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DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-106298
Innovative Video Feedback on Jump Landing Improves Landing Technique in Males
Publication History
accepted after revision 30 March 2016
Publication Date:
18 July 2016 (online)

Video feedback may be a powerful tool to change biomechanical landing patterns associated with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury risk. This study investigated the effect of video feedback on drop vertical jump (DVJ) landing strategies in team sport athletes. 59 athletes were assigned to a video feedback (VI) or control (CTRL) group. A pretest, 2 training sessions and a posttest were conducted. In both training sessions, video feedback, consisting of a video of the athlete’s contour superimposed onto an expert’s contour performing the DVJ landing task, was provided to the VI group; the CTRL group did not receive feedback. Outcomes included: kinematics and kinetics at peak knee valgus/varus moment during pre- and posttest and percentage overlap of expert and athlete during the training sessions. At posttest, males in the VI group showed greater hip flexion angles (p=0.001) and range of motion (p<0.001), smaller vertical ground reaction force, and smaller ankle dorsiflexion moment (p<0.001) compared to pretest. At posttest, males in the VI group demonstrated smaller vertical ground reaction force (p=0.031) and ankle dorsiflexion moment (p=0.001) compared to males in the CTRL group. The VI group increased percentage overlap with the expert during training sessions and from start of the first to the end of the second training session (p<0.001). Overall, video feedback was effective to modify landing strategies favorably in males. While females imitated the expert model, their landing strategy did not change significantly. While Females may need additional (verbal) feedback to benefit from video feedback.
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