Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Table of Contents Thromb Haemost 1969; 22(02): 223-233DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1651437 Originalarbeiten-Original Articles-Travaux Originaux Schattauer GmbH The Influence of Various Plasma Components on the Lysis of Dilute Human Blood Clots M. J Gallimore 1 Biochemical Group, Therapeutics Research Division, Pfizer Ltd., Sandwich, Kent, England , J. T. B Shaw 1 Biochemical Group, Therapeutics Research Division, Pfizer Ltd., Sandwich, Kent, England › Author Affiliations Recommend Article Abstract Buy Article Summary The influence of various plasma components on the lysis of dilute blood clots has been investigated. Blood from normal subjects was diluted with 0.12 M sodium acetate and the component being investigated was added; the clots which formed on the addition of thrombin were incubated and their lysis was observed. Fibrinogen and factor XIII were found to retard clot lysis. Plasminogen activator accelerated lysis, and the serum antiplasmins and plasminogen had only marginal effects at the concentrations studied. The significance of the dilute blood clot lysis assay is discussed in the light of these observations. Full Text References References 1 Biggs R, Macfarlane R. G, Pilling J. Observations on fibrinolysis: experimental activity produced by exercise or adrenaline. Lancet I: 402 1947; 2 Fearnley G. R, Balmforth G, Fearnley E. Evidence of a diurnal fibrinolytic rhythm; with a simple method of measuring natural fibrinolysis. Clin. Sci. 16: 645 1957; 3 Fearnley G. R, Ghakrabati R, Avis P. R. D. Blood fibrinolytic activity in diabetes mellitus and its bearing on ischaemic heart disease. Brit. med. J. I: 921 1963; 4 Fearnley G. R, Ghakrabati R. The pharmacological enhancement of blood fibrinolytic activity with special reference to phenformin. Acta Cardiol. (Brüx.) 19: 1 1964; 5 Gallimore M. J. Effects of diluents on blood clot lysis. J. clin. Path. 20: 234 1967; 6 Gallimore M. J, Shaw J. T. B. Some aspects of fibrin clot lysis and its inhibition by human serum. Thrombos. Diathes. haemorrh. (Stuttg.) 18: 101 1967; 7 Ganrot P. O. Interaction of plasmin and trypsin with α2-macroglobulin. Acta chem. scand. 21: 602 1967; 8 Kekwick R. A, MacKay M. E. The separation of protein fractions from human plasma with ether. Medical Research Council Special Report No. 286. H. M. Stationary Office, London. 9 Laki K. Fibrinogen, Chapter 1. 17. Edward Arnold Ltd.; London: 1968 10 Loewy A. G, Dunathan K, Gallant J. A, Gardner B. Fibrinase: III. Some enzymatic properties. J. biol. Chem. 236: 2644 1961; 11 Loewy A. G, Veneziale G, Forman M. Purification of the factor involved in the formation of urea-insoluble fibrin. Biochim. biophys. Acta (Amst.) 26: 670 1957; 12 Lorand L, Konishi K. Activation of the fibrin stabilising factor of plasma by thrombin. Arch, biochim. Biophys. 105: 58 1964; 13 Macfarlane R. G. Fibrinolysis following operation. Lancet 1: 10 1937; 14 Merrills R. J, Shaw J. T. B. Kinetics of fibrin clot lysis. Biochem. J. 106: 101 1968; 15 Mosesson M. W. The preparation of human fibrinogen free of plasminogen. Biochim. biophys. Acta (Amst.) 57: 204 1962; 16 Mosesson M. W, Finlayson J. S. Biochemical and chromatographic studies of certain activities associated with human fibrinogen preparations. J. clin. Invest. 42: 747 1963; 17 Norman P. S, Hill B. M. Studies of the plasmin system III. J. exp. Med. 108: 639 1958; 18 Robbins K. C, Summaria L. Purification of human plasminogen and plasmin by gel filtration on Sephadex and chromatography on diethylaminoethyl Sephadex. J. biol. Chem. 238: 952 1963; 19 Taylor F. B, Midler-Eberhard H. J. Factors influencing lysis of whole blood clots. Nature (Lond.) 216: 1023 1967; 20 Tyler H. M, Lack C. H. Studies on the relationship between fibrin-stabilizing factor, calcium and inhibition of fibrinolysis. Clin. Sci. 28: 527 1965; 21 Tyler H. M, Laki K. Purification and properties of a fibrin cross-linking transamidase from rabbit liver. Biochemistry 6: 3259 1967;