-252.
- 646 Rogers C. A, Balintfy J. L, Goldman A. M. Computers, Physicians and the Diagnostic Decision-making Process. Hum. Factors 06 1964; 459-464.
- 647 Ross P. Computers in Medical Diagnosis. CRC Grit. Rev. radiol. Sei 03 1972; 197-243.
- 648 Ross P, Dutton A. M. Computer Analysis of Symptom Complexes in Patients having Upper Gastrointestinal Examinations. Amer. J. dig. Dis 17 1972; 248-254.
- 649 Rotte K. H, Meiske W. Zur Diagnostik des peripheren Bronchialkarzinoms unter Einsatz von Diskriminanzanalysen. Fortschr. Röntgenstr 120 1974; 422-428.
- 650 Rotte K. H, Schwarz H. Zur Anwendung des CALMSystems als mathematisches Verfahren in der Diagnostik peripherer Lungenprozesse. Arch. Geschwulstforsch 43 1974; 60-67.
- 651 Rubel P, Arnaud P, Prévot D. Système d’aide â la décision: application â l’interprétation automatique des vectocardiogrammes. Int. J. bio-med. Comput 06 1975; 193-211.
- 652 Rubin L, Collen M. F, Goldmann G. E. Frequency Decision Theoretical Approach to Automated Medical Diagnosis. In Le Cam L. M, Neyman J. (Eds) Proceedings of the 5th Berkeley Symposium. Vol. IV 867-886 BerkeleyLos Angeles: University of Calif. Press; 1967
- 653 Sadegh-zadeh K. Zur Logik und Methodologie der ärztlichen Urteilsbildung. Meth. Inform. Med 11 1972; 203-212.
- 654 Sadegh-zadeh K. Subjektive Wahrscheinlichkeit und Diagnose. Meth. Inform. Med 13 1974; 97-102.
- 655 Sadegh-zadeh K. Krankheitsbegriffe und nosologische Systeme. Metamed 01 1977; 4-41.
- 656 Sadegh-zadek K. Grundlagenprobleme einer Theorie der klinischen Praxis. Teil 1: Explikation des medizinischen Diagnosebegriffs. Metamed 01 1977; 76-102.
- 657 Salamon R, Bernadet M, Grémy F. Ternary Algebra: Theoretical Aspects and Possible Applications. In de Dombal F. T, Grémy F. (Eds) Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help?. 505-513 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1976
- 658 Salamon R, Bernadet M, Samson M, Derouesne C, Grémy F. Bayesian Method Applied to Decision Making in Neurology – Methodological Considerations. Meth. Inform. Med 15 1976; 174-179.
- 659 Salvolini Jr. U., Di Pietrantoni F. Bayes’ Theorem in Mammography. In de Haene R, Wambersie A. (Eds) Computers in Radiology. 361-363 Basel: Karger; 1970
- 660 Savage L. J. Diagnosis and the Bayesian Viewpoint. In Jacquez J. A. (Ed.) Computer Diagnosis and Diagnostic Methods. 131-138 Springfield, Ill: C. C. Thomas; 1972
- 661 Scadding J. G. Principles of Definition in Medicine. With Special Reference to Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema. Lancet 1959; I: 323-325.
- 662 Scadding J. G. Meaning of Diagnostic Terms in Bronchopulmonary Disease. Brit. med. J 1963; II: 1425-1430.
- 663 Scadding J. G. Diagnosis: the Clinician and the Computer. Lancet 1967; II: 877-882.
- 664 Scadding J. G. The Semantics of Medical Diagnosis. Int. J. bio-med. Comput 03 1972; 83-90.
- 665 Scadding J. G. Viewpoint. The Semantics of Medical Diagnosis. Int. J. bio-med. Comput 03 1972; 83-90.
- 666 Scheff T. J. Decision Rules, Types of Errors, and their Consequences in Medical Diagnosis. Behav. Sei. 08 1963: 97-107.
- 667 Scheinok P. A. Symptom Diagnosis: Bayes’s Theorem and Bahadur’s Distribution. Int. J. bio-med. Comput 03 1972; 17-28.
- 668 Scheinok P. A, Rinaldo Jr J. A.. Symptom Diagnosis: Optimal Subsets for Upper Abdominal Pain. Comput. biomed. Res 01 1967; 221-236.
- 669 Scheinok P. A, Rinaldo Jr J. A.. Symptom Diagnosis: A Comparison of Mathematical Models Related to Upper Abdominal Pain. Comput. biomed. Res 01 1968; 475-489.
- 670 Scheinok P. A, Rinaldo Jr J. A.. Symptom Diagnosis: The Use of Two Different Mathematical Models. Int. J. biomed. Comput 02 1971; 239-248.
- 671 Schmid J, Campbell G. Mathematik der medizinischen Diagnose. Impuls 1967; 381-392.
- 672 Schmid J, Campbell G. Statistik der Computerdiagnose. Münch, med. Wschr 111 1969; 1221-1234.
- 673 Schmid J, Campbell G, Bancsich J. Beitrag zur Computerdiagnose. Verbesserung unseres bisherigen Diagnoseverfahrens. Münch, med. Wschr 110 1968; Suppl. 19-25.
- 674 Schmid W. Untersuchung über die diagnostische Übereinstimmung zwischen Klinikern und dem System DIAL zur computerunterstützten psychiatrischen Diagnostik. Med. Diss. Univ. München. 1973
- 675 Schmid W, Castell R, Mombour W, Mittelsten B.Scheid, Zerssen D. von. Die diagnostische Übereinstimmung zwischen Klinikern und dem DIAL-Programm. Eine Untersuchung zur computerunterstützten psychiatrischen Diagnostik. Arch. Psychiat. Nervenkr 218 1974; 339-351.
- 676 Schneider B. Mathematische Grundlagen der medizinischen Diagnostik. In Ehlers C. T, Hollberg N, Proppe A. (Hrsg.) Computer: Werkzeug der Medizin, S. 160-182 Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer; 1970
- 677 Schneider W. The Impact of CL and AI Techniques on Modelling in Medicine. In Schneider W, Sâgvall A.-L.Hein. (Eds) Computational Linguistics in Medicine. 3-10 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1977
- 678 Schneiderman H, Muller R. L. The Diagnosis Game. A Computer-based Exercise in Clinical Problem Solving. J. Amer. med. Ass 219 1972; 333-335.
- 679 Shen L. Y. L. A Systems Approach to Applying Pattern Recognition to Medical Diagnosis. Ph. D. Thesis West Lafayette: Purdue University; 1974
- 680 Shortliffe E. H. Computer-based Medical Consultations: MYCIN. New York: American Elsevier; 1976
- 681 Shortliffe E. H. A Rule-based Approach to the Generation of Advice and Explanations in Clinical Medicine. In Schneider W, S&gvall A.-L.Hein. (Eds) Computational Linguistics in Medicine. 101-108 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1977
- 682 Shortliffe E. H, Buchanan B. G. A Model of Inexact Reasoning in Medicine. Math. Biosci 23 1975; 351-379.
- 683 Shortliffe E. H, Davis R, Axline S. G, Buchanan B. G, Green C. C, Cohen S. N. Computer-based Consultations in Clinical Therapeutics: Explanation and Rule Acquisition Capabilities of the MYCIN System. Comput. biomed. Res 08 1975; 303-320.
- 684 Shtabtsov V. I, Ostroumov Y. A. Experience with the Diagnostics of Nervous Diseases Using an Electronic Digital »Ural-2« (ETsVM) Computer. Zh. Nevropat. Psikhiat 64 1964; 515-519.
- 685 Silink K. A New Mathematical Approach to Endocrinological Diagnosis. In Wiener N, Schade J. P. (Eds) Progress in Biocybernetics. Vol. 1, 20-35 New York: Elsevier; 1964
- 686 Slamecka V, Camp H-N, Badre A. N, Hall W. D. MARIS: A Knowledge System for Internal Medicine. Inform. Proc. Mngmt 13 1977; 273-276.
- 687 Sletten I. W, Altmann H, Ulett G. A. Routine Diagnosis by Computer. Amer. J. Psychiat 127 1971; 1147-1152.
- 688 Smets P, Vainsel H, Bernard R, Kornreich F. Bayesian Probability of Fuzzy Diagnosis. In Shires D. B, Wolf H. (Eds) MEDINFO. 77 121-122 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1977
- 689 Smith W. G. A Model for Psychiatric Diagnosis. Arch. gen. Psychiat 14 1966; 521-528.
- 690 Smith W. R, Lieberman P. Computer Diagnosis of Laryngeal Lesion. Comput. biomed. Res 02 1969; 291-303.
- 691 Soicol R. J, Nussbaum R. S, Chik L, Rosen M. G. Computer Diagnosis of Labor Progression. I. Development of an On-line Interactive Digital Computer Program for the Diagnosis of Normal and Abnormal Cervical Dilatation Patterns. J. reprod. Med 11 1973; 149-153.
- 692 Sokol R. J, Nussbaum R. S, Chik L, Rosen M. G. Computer Diagnosis of Labor Progression. II. Application of an On-line Interactive Program in 45 High-risk Labors. J. reprod. Med 11 1973; 154-158.
- 693 Sokol R. J, Walker R, Nussbaum R, Rosen M. G, Chik L. Computer Diagnosis of Labor Progression. III. Dysfunctional Labor Patterns in the Very Elderly Gravida. Amer. J Obstet. Gynec 119 1974; 767-774.
- 694 Sokol R. J, Nussbaum R. S, Chik L. et al. Computer Diagnosis of Labor Progression: IV. An On-line Interactive Digital Computer Stibroutine for Evaluating Descent of the Fetal Presenting Part during Labor. J. reprod. Med 13 1974; 177-182.
- 695 Sokol R. J, Nussbaum R. S, Chik L. et al. Computer Diagnosis of Labor Progression: V. Reliability of a Subroutine for Evaluating Station and Descent of the Fetal Presenting Part. J. reprod. Med 13 1974; 183-186.
- 696 Sokol R. J, Roux J. F, McCarthy S. Computer Diagnosis of Labor Progression. Amer. J. Obstet. Gynec 122 1975; 253-260.
- 697 Solberg H. E, Skrede S, Blomhoff J. P. Diagnosis of Liver Diseases by Laboratory Results and Discriminant Analysis. Identification of Best Combinations of Laboratory Tests. Scand. J. clin. Lab. Invest 35 1975; 713-721.
- 698 Sorum M. Estimating the Conditional Prohability of Misclassification. Technometrics 13 1971; 333-343.
- 699 Sorum M. Estimating the Expected and the Optimal Probabilities of Misclassification. Technometrics 14 1972; 935-943.
- 700 Sorum M. Three Probabilities of Misclassification. Technometrics 14 1972; 309-316.
- 701 Specht D. F. Vectorcardiographic Diagnosis Using the Polynomial Discriminant Method of Pattern Recognition. IEEE Trans, bio-med. Engng BME 14 1967; 90-95.
- 702 Spicer C. C, Jones J. H, Jones J EL. Discriminant and Bayes Analysis in the Differential Diagnosis of Crohns Disease and Proctocolitis. Meth. Inform. Med. 12 1973; 118-122.
- 703 Spindelberger W, Grabner G. Ein Computerverfahren zur diagnostischen Hilfestellung. In Fellinger K. (Hrsg.): Computer in der Medizin. Probleme, Erfahrungen, Projekte, S. 189-221 Wien: Brüder Hollinek; 1968
- 704 Spitzer R. L, Endicott J. DIAGNO: A Computer Program for Psychiatric Diagnosis Utilizing the Differential Diagnostic Procedure. Arch. gen. Psychiat. 18 1968; 746-756.
- 705 Spitzer R. L, Endicott J. DIAGNO II: Further Developments in a Computer Program for Psychiatric Diagnosis. Amer. J. Psychiat. 125 1969; 12-21.
- 706 Spitzer R. L, Endicott J. Can the Computer Assist Clinicians in Psychiatric Diagnosis?. Amer. J. Psychiat. 131 1974; 522-530.
- 707 Spitzer R. L, Endicott J, Cohen J, Fleiss J. L. Constraints on the Validity of Computer Diagnosis. Arch. gen. Psychiat. 31 1974; 197-203.
- 708 Srivastava M. S. Evaluation of Misclassification Errors. Canad. J. Statist. 01 1973; 35-50.
- 709 Stacy R. W. Diagnosis of Arterial Disease with Analog Computers. IRE Trans, med. Electron. ME-7 1960; 269-271.
- 710 Stark L, Dickson J. F, Whipple G. H, Horibe H. Remote Real-time Diagnosis of Clinical Electrocardiograms by a Digital Computer System. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 126 1965; 851-872.
- 711 Stark L, Okajima M, Whipple G. H. Computer Pattern Recognition Techniques; Electrocardiographic Diagnosis. Commun. ACM 05 1962; 527-532.
- 712 Starkweather J. A, Kamp M, Monto A. Psychiatric Interview Simulation by Computer. Meth. Inform. Med. 06 1967; 15-23.
- 713 Starmer C. F, Lee K. L. A Mathematical Approach to Medical Decisions: Application of Bayes’ Rule to a Mixture of Continuous and Discrete Clinical Variables. Comput. biomed. Res. 09 1976; 531-541.
- 714 Stein M. A, Winter J. Theory Development in Medical Decision-making. Int. J. bio-med. Comput. 05 1974; 147-159.
- 715 Steinberg C. A, Tolles W. E, Freiman A. H, Abraham S, Caceres C. A. Techniques for the Use of the Digital Computer as an Aid in the Diagnosis of Heart Disease. AFIPS Conference Proceedings. Vol. 20, 371-379 New York: Macmillan; 1961
- 716 Sterling T. D, Nickson J, Pollack S. V. Is Medical Diagnosis a General Computer Problem?. J. Amer. med. Ass. 195 1966; 281-286.
- 717 Stern R. B, Knill-Jones R. P, Williams R. Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of Jaundice Due to Carcinoma of the Pancreas or Biliary Tree. Brit. med. J. 1973; I: 533-534.
- 718 Stern R. B, Knill-Jones R. P, Williams R. Clinician versus Computer in the Choice of 11 Differential Diagnoses of Jaundice Based on Formalised Data. Meth. Inform. Med. 13 1974; 79-82.
- 719 Stern R. B, Knill-Jones R. P, Williams R. Use of Computer Program for Diagnosing Jaundice in District Hospitals and Specialized Liver Unit. Brit. med. J. 1975; II: 659-662.
- 720 Stern R. B, Maxwell J. D, Knill-Jones R. P, Thompson R PH, Williams R. Use of Computer-assisted Model in Diagnosis of Drug Hypersensitivity Jaundice. Brit. med. J. 1973; I: 767-769.
- 721 Stewart A. J, Cala L. A. Mathematical Method to Utilize a Computer for Diagnosis of Site and Type of Intracerebral Mass Lesions. Brit. J. Radiol. 48 1975; 97-100.
- 722 Strandjord P. E, Clayson K. J, Roby R. J. Computer Assisted Pattern Recognition and the Diagnosis of Liver Disease. Hum. Path. 04 1973; 67-77.
- 723 Swanson D. B, Feltovich P. J, Johnson P. E. Psychological Analysis of Physician Expertise: Implications for Design of Decision Support Systems. In Shires D. B, Wolf H. (Eds): MEDINFO 77, 161-163 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1977
- 724 Swender P. T, Tunnessen Jr. W. W., Oski F. A. Computer-assisted Diagnosis. Amer. J. Dis. Child 127 1974; 859-861.
- 725 Swenson W. M, Pearson J. S. Experience with Large-scale Psychologic Testing in a Medical Center. Proceedings of the 6th IBM Medical Symposium, Poughkeepsie and Brookhaven. Nat. Lab. 1964
- 726 Swets J. A. Signal Detection in Medical Diagnosis. In Jacquez J. A. (Ed.): Computer Diagnosis and Diagnostic Methods. 8-28 Springfield, Ill: C. C. Thomas; 1972
- 727 Takahashi K. Logic of Diagnosis and its Processing by Computer – with Respect to Congenital Heart Diseases and Brain Tumors. Proceedings on Automated Data Processing in Hospitals. Elsinore, Denmark: April—May 1966: 477-498.
- 728 Tanaka N, Ikeda H, Ueno T, Takahashi M, Imasato Y. Fundamental Study of Automatic Cyto-screening for Uterine Cancer. I. Feature Evaluation for the Pattern Recognition System. Acta cytol. (Baltimore) 21 1977; 72-78.
- 729 Tanaka N, Ikeda H, Ueno T, Watanabe S, Imasato Y. Fundamental Study of Automatic Cyto-screening for Uterine Cancer. II. Segmentation of Cells and Computer Simulation. Acta cytol. (Baltimore) 21 1977; 79-84.
- 730 Tanaka N, Ikeda H, Ueno T, Watanabe S, Imasato Y. Fundamental Study of Automatic Cyto-screening for Uterine Cancer. III. New System of Automated Apparatus (CYBEST) Utilizing the Pattern Recognition Method. Acta cytol. (Baltimore) 21 1977; 85-89.
- 731 Tabanta A, Spagnuolo M, Snydeb R, Gebbabg D. S, Hofler J. J. Automatic Analysis of Phonocardiograms. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 115 1964; 1062-1090.
- 732 Taylor T. R. Clinical Decision Analysis. Meth. Inform. Med. 15 1976; 216-224.
- 733 Taylor T. R. Computer-assisted Learning of Clinical Decision-making. In Hooper R. (Ed.): Computer-assisted Learning in the United Kingdom. London: Council of Educational Technology; 1975
- 734 Taylor T. R. Computer-guided Diagnosis. J. roy. Coll. Phycns Lond. 04 1970; 188-195.
- 735 Taylor T. R, Aitchison J, MacGirr E. M. Doctors as Decision Makers. A Computer Assisted Study of Diagnosis as a Cognitive Skill. Brit. med. J. 1971; III: 35-40.
- 736 Taylor T. R, Shields S, Black R. Study of Cost-conscious Computer-assisted Diagnosis in Thyroid Disease. Lancet 1972; II: 79-83.
- 737 Teatheb D. Diagnosis, Methods and Analysis. Bull. Inst. math. Appl. 10 1974; 37-41.
- 738 Teatheb D. Statistical Techniques for Diagnosis. J. roy. statist. Soc. A 137 1974; 231-244.
- 739 Templeton A. W, Bryan K, Waid R, Townes J, Hughe M, Dwyer S. Computer Diagnosis and Discriminate Analysis Decision Schemes. Radiology 95 1970; 47-55.
- 740 Templeton A. W, Jansen C, Lehr J. L, Hufft R. Solitary Pulmonary Lesions. Computer-aided Differential Diagnosis and Evaluation of Mathematical Methods. Radiology 89 1967; 605-613.
- 741 Templeton A. W, Lehe J. L, Simmons C. The Computer Evaluation and Diagnosis of Congenital Heart Disease, Using Roentgenograph Findings. Radiology 87 1966; 658-670.
- 742 Templeton A. W, Simmons C, Lehr J. L. Computer Diagnosis of Heart Disease: the Public Model. Amer. J. Roentgenol. 102 1968; 865-874.
- 743 Thurmayr R, Blomer R. J, Forell M. M, Jaffe A, Otte M, Rasohewa C, Thurmayr G. R. Computer Aided Diagnosis of Pancreatic Function Tests in the Routine Situation. In de Dombal F. T, Grémy F. (Eds): Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help?. 175-182 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1976
- 744 Thurmayr R, Otte M, Thurmayr G. R. Computer Aid for Diagnosing Pancreatic, Hepatic and Gastric Diseases by Pancreatic Function Test. In Anderson J, Forsythe J. M. (Eds): MEDINFO 74, Vol. 2, 607-612 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1974
- 745 Thurmayr R, Thurmayr G. R, Otte M. Computerunterstützte Diagnostik für den Pankreasfunktionstest. Langenbecks Arch. Chir. 339 1975; 253-257.
- 746 Thurmayr R, Thurmayr G. R, Otte M. Probleme beim Routineeinsatz der Diskriminanzanalyse zur Beurteilung des Pankreasfunktionstestes. EDV Med. Biol. 06 1975; 49-52.
- 747 Timonen S, Tervilae L. A Computer Diagnosis Based on Gynaecological History. Ann. Chir. Gynaec. Fenn. 56 1967; 84-89.
- 748 Titterington D. M. Updating a Diagnostic System Using Unconfirmed Cases. J. roy. statist. Soc. C. 25 1976; 238-247.
- 749 Titterington D. M. Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Binary Data by the Kernel Method. Biometrika 64 1977; 455-460.
- 750 Tolles W. E, Steinberg C. A, Carbery W. J, Freiman A. H. Experimental Techniques and Results of a Study Using a Computer as a Diagnostic Aid. Trans. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 23 1961; 246-258.
- 751 Toronto A. F, Veasy L. G, Warner H. R. Evaluation of Computer Program for Diagnosis of Congenital Heart Disease. Progr. cardiovasc. Dis. 05 1963; 362-377.
- 752 Toussaint G. T. Bibliography on Estimation of Misclassification. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory IT-20 1974; 472-479.
- 753 Toussaint G. T, Sharpe P. M. An Efficient Method for Estimating the Probability of Misclassification Applied to a Problem in Medical Diagnosis. Comput. Biol. Med. 04 1975; 269-278.
- 754 Trampisch H. J. Trennprobleme bei unvollständiger Information – Eine Übersicht. EDV Med. Biol. 06 1975; 2-8.
- 755 Trampisch H. J. A Discriminant Analysis for Qualitative Data with Interactions. Comput. Progr. Biomed. 06 1976; 50-60.
- 756 Trampisch H. J. Consideration of Higher Order Interactions in Diagnostic Models. In Shires D. B, Wolf H. (Eds): MEDINFO 77, 137-140 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1977
- 757 Utyamyshev R. I. Development of Automatic Medical Diagnostic and Medical Information Systems. Biomed. Engng. 05 1974; 5-7.
- 758 Vallbona C, Schade C. P, Baker R. L, Beggs-Baker S, Moffet C. L, Speck C. D, Osher W. J. Computer Support of Medical Decisions in Ambulatory Care. In Anderson J, Forsythe J. M. (Eds): MEDINFO 74, Vol. 2, 1141-1149 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1974
- 759 Vandenberg S. G. Medical Diagnosis by Computer: Recent Efforts, and Outlook. Comput. Automat. 09. 1960: 12.
- 760 Vanderplas J. M. A Method for Determining Probabilities for Correct Use of Bayes’s Theorem in Medical Diagnosis. Comput. biomed. Res. 01 1967; 215-220.
- 761 Victor N. Probabilistische Zuordnungsverfahren. Meth. Inform. Med. 12 1973; 238-244.
- 762 Victor N. Non-parametric Allocation Rules. In de Dombal F. T, Grémy F. (Eds): Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help?. 515-529 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1976
- 763 Victor N, Giere W, Pirtkien R. Einsatz von Diskriminanzanalysen in der medizinischen Diagnostik beim Vorliegen qualitativer Daten. Meth. Inform. Med. 11 1972; 248-253.
- 764 Victor N, Lange H-J. Influence de l’ordinateur sur le diagnostic médical. In Marois M. (Ed.): Man and Computer. 239-247 Amsterdam: North-Holland; 1974
- 765 Victor N, Trampisch H. J, Zentgraf R. Diagnostic Rules for Qualitative Variables with Interactions. Meth. Inform. Med. 13 1974; 184-186.
- 766 Virnich H, Kolberg T, Winkler C. CEDI – Ein Computerprogramm zur präoperativen Artdiagnostik hirnorganischer Prozesse. Meth. Inform. Med. 14 1975; 19-25.
- 767 Virnich H, Winkler C. Das Bayes’sche Theorem in der medizinischen Diagnostik. Meth. Inform. Med. 15 1976; 211-216.
- 768 Volkmer H, Krause W, Szibor H, Wagner H. Computerdiagnostik in der Geburtsmedizin. Z. Geburtsh. Perinat. 178 1974; 308-316.
- 769 Wagner G. Die Rolle des Computers in der Medizin von morgen. Grenzgeb. Wiss. 20 1971; 16-28.
- 770 Walker G. F, Kowalski C. J. Computer Aided Diagnosis of Craniofacial Abnormalities. In Anderson J, Forsythe J. M. (Eds): MEDINFO 74, Vol. 2, 553-557 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1974
- 771 Walston A, Harley A, Pipberger H. V. Computer Analysis of the Orthogonal Electrocardiogram and Vectorcardiogram in Mitral Stenosis. Circulation 50 1974; 472-478.
- 772 Warner H. R. Medical Diagnosis Using a Digital Computer. Proceedings of the 3rd IBM Medical Symposium, Endicott, N.Y: 1961. Vol. 3, 293-322.
- 773 Warner H. R, Rutherford B. D, Houtchens B. A Sequential Bayesian Approach to History Taking and Diagnosis. Comput. biomed. Res. 05 1972; 256-262.
- 774 Warner H. R, Stauffer W. M. Some Techniques for Computer Assisted Diagnosis of Heart Disease. Proceedings on Automated Data Processing in Hospital. Elsinore, Denmark: April—May 1966: 362-374.
- 775 Warner H. R, Toronto A. F, Veasey L. G, Stephenson R. A Mathematical Approach to Medical Diagnosis. Application to Congenital Heart Disease. J. Amer. med. Ass. 177 1961; 177-183.
- 776 Warner H. R, Toronto A. F, Veasy L. G. Experience with Bayes’ Theorem for Computer Diagnosis of Congenital Heart Disease. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 115 1964; 558-567.
- 777 Wartak J. An Information Theory Approach to Medical Diagnosis. Cybernetica 03 1965; 162-168.
- 778 Wartak J. A Practical Approach to Automated Diagnosis. IEEE Trans. bio-med. Engng BME-17 1970; 37-43.
- 779 Wartak J. Mathematical Model for Medical Diagnosis. Comput. Biol. Med. 04 1974; 79-84.
- 780 Wartak J, Milliken J. A, Karchmar J. Computer Program for Pattern Recognition of Electrocardiograms. Comput. biomed. Res. 03 1970; 344-374.
- 781 Wartak J, Milliken J. A, Karchmar J. Computer Program for Diagnostic Evaluation of Electrocardiograms. Comput. biomed. Res. 04 1971; 225-238.
- 782 Watanabe Y, Nakamura A, Tanimura H, Yokoi M, Sobobata I, Yasui S. Computer Diagnosis of Congenital Heart Disease by Means of Vector Cardiograms Using the Likelihood Method. In de Dombal F. T, Grémy F. (Eds): Decision Making and Medical Care. Can Information Science Help?. 185-193 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1976
- 783 Wechsler H. A Fuzzy Approach to Medical Diagnosis. Int. J. bio-med. Comput. 07 1976; 191-203.
- 784 Weidtman V. Computerhilfe in der klinischen Differentialdiagnostik. Verfahren und Problematik der Diagnosenselektion bei großer wahrscheinlichkeitsparameterfreier SymptomKrankheitsmatrix. Meth. Inform. Med. 10 1971; 91-96.
- 785 Weidtman V, Reutersberg H. Hierarchische und synonyme Beziehungen von Symptomen als praktisches Problem der Computer-Diagnostik. In Lange H-J, Wagner G. (Hrsg.): Computerunterstützte ärztliche Diagnostik, S. 121-125 Stuttgart-New York: Schattauer; 1973
- 786 Weidtman V, Schlensker K-H. Diagnosehilfe durch elektronische Rechenanlage. Fortschr. Med. 56 1966; 145-146.
- 787 Weidtman V, Schlensker K-H. Anwendung eines Elektronenrechners bei der Differentialdiagnose seltener Syndrome. Med. Klin. 63 1968; 392-395.
- 788 Westmeyer H. Logik der Diagnostik – Grundlagen einer normativen Diagnostik. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer; 1972
- 789 Westmeyer H. The Diagnostic Process as a Statisticalcausal Analysis. Theor. Dec. 06 1975; 57-86.
- 790 Wexler J. R, Swender P. T, Tunnessen Jr. W. W., Oski F. A. Impact of a System of Computer-assisted Diagnosis. Initial Evaluation of the Hospitalized Patient. Amer. J. Dis. Child. 129 1975; 203-205.
- 791 Whipple G. H, Dickson J. F, Horibe H, Stark L. Remote, On-line, Real-time Computer Diagnosis of the Clinical Electrocardiogram. Commirn. ACM 08 1965; 49.
- 792 Whiteman J. R, Gorman P. A, Calatayud J. B, Abraham S, Weihrer A. L, Caceres C. A. Automation of Electrocardiographic Diagnostic Criteria. J. Amer. med. Ass. 200 1967; 932-938.
- 793 Wiener F. Medical Diagnosis with the Aid of a Computer. Information Processing Association of Israel. General Series 04 1970; 33-59.
- 794 Wiener F. A System for the Computer Simulation of Clinical Reasoning. Comput. Progr. Biomed. 04 1974; 59-74.
- 795 Wiener F. Computer Simulation of the Diagnostic Process in Medicine. Comput. biomed. Res. 08 1975; 129-142.
- 796 Wiener F, Lev L, Kovant A, Robinson E. Computeraided Tumour Classification and Treatment Selection in Breast Cancer. Clin. Radiol. 25 1977; 333-337.
- 797 Williams C. M, Fitzgerald L. T, Overall J. E. Current Status of Computer-aided Diagnosis of Thyroid Diseases. Proceedings of the Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiology. University of Chicago, October; 1966
- 798 Williams R, Stern R. B. Computer Diagnosis of Jaundice. In Rose J, Mitchell J. H. (Eds): Advances in Medical Computing. 20-27 Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 1975
- 799 Wilson P. D, Horrocks J. C, Lyndon P. J, Yeung C. K, Page R. E, de Dombal F. T. Simplified Computer-aided Diagnosis of Abdominal Pain. Brit. med. J. 1975; II: 73-78.
- 800 Wilson W. J, Templeton A. W, Turner Jr. A. H., Lodwick G. S. The Computer Analysis and Diagnosis of Gastric Ulcers. Radiology 55 1965; 1064-1073.
- 801 Winkler C. Experiences in the Application of a Computer Program for the Diagnosis of Thyroid Diseases. In Abrams M. E. (Ed.): Medical Computing. Progress and Problems. 66-74 London: Chatto & Windus; 1970
- 802 Winkler C. Computer Assisted Differential Diagnosis of Organic Brain Lesions. Int. Res. Comm. Syst 02 1973; 15-16.
- 803 Winkler C, Reichertz P, Kloss G. Computer Diagnosis of Thyroid Diseases. Comparison of Incidence Data and Considerations on the Problem of Data-collection. Amer. J. med. Sei 253 1967; 27-33.
- 804 Wishart D. A Bayesian Method for Computer-aided Medical Diagnosis. In Lange H-J, Wagner G. (Hrsg.): Computerunterstützte ärztliche Diagnostik. 305-310 StuttgartNew York: Schattauer; 1973
- 805 Woerkom A J. van. Program for a Diagnostic Model. IRE Trans. med. Electron. ME-7 1960; 220.
- 806 Woerkom A J. van. Data Processing and the Interpretation of Symptoms. III. Statistical Aspects. In Jacquez J. A. (Ed.): The Diagnostic Process. Proceedings of a Conference Held at The University of Michigan. May 9–11, 1963: 245-248 Ann Arbor, Michigan: Malloy Lithographing; 1964
- 807 Woerkom A. J, van Brodman K. Statistics for a Diagnostic Model. Biometrics 17 1961; 299-318.
- 808 Woodward R. S. Efficient Medical Diagnoses: A Model with Two Simulations. In Shires D. B, Wolf H. (Eds): MEDINFO 77. 127-131 Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ. Co; 1977
- 809 Wortman P. M. Representation and Strategy in Diagnostic Problem Solving. IEEE Trans, hum. Fact. Electron. HFE-5. 1966: 48-53.
- 810 Wortman P. M. Medical Diagnosis: An InformationProcessing Approach. Comput. biomed. Res 05 1972; 315-328.
- 811 Yamamura Y, Tsubura E, Ishiyama T. A Diagnostic Dataprocessing of Respiratory Diseases Centering on Lung Cancer. I. A Roentgen Diagnosis of Lung Cancer and Pulmonary Tuberculosis with an Electronic Computer. Med. J. Osaka Univ 15 1965; 403-415.
- 812 Yasui S, Whipple G. H, Stark L. Comparison of Human and Computer Electrocardiographic Wave-form Classification and Identification. Amer. Heart J 68 1964; 236-242.
- 813 Yasui S, Yokoi M, Watanabe Y, Nishijima K, Azuma S, Aihara N, Okamoto N, Fujino T, Okajima M, Mizuno Y, Yamada K. Computer Diagnosis of Electrocardiograms by Means of the Joint Probability. Jap. Circulat. J. (En) 32 1968; 517-523.
- 814 Yeh S. Y, Betyar L, Hon E. H. Computer Diagnosis of Fetal Heart Rate Patterns. Amer. J. Obstet. Gynec 114 1972; 890-897.
- 815 Yeh S. Y, Jilek J, Hon E. H. On-line Diagnosis of Ominous Fetal Heart Rate Patterns: a Warning Device. Amer. J. Obstet. Gynec 115 1974; 559-563.
- 816 Yoshimoto C. Information Processing and Automatic Diagnosis of Circulatory System – Introductory Remarks from Engineer’s Point of View. Jap. Circulat. J. (En) 38 1974; 379.
- 817 Yotjker J. E, Welin S, Main G. Computer Analysis in the Differentiation of Benign and Malignant Polypoid Lesion of the Colon. Radiology 90 1968; 794-797.
- 818 Young D. W. Assessment of Questions and Questionaries. Meth. Inform. Med 10 1971; 222-228.
- 819 Young D. W. Evaluation of a Questionary. Meth. Inform. Med 11 1972; 15-19.
- 820 Young D. W. Comparison of Information Collected by a Questionary with that in the Patient’s Hospital Record. Meth. Inform. Med 11 1972; 20-22.
- 821 Young D. W. The Verification of Information Obtained from Questionaries. Math. Biosci 18 1973; 171-184.
- 822 Zentgrae R. A Note on Lancaster’s Definition of Higher Order Interactions. Biometrika 62 1975; 375-378.
- 823 Zinsser H. H. Patient Derived Autodefinition of a Disease: Pyelonephritis. In Jacquez J. A. (Ed.): The Diagnostic Process. Proceedings of a Conference Held at The University of Michigan. May 9–11, 1963, 103-128 Ann Arbor, Michigan: Malloy Lithographing; 1964
- 824 Zinsser H. H. The Taxonomic Structuring of Medical Information and its Usefulness in this Form. Meth. Inform. Med 04 1965; 112-114.
- 825 Ziskin M. C, Negin M, Piner C, Lapayowker M. S. Computer Diagnosis of Breast Thermograms. Radiology 115 1975; 341-347.
- 826 Zoltie N, Horrocks J. C, de Dombal F. T. Computerassisted Diagnosis of Dyspepsia – Report on Transferability of a System, with Emphasis on Early Diagnosis of Gastric Cancer. Meth. Inform. Med 16 1977; 89-92.
- 827 Zworykin V. K. A Mechanized Matching Procedure for Computer Aided Differential Diagnosis. Med. Electron. biol. Engng 01 1963; 85-89.