Thromb Haemost 1965; 14(03/04): 490-499
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1654885
Originalarbeiten — Original Articles — Travaux Originaux
Schattauer GmbH

Neutralization of Antithrombin VI (Fibrinogen Breakdown Products) with Platelet Antiheparin Factor (Platelet Factor 4)*

S Niewiarowski
1   Department of Physiological Chemistry, Medical School, Bialystok, Poland
R Farbiszewski
1   Department of Physiological Chemistry, Medical School, Bialystok, Poland
A Popławski
1   Department of Physiological Chemistry, Medical School, Bialystok, Poland
› Author Affiliations
Aided in part by the grant from Polish Academy of sciences.
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
24 July 2018 (online)


It has been found that fibrinogen breakdown product – antithrombin VI – is neutralized by the purified preparation of platelet factor 4, obtained by means of zinc acetate precipitation and DEAE chromatography column. It has been suggested that antiheparin activity of platelet factor 4 and its ability to neutralize antithrombin VI may be related to the same protein.

The purified preparation of platelet factor 4 does not influence the fibrinogen – fibrin conversion by thrombin. This means that platelet factor 2 and platelet factor 4 are not the same substance.

Crude platelet extracts neutralize antithrombin III and V. However, the purified product did not interferes with the action of these antithrombins.

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