Malignant pleural effusion (MPE) is a common and challenging problem. Patients affected by MPE have a poor prognosis and suffer from breathlessness and impaired quality of life. The management of MPE has barely changed for many decades; however, recent research has driven new paradigms in the diagnosis and treatment of MPE and stimulated novel concepts that are being evaluated in many ongoing studies. This review provides an overview of recent advances in the diagnosis of MPE, including new cytopathology and imaging techniques, and the landmark studies that provide a solid evidence base to support the use of indwelling pleural catheters as first-line treatment in MPE. Lingering management dilemmas, including optimal chest drainage tube and role of surgery in MPE, and key knowledge gaps that are the focus of ongoing research are also highlighted.
malignant pleural effusion - mesothelioma - thoracic ultrasound - pleural biopsy - indwelling pleural catheter - pleurodesis