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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1636785
Crisis of Meaning and Medical Informatics Education: A Burden and/or a Relief?
Publication History
Publication Date:
17 February 2018 (online)

Starting with the quotation by Paul Ricoeur: Man needs love indeed; he needs justice still more; but most of all he needs meaning, this paper states that in this present situation medical education does not prepare students to deal with human needs, neither their own nor those of their patients. This is due to the almost exclusive devotion to hard sciences, contaminated by unscientific ideological drift, which tends to negate subjectivity and to suppress any significance of human destiny. Although medical informatics, by definition, eliminates meaning and knowledge, it can - if properly used as a complement and not as a competitor of human intelligence - help to renovate medical education, introduce true humanistic dimensions, and restore the element of human subjectivity.
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