PSYCH up2date, Table of Contents PSYCH up2date 2015; 9(04): 237-255DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-101070 Störungsübergreifende Themen und Methoden Akzeptanz- und Commitment-Therapie: ein transdiagnostischer Ansatz Charles Benoy , Klaus Bader , Isabell Schumann Recommend Article Abstract Buy Article All articles of this category Full Text References Literatur 1 Hayes SC, Strosahl K, Wilson KG. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: An experiential approach to behavior change. New York: Guilford Press; 1999 2 Hayes SC, Masuda A, Bissett R. et al. DBT, FAP, and ACT: How empirically oriented are the new behavior therapy technologies?. Behav Ther 2004; 35: 35-54 3 The National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP). (n.d.). Intervention Summary – Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Im Internet: Accessed March 02, 2015 at: 4 Hayes SC, Strosahl KD, Wilson KG. Akzeptanz- und Commitement-Therapie – Achtsamkeitsbasierte Veränderungen in Theorie und Praxis. 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