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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1654863
An Experimental Obliterating Thromboangiitis Limited to the Posterior Part of the Body*
This work was supported by the U. S. Army, Medical Research and Development Command (Contract No. DA-49- 193-MD-2039), the Medical Research Council of Canada and the U. S.P.H.S., National Heart Institute (Grant No. HE-06182-04).Publication History
Publication Date:
24 July 2018 (online)

After a brief outline of the principles involved in the production of thrombo- hemorrhagic phenomena (THP) with special organotropic localizations, an experimental technique is described which permits the production of acrocyanosis and thrombohemorrhagic lesions largely limited to the posterior part of the body.
This phenomenon can be consistently produced by certain combinations of THP elicitors, anaphylactoid agents and noradrenaline (NA). The most effective combination among those tested is thorium dextrin (Th-Din) plus tannic acid plus NA.
Several drugs can decisively influence the course of this reaction. Most notable among these are Neo-Antergan (an antihistaminic) which sensitizes for the production of the aboral THP, while heparin (presumably through its anticoagulant effect) and Dibenamine (presumably through its antiadrenergic action) offer virtually complete protection.
When only Th-Din plus tannic acid is given, there develops an intense but reversible cyanosis in the hind paws and tail; additional treatment with NA induces obliterating thromboangiitis with hemorrhages and gangrene. None of these changes are produced by Th-Din, tannic acid or NA alone. Evidently, here, we are dealing with pluricausal experimental diseases whose possible relationship to Raynaud’s disease, thromboangiitis obliterans and anaphylactoid purpura is briefly discussed.
The authors wish to thank the following companies for suppling compounds used in this study: Burroughs Wellcome (Compound 48/80, Polymyxin-B sulfate); Merck, Sharp and Dohme (Periactin); Smith Kline & French (Dibenamine) ; Astra (Astrafer, Jectofer); Abbott (Dextran, Histamine phosphate); Sandoz (KB-95); Poulenc (Neo-Antergan); Benger (Aluminium Dextran).
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