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DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1697022
Utility of Specialized Imaging for Diagnosis of Chronic Wrist Pain
14. November 2018
06. August 2019
24. September 2019 (online)

Background Patients with chronic wrist pain often undergo imaging (such as magnetic resonance imaging [MRI], computed tomography [CT], or ultrasound [US]) prior to specialist assessment.
Questions Is specialized wrist imaging performed prior to expert consultation necessary? Are there demographic differences between patients who do or do not receive preconsultation imaging?
Patients and Methods A total of 115 patients referred to a tertiary hand center for chronic wrist pain and assessed by a hand surgeon were included. At initial consultation, surgeons were blinded to referral information and previous imaging results. The specialist performed a history, physical examination and reviewed X-rays. They established a clinical diagnosis and whether any additional investigations were needed. Prior MRI, CT, and/or US results were then reviewed and the specialists' clinical diagnosis was compared with the blinded referral diagnosis. Preconsultation imaging was categorized as having no value for diagnosis/management, some value, or high value.
Results A total of 82 patients had imaging prior to specialist referral (69 MRIs, 11 CTs, and 16 ultrasounds). The majority of additional imaging (73%) was classified as unnecessary, including 77% of the MRIs and 100% of the ultrasounds. Of all the investigations performed, two CT scans were labeled highly valuable clinical aids. Older patients and those with radial-sided pain were less likely to receive preconsultation imaging. Six patients required further imaging after consultation.
Conclusion Clinical assessment and X-rays are typically sufficient for a hand specialist to diagnose and manage chronic wrist pain and few patients require additional imaging.
Level of Evidence This is a Level III study.
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