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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1649147
Isolation and Characterization of Plasminogen Activator from Pig Leucocytes
Publication History
Received 18 July 1973
Accepted 20 October 1973
Publication Date:
29 June 2018 (online)
Plasminogen activator was isolated from disrupted pig leucocytes by the aid of DEAE chromatography, gel filtration on Sephadex G-100 and final purification on CM cellulose, or by preparative gel electrophoresis.
Isolated plasminogen activator corresponds No. 3 band of the starting sample of leucocyte cells (that is composed from 10 gel electrophoretic bands).
pH optimum was found to be in pH range 8.0–8.5 and the highest pH stability is between pH range 5.0–8.0.
Inhibition studies of isolated plasminogen activator were performed with EACA, AMCHA, PAMBA and Trasylol, using Anson and Astrup method. By Astrup method 100% inhibition was found with EACA and Trasylol and 30% with AMCHA. PAMBA gave 60% inhibition already at concentration 10–3 M/ml. Molecular weight of plasminogen activator was determined by gel filtration on Sephadex G-100. The value obtained from 4 different samples was found to be 28000–30500.
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