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DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-3401822
Cost-Effectiveness and Budget Impact of Emicizumab Prophylaxis in Haemophilia A Patients with Inhibitors
Funding This analysis was funded by an unrestricted grant of Roche Italy spa.Publication History
28 May 2019
22 October 2019
Publication Date:
30 December 2019 (online)

Recent evidence demonstrated that weekly prophylaxis with subcutaneous bispecific antibody (emicizumab) has shown higher efficacy in adolescent and adults patients affected by haemophilia A (HA) with inhibitor, compared with patients treated on demand or on prophylaxis with bypassing agents (BPAs). However, no economic evaluations assessing the value and sustainability of emicizumab prophylaxis have been performed in Europe. This study assessed the cost-effectiveness of emicizumab prophylaxis compared with BPA prophylaxis and its possible budget impact from the Italian National Health Service (NHS) perspective. A Markov model and a budget impact model were developed to estimate the cost-effectiveness and budget impact of emicizumab prophylaxis in HA patients with inhibitors. The model was populated using treatment efficacy from clinical trials and key clinical, cost and epidemiological data retrieved through an extensive literature review. Compared with BPAs prophylaxis, emicizumab prophylaxis was found to be more effective (0.94 quality adjusted life-years) and cost saving (–€19.4/–€24.4 million per patient lifetime) in a cohort of 4-year-old patients with HA and inhibitors who failed immune tolerance induction. In the probabilistic sensitivity analysis, emicizumab prophylaxis had always 100% probability of being cost-effective at any threshold. Further, the use of emicizumab prophylaxis was associated to an overall budget reduction of €45.4 million in the next 3 years. In conclusion, the clinically effective emicizumab prophylaxis can be considered a cost-saving treatment for HA with inhibitor patients. Furthermore, emicizumab treatment is also associated to a significant reduction of the health care budget, making this new treatment a sustainable and convenient health care option for Italian NHS.
No Roche employees had sight of, contributed to or commented upon the manuscript draft ahead of submission. All authors contributed to the concept and objectives of the analysis.
Authors' Contributions
P.A.C. designed and developed the economic model and ran the analyses. The economic implications of the results were interpreted by P.A.C., G.T., S.C.S., I.G., M.G. and L.G.M., while the implications for clinical practice were interpreted by A.C.M. and G.C. The draft manuscript was prepared by P.A.C. and was reviewed, edited and approved by all authors.
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