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Thromb Haemost 1963; 10(01): 164-189
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1654772
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1654772
Originalarbeiten — Original Article — Travaux Originaux
Evaluation of Activity of Phospholipids in Blood Coagulation in Vitro[*]
Further Information
Publication History
Publication Date:
22 June 2018 (online)

1. The effects of phospholipids, solubilized by different methods in different clotting tests are presented.
2. Complete fatty acid analysis of a phosphatidylserine fraction from beef brain is given.
3. Data relating electric charge of phospholipid particles to activity in clotting are presented.
4. A critical discussion of the factors which influence the activity of phospholipids in blood clotting terminates the paper.
* We would like to thank P. Magidman for technical assistance with the gas chromatography of the fatty acids.
** Part of this material was presented at the 10th Annual Symposium on Blood, Wayne State University, Detroit, 1962.
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