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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1651353
Coagulation Studies of Cord Blood, with Special Reference to “Fetal Fibrinogen”[*]
10. Juni 2018 (online)

The last phase of the clotting mechanisms was investigated in cord blood of 118 mature newborns.
The most prominent finding was a prolonged thrombin time, not due to heparin. It was accompanied in most cases by a low fibrinogen and in some by a gelatinous appearance of the clot and a paracoagulation of the serum. This association was found to be usually due to in vitro fibrinogenolysis with consequent appearance of fibrinogen split products.
In 9 cases the prolonged thrombin time was not obviously due to fibrinogen degradation products. The possibilities of the presence of high molecular weight fibrinogen degradation products or of a special characteristic of cord blood fibrinogen leading to a delayed fibrinogen-fibrin conversion are considered.
* Study performed with the aid of the Hartmann Mueller Foundation for medical research.
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