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Hamostaseologie 1985; 05(03): 103-107
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1655109
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1655109
Die Atemnotsyndrom-Lunge-Sequestrationsorgan für lösliches Fibrin
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Publication Date:
22 June 2018 (online)
Multifactorial permeability disorders of the alveolo-capillary exchange membranes are one of the main pathophysiologic principles of pulmonary failure in the ARDS. Under the conditions of a generalized activation of coagulation these permeability disorders result in a leakage of circulating fibrin monomers and oligomers into the pulmonary interstitia and alveoli, even before the monomers and oligomers may precipitate intravascularly to disseminated microthrombi. Under the patho-physiologic conditions of an ARDS the lungs thus become an organ of excretion for soluble, intravascularly circulating fibrin monomers and oligomers, an organ of sequestration for soluble fibrin.
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