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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1651385
Effect of Purified Vipera Palestinae Hemorrhagin on Blood Coagulation and Platelet Function[*]
Publication History
Publication Date:
10 June 2018 (online)

Purified Vipera palestinae hemorrhagin (VPH) impairs thrombin formation, fibrinogen clottability, FSF activity, platelet clot retracting activity, ADP- and connective tissue-induced platelet aggregation and connective tissue - induced platelet ADP release. The effects of VPH became manifest or increased in intensity on incubation with the respective substrates prior to measurement of their activities. Inactivation of the VPH protease by DFP resulted in complete abolishment of the first four and partial inhibition of the last two of the above VPH activities.
Administration of VPH to guinea pigs caused widespread hemorrhages, associated with moderate hypofibrinogenemia but normal platelet count, clotting time and clot retraction. DFP-treated VPH caused hemorrhage without hypofibrinogenemia.
* This investigation was supported by the U.S.Army through its European Research Office, Contract No. D AJA 37-69-C-0252.
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