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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1651428
Platelet Reactions and Immune Processes
I. Activation of Complement by Several Platelet-Activating Surfaces when Coated with Gammaglobulin; Mechanism of Complement Fixation Supported by research grants from the Medical Research Council of Canada (MA-2342) and from the Conseil de la recherche médicale du Québec.Publication History
Publication Date:
10 June 2018 (online)

We have studied the interaction between gammaglobulin, complement and several surfaces, in view of gaining a better insight into the molecular mechanisms of the platelet-surface interaction :
1. Glass, polystyrene latex, carbon, kaolin and celite particles are known platelet-activating surfaces. All these surfaces activated complement when coated with gammaglobulin. Collagen however did not show complement fixing ability.
2. Bentonite and betamethasone acetate particles also fixed complement when coated with gammaglobulin.
3. The mechanism of complement fixation induced by these various surface-gammaglobulin complexes was found to be very similar to the reactions induced when immune complexes fix complement.
4. The diverse mechanisms of activation of IgG molecules and the various biological and immunochemical properties of activated IgG are reviewed and discussed.
5. The view is presented that many non-immune as well as immune activators of platelet reactions have in common the ability to activate complement; the possible significance of this property and the role of IgG activation in the induction of platelet reactions are discussed.
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