Diced cartilage grafts are used to increase and refine the nasal contour, providing easy molding and versatility when compared with block grafts. However, all grafts present the possibility of visibility, distortion, and absorption. The aim of this study is to evaluate, through a systematic review, the outcome of the use of the free diced graft cartilage in rhinoplasty. A systematic search of the literature was performed in the databases (PubMed, Lilacs, Scielo, Cochrane) with the terms “diced cartilage” and “rhinoplasty.” Studies were selected according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria and data extracted and grouped for analysis. Six eligible studies were included. In total, 4,044 patients underwent rhinoplasty with free diced cartilage graft, with 61 (1.51%) of them requiring reoperation. The main reasons were overcorrection and irregularities of the nasal dorsum. The infection rate was reported in three studies, with 2 (0.06%) of 3,252 patients presenting infection at the graft site. Two cases of displacement were treated with external molding, without reoperation. The graft resorption was reported in four articles, which described 22 (0.67%) cases of partial resorption in 3,288 patients. Therefore, the available evidence suggests that resorption of the graft and unfavorable outcomes are rare.
cartilage - graft - rhinoplasty