Endosc Int Open 2016; 04(10): E1030-E1044
DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-114774
Original article
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Emmanuel Akintoye
1   Department of Internal Medicine, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan, United States
Nitin Kumar
2   Developmental Endoscopy Lab, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Hiroyuki Aihara
3   Division of Gastroenterology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Hala Nas
1   Department of Internal Medicine, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan, United States
Christopher C. Thompson
3   Division of Gastroenterology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, United States
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Corresponding author

Christopher C. Thompson, MD, MHES, FACG, FASGE
Division of Gastroenterology
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
75 Francis St. ASBII
Boston, MA 02115


submitted30. März 2016

accepted after revision29. Juli 2016

30. September 2016 (online)


Background and study aims: Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is an advanced endoscopic technique that allows en-bloc resection of gastrointestinal tumor. We systematically review the medical literature in order to evaluate the safety and efficacy of colorectal ESD.

Patients and methods: We performed a comprehensive literature search of MEDLINE, EMBASE, Ovid, CINAHL, and Cochrane for studies reporting on the clinical efficacy and safety profile of colorectal ESD.

Results: Included in this study were 13833 tumors in 13603 patients (42 % female) who underwent colorectal ESD between 1998 and 2014. The R0 resection rate was 83 % (95 % CI, 80 – 86 %) with significant between-study heterogeneity (P < 0.001) which was partly explained by difference in continent (P = 0.004), study design (P = 0.04), duration of the procedure (P = 0.009), and, marginally, by average tumor size (P = 0.09). Endoscopic en bloc and curative resection rates were 92 % (95 % CI, 90 – 94 %) and 86 % (95 % CI, 80 – 90 %), respectively. The rates of immediate and delayed perforation were 4.2 % (95 % CI, 3.5 – 5.0 %) and 0.22 % (95 % CI, 0.11 – 0.46 %), respectively, while rates of immediate and delayed major bleeding were 0.75 % (95 % CI, 0.31 – 1.8 %) and 2.1 % (95 % CI, 1.6 – 2.6 %). After an average postoperative follow up of 19 months, the rate of tumor recurrence was 0.04 % (95 % CI, 0.01 – 0.31) among those with R0 resection and 3.6 % (95 % CI, 1.4 – 8.8 %) among those without R0 resection. Overall, irrespective of the resection status, recurrence rate was 1.0 % (95 % CI, 0.42 – 2.1 %).

Conclusions: Our meta-analysis, the largest and most comprehensive assessment of colorectal ESD to date, showed that colorectal ESD is safe and effective for colorectal tumors and warrants consideration as first-line therapy when an expert operator is available.



Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is an advanced endoscopic technique that allows complete resection of early-state lesions in the gastrointestinal tract with the aim to achieve accurate histological diagnosis and prevent tumor recurrence [1]. Initially developed for gastric tumors, the procedure has become widely used as standard of care for resection of colorectal tumors in Asian countries (notably in Japan). The main steps involved in the procedure include injecting fluid into the submucosa to elevate the tumor; cutting through surrounding mucosa to gain access into the submucosa layer; and dissecting the submucosa beneath the tumor to enhance complete resection [2]. Given the relatively burdensome maneuverability of the colon in addition to its thin wall, colorectal ESD is associated with greater technical difficulty, increase procedure time and potential high risk of perforation [3]. These concerns have led to the procedure being adopted more slowly in western countries than foregut ESD. Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) is the most widely used minimally invasive technique for noninvasive colorectal tumors in the western world. However, accumulating evidence suggests that with adequate training, ESD could be equally as safe as the other minimally invasive alternative in addition to offering superior efficacy and lower rate of tumor recurrence [2] [4]. Nevertheless, these reports from several clinical trials and observational studies have yielded mixed results. In order to summarize the literature and assess for potential sources of heterogeneity, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of available literature on the safety and efficacy of colorectal ESD.


Patients and methods

We followed the recommendations of the Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (MOOSE) during all stages of the design, implementation, and reporting of this meta-analysis (Stroup 2000) [5].

Search strategy

We performed a comprehensive literature search of MEDLINE, EMBASE, Ovid, CINAHL, and Cochrane for studies published up to October 2014. Our search query for MEDLINE was (“endoscopic submucosal dissection”[tiab] OR “endoscopic submucosal resection”[tiab] OR “submucosal dissection”[tiab] OR “ESD”[tiab]) AND (“colon”[Mesh] OR “colorectal neoplasms”[Mesh] OR “colorectal”[tiab] OR colo*[tiab] OR “large bowel”[tiab] OR hindgut[tiab]). Similar search terms were adapted for the other databases ([Table S1]).

Table S1

Search query.


(“endoscopic submucosal dissection”[tiab] OR “endoscopic submucosal resection”[tiab] OR “submucosal dissection”[tiab] OR “ESD”[tiab]) AND (“colon”[Mesh] OR “colorectal neoplasms”[Mesh] OR “colorectal”[tiab] OR colo*[tiab] OR “large bowel”[tiab] OR hindgut[tiab])


(‘endoscopic submucosal dissection’/exp OR ‘endoscopic submucosal resection’:ab,ti OR ‘submucosal dissection’:ab,ti OR submuco* NEAR/2 dissection OR ‘ESD’:ab,ti) AND (‘colon’/exp OR ‘large intestine tumor’/exp OR colorectal:ab,ti OR colo*:ab,ti OR ‘large bowel’:ab,ti OR hindgut:ab,ti) AND [embase]/lim NOT [medline]/lim


(endoscopic submucosal dissection OR endoscopic submucosal resection OR submucosal dissection OR endoscopic dissectionOR ESD) AND (colon OR colorectal OR colo* OR large bowel OR hindgut)


(endoscopic submucosal dissection OR endoscopic submucosal resection OR submucosal dissection OR endoscopic dissectionOR ESD) AND (colon OR colorectal OR colo* OR large bowel OR hindgut)


(endoscopic submucosal dissection OR endoscopic submucosal resection OR submucosal dissection OR endoscopic dissectionOR ESD) AND (colon OR colorectal OR colo* OR large bowel OR hindgut)


Study selection

One investigator (EA) screened all titles and abstracts for relevance to our study. Two investigators (EA, NK) reviewed full text of these articles and applied our predefined inclusion/exclusion criteria independently and in duplicate ([Fig. 1]). Hand searching of reference list of the articles was also done in order to retrieve other articles that might have been missed by our search strategy. We included all studies reporting clinical outcome(s) after colorectal ESD. Our exclusion criteria were: animal studies; case reports; commentaries or general reviews; or overlapping publications (based on study period) from the same center. However, review paper and overlapping publications from the same center were included in the initial screening for further assessment of the full-text and reference list after which, for the overlapping publications, only the most updated and comprehensive publication was retained. For the multicenter studies, we excluded all overlapping individual studies from the contributing centers if their sample size is comparable or less than that contributed to the multicenter study. Otherwise, we excluded the multicenter study if there are more updated studies from individual centers that provided more information. In the few cases where an abstract provided a more updated and comprehensive reporting of outcomes than the full-text journal article(s) from the same center, the abstract was selected for our main analysis. Articles in foreign language were translated via Google translator and, when possible, a native speaker of the foreign language was solicited to double-check the data.

Zoom Image
Fig. 1 Screening and selection process.


Data extraction

Data from each study were extracted using a standardized data extraction sheet. These included publication information such as author name, year of publication, type of publication (e. g. abstract, journal); characteristics of study cohort such as country, name of medical center, study design, number of patients, year of data collection, demographics, setting (single/multi center); characteristics of tumor such as anatomical location, number of tumors, average tumor size, macroscopic or microscopic detail; ESD procedural details such as duration of procedure and number of failed procedure; and number of patients with clinical success and adverse outcomes.



We assessed both measures of efficacy and adverse outcomes associated with colorectal ESD. Our primary measure of efficacy was complete (R0) resection defined as en bloc (i. e. one-piece) resection with histologically confirmed tumor-free lateral and vertical margins. In addition, we evaluated endoscopic en bloc (i. e. without histological confirmation) and curative resection rate as secondary endpoints. Curative resection was defined as resections with both tumor-free lateral and vertical resection margins, minimal submucosal invasion (< 1000 μm), and with no lymphovascular invasion or poorly differentiated component. Adverse outcomes included viscus perforation, major bleeding requiring intervention, and tumor recurrence. Immediate adverse outcomes refers to those occurring within 24 hours of the procedure while delayed refers to those occurring after 24 hours of the procedure. For all endpoints, the rates were evaluated as percentage of number of tumors operated.


Statistical analysis

Proportions from each study were pooled together using logistic-normal random effect model. Study-specific confidence intervals were based on the exact method while confidence intervals for the pooled estimates were based on the Wald method with logit transformation and back transformation. Heterogeneity between studies were assessed via visual inspection of the forest plot and chi-square statistic of the likelihood ratio test comparing the random effect model with its corresponding fixed effect model; and, for the efficacy measures, evaluation for potential sources of heterogeneity such as type of article , study design, setting, year of data collection (categorized based on start year into < 2005, 2005 – 2009, ≥ 2010), continent, average age, sex distribution, number of tumors, average tumor size, histology (carcinoid vs non-carcinoid), and duration of the procedure were assessed via meta-regression. Evaluation for publication bias was assessed via visual inspection of the funnel plot and Egger’s test. Since traditional method of funnel plot (log of estimate vs 1/standard error [1/SE]) has been shown to be an inaccurate method for assessing publication bias in meta-analysis of proportion, funnel plot was constructed using study size rather than 1/SE has proposed in the literature [6] [7]. Due to huge difference in the outcome of ESD between Asian and Western countries, we performed a supplementary analysis of Asian and non-Asian studies separately.

In a sensitivity analysis, we limited our studies to full-text journal publications. The result from the sensitivity analysis was compared to that of the main analysis.

Analyses were performed using STATA (Version 13; StataCorp, College Station, TX), all tests were two-sided and significance level was set at 0.05.



Of the 1090 citations retrieved through database searching, 603 were excluded because they reported no clinical outcome after ESD procedure in human ([Fig. 1]). Full text review was performed on 487 studies using our predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria, after which 112 studies were retained. In order to avoid potential study overlap, we additionally excluded 8 abstracts that provided no indication of the source of data such as country, state, city, or medical center. Overall, 104 articles including 58 full-text journal article and 46 abstracts published between 2007 and 2014 were retained for data synthesis. Seventy-five of these studies were from Asia while 29 were from the Western world.

A total of 13 833 tumors in 13 603 patients (42 % female) with average age 66 years (range: 25 – 92 years) underwent colorectal ESD between 1998 and 2014 ([Table S2]). The majority of these procedures were performed in Asian countries of Japan and South Korea with only a few experiences in the western world ([Fig. 2]). Average tumor size was 31 mm (range: 2 mm – 158 mm), and the procedure was completed in an average time of 75 min (range: 5 min – 600 min).

Table S2

Characteristics of studies included in the meta-analysis of colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection.


Data period, yr


Patients, n

Age, mean (range), yr

Female, %

Tumor, n

Tumor size, mean (range), mm

Procedure length, mean (range), min

Kawaguti 2014 [15]

2008 – 2011








Santos 2013 [16]

2010 – 2011



54 (45 – 60)



26 (20 – 50)

163 (80 – 242)

Wang 2014 [17]







9.4 (7 – 25)


Zhao 2012 [18]

2002 – 2008







(16 – 35)

Hon 2011 [19]

2000 – 2010







78 (25 – 180)

Rahmi 2014[1] [20]

2010 – 2012






35 (10 – 100)

110 (30 – 280)

Farhat 2011[1] [21]

2008 – 2010








Probst 2012 [22]

2004 – 2011



64 (38 – 85)





Repici 2013 [23]

2010 – 2011



65 (43 – 83)



47 (33 – 80)

86 (40 – 190)

Fusaroli 2009 [24]









Trecca 2014 [25]

2012 – 2013



(50 – 82)



3 (1.5 – 5.5)

123 (60 – 240)

Niimi 2010 [26]

2000 – 2008



65 (29 – 88)



29 (6 – 100)


Nishiyama 2010 [27]

2001 – 2008



69 (30 – 91)



27 (4 – 75)


Tamegai 2007 [28]

2003 – 2005






33 (13 – 80)

61 (7 – 164)

Hotta 2012 [29]

2000 – 2010






30 (6 – 100)

101 (20 – 595)

Ishi 2010 [30]

2005 – 2009



66 (42 – 89)



35 (20 – 80)

121 (22 – 240)

Imaeda 2012 [31]

2008 – 2010



69 (42 – 90)



33 (20 – 80)

60 (20 – 150)

Tanaka 2007 [32]

2003 – 2005



66 (36 – 85)




71 (15 – 180)

Onozato 2007 [33]

2002 – 2006



70 (51 – 89)



26 (8 – 60)

70 (8 – 360)

Sohara 2013 [34]

2006 – 2011



66 (44 – 80)



32 (2 – 92)

60 (7 – 300)

Hori 2014 [35]

2006 – 2010



70 (62 – 75)



35 (23 – 46)

60 (40 – 120)

Ohya 2009 [36]

2008 – 2009



71 (58 – 83)



35 (13 – 98)

60 (12 – 200)

Fujihara 2013 [37]

2010 – 2012



71 (37 – 88)




105 (45 – 250)

Okamoto 2013 [38]

2010 – 2012



69 (63 – 76)



36 (28 – 45)

61 (58 – 72)

Akahoshi 2010 [39]




66 (55 – 74)





Shono 2011 [40]

2007 – 2010



67 (40 – 90)



29 (20 – 150)

79 (20 – 100)

Izumi 2014 [41]

2006 – 2011



66 (35 – 90)



35 (20 – 110)

Motohashi 2011 [42]







(22 – 42)

45 (30 – 110)

Mizushima 2014[1] [43]

2009 – 2013



68 (38 – 91)



27 (5 – 65)

64 (8 – 189)

Takeuchi 2014[1] [44]

2007 – 2010







78 (50 – 120)

Kita 2007 [45]

1998 – 2005








Homma 2012[1] [46]

2009 – 2010



71 (30 – 88)



32 (12 – 120)

54 (15 – 270)

Sato 2014 [47]

2009 – 2013



72 (37 – 89)



32 (20 – 85)

72 (15 – 340)

Shiga 2014 [48]

2009 – 2013








Sakamoto 2014 [49]









Nagai 2012 [50]

2007 – 2011



(39 – 89)




70 (15 – 350)

Ohata 2013 [51]

2007 – 2012








Nawata 2014 [52]

2010 – 2013



69 (36 – 91)



30 (18 – 123)

43 (6 – 235)

Yoshida 2014 [53]

2010 – 2013



70 (35 – 92)



30 (6 – 100)

59 (6 – 385)

Toyonaga 2010[1] [54]

2002 – 2008






29 (4 – 158)

57 (11 – 335)

Kim 2013 [55]

2005 – 2011








Lee 2010 [56]

2003 – 2009






6.2 (2 – 15)


Park 2012 [57]

2007 – 2011








Lee 2013 [58]

2005 – 2011








Kim 2013 [59]

2007 – 2011



63 (31 – 87)



29 (10 – 64)

65 (6 – 220)

Lee 2013 [60]

2006 – 2011



61 (25 – 86)



24 (3 – 145)

49 (3 – 321)

Sohn 2008 [61]

2003 – 2006



53 (32 – 78)



4.4 (2 – 10)

7.8 (2 – 22)

Moon 2011 [62]

2007 – 2009



49 (32 – 74)



4.7 (1 – 9)

36 (7 – 82)

Jung 2013 [63]

2009 – 2011








Choi 2013 [64]

2008 – 2011








Byeon 2011 [65]

2004 – 2010








Spychalski 2014 [66]

2013 – 2014



67 (38 – 84)



34 (15 – 75)

106 (30 – 225)

Thorlacius 2013 [67]

2012 – 2013



74 (46 – 85)



28 (11 – 89)

142 (57 – 291)

Hsu 2013 [68]

2010 – 2013



64 (46 – 82)



33 (12 – 70)

71 (16 – 240)

Tseng 2013 [69]

2006 – 2011








Hurlstone 2007 [70]

2004 – 2006



68 (52 – 79)




48 (18 – 240)

Lang 2014 [71]

2006 – 2013






34 (10 – 50)

106 (16 – 166)

Kantsevoy 2014 [72]

2012 – 2013








Bassan 2012[2] [73]

2010 – 2011








Zhong 2013[2] [74]

2006 – 2011








Hon 2012[2] [75]

2009 – 2012








Emura 2014[2] [76]

2008 – 2013








Kruse 2012[2] [77]

2006 – 2011



69 (47 – 90)





Sauer 2014[2] [78]

2012 – 2013







103 (20 – 600)

Iacopini 2014[2] [79]

2009 – 2013








Trentino 2010[2] [80]









De Lisi 2012[2] [81]







24 (10 – 40)

137 (45 – 270)

Petruzziello 2014[2] [82]

2011 – 2013



65 (40 – 77)





Andrisani 2014[2] [83]

2011 – 2013








Kaneko 2013[2] [84]

2001 – 2012








Kudo 2013[2] [85]

2001 – 2012








Mizuno 2013[2] [86]

2005 – 2009








Osuga 2012[2] [87]









Kashida 2012[2] [88]








Kawazoe 2011[2] [89]

2006 – 2011








Nemoto 2014[2] [90]







28 (15 – 67)

53 (26 – 247)

Hayashi 2013[2] [91]









Inada 2013[2] [92]

2006 – 2012








Mitani 2013[2] [93]

2005 – 2011



66 (34 – 91)




68 (5 – 500)

Shiga 2010[2] [94]

2007 – 2010








Nio 2013[2] [95]

2008 – 2012








Sasajimi 2012[2] [96]








86 (15 – 420)

Tanaka 2014[2] [97]

2009 – 2013








Yamamoto 2013[2] [98]









Oyama 2010[2] [99]









Horikawa 2012[2] [100]

2008 – 2012








Kojima 2013[2] [101]

2007 – 2012



69 (33 – 87)





Fukuzawa 2012[2] [102]

2007 – 2012








Yamada 2013[2] [103]

2009 – 2012








Kobayashi 2012[2] [104]

2005 – 2011








Hayashi 2013[2] [105]

2010 – 2013








Lee 2011[2] [106]

2004 – 2010



64 (26 – 85)





Ko 2009[2] [107]

2004 – 2008






29 (12 – 86)


Park 2012[2] § [108]

2009 – 2011






20 (5 – 50)

74 (11 – 280)

Kim 2010[2] [109]









Rhee 2010[2] [110]

2008 – 2010







50 (11 – 152)

Joo 2010[2] [111]

2007 – 2009



62 (50 – 75)




99 (22 – 246)

Bialek 2012[2] [112]

2006 – 2012



64 (49 – 85)



26 (10 – 60)


Hulagu 2011[2] [113]

2007 – 2010








Tholoor 2012[2] [114]

2006 – 2011








George 2013[2] [115]

2004 – 2012






41 (15 – 100)


Gorgun 2013[2] [116]




66 (50 – 88)




126 (62 – 196)

Omer 2012[2] [117]

2009 – 2011








Antillon 2009[2] [118]

2006 – 2008








yr, year; n, number; mm, millimeter; min, minute; NA, not available

1 Multicenter studies

2 Abstracts

Zoom Image
Fig. 2 Percentage distribution of 13 603 patients who underwent colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection between 1998 and 2014 in 15 countries. Others include Taiwan, Australia, France, Poland, Sweden, Turkey, UK, Brazil, Colombia, and USA that contributed ≤ 1 % each.


R0 resection rate was reported in 60 studies across which meta-analysis yielded a pooled estimate of 83 % (95 % CI, 80 – 86 %) ([Fig. 3]). There was significant between-study heterogeneity (P < 0.001) which was partly explained by difference in continent (P = 0.004), study design (P = 0.04), and duration of the procedure (P = 0.009). In addition, there was a trend toward decreasing R0 with increasing tumor size but this did not reach statistical significance (P = 0.09) ([Table 1]). Subgroup analysis based on sources of heterogeneity showed that R0 resection rate was highest in Asia (87 % [95 % CI, 84 – 90 %] in Asia vs 71 % [95 % CI, 64 – 77 %] in the West) ([Table 3]), among retrospective studies, and decreases with increasing duration of the procedure. Assessment of funnel plot asymmetry based on egger’s test also showed no significant publication bias (P = 0.57).

Zoom Image
Fig. 3 Meta-analysis of histologic en bloc (R0) resection rate in 60 studies involving 8312 tumors in 8111 patients that underwent colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection. Each dot and the horizontal line through them correspond to the point estimate and confidence interval from each study respectively while the center and width of the diamond corresponds to the pooled estimate and its confidence interval respectively. Both within continent and overall pooled estimates are presented. Even though weighting (not shown) was done, it is not explicit because an iterative procedure was used in parameter estimation. ES indicates estimate.
Table 1

Potential sources of heterogeneity of histologic en bloc (R0) resection rate among 60 studies of patients that underwent colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection.


Studies, n

Tumors, n

R0 resection rate (95 % CI), %

P value[1]

Type of article


 Full-text journal



84 (80, 87)




81 (72, 87)

Study design





85 (81, 88)




75 (62, 85)



 Single center



84 (80, 87)




73 (58, 83)

Start year of data collection


 < 2005



77 (70, 83)

 2005 – 2009



85 (81, 88)

 ≥ 2010



86 (71, 93)






87 (84, 90)




70 (62, 77)

 South America (Brazil)



83 (59, 95)

 North America (USA)



65 (55, 73)

Average age, years[2]


 ≤ 64



84 (77, 88)

 65 – 67



82 (77, 87)

 > 67



87 (78, 93)

Female, %[2]


 ≤ 36



84 (79, 88)

 37 – 43



88 (81, 93)

 ≥ 44



80 (72, 86)

Number of tumors[2]


 < 40



86 (78, 91)

 40 – 90



80 (73, 86)

 > 90



84 (79, 88)

Average tumor size, mm[2]


 ≤ 27



85 (81, 89)

 28 – 34



85 (78, 90)

 ≥ 34



80 (70, 88)





85 (79, 89)





82 (78, 86)

Length of the procedure, min§


 ≤ 61



89 (84, 93)

 62 – 101



84 (79, 88)

 > 101



78 (68, 85)

N, number; R0, histologic en bloc resection rate

1 Potential sources of heterogeneity was assessed with metaregression. P < 0.05 indicates that the variable significantly explains part of the between study heterogeneity (i. e. an effect mofier). Differences in continent, lenth of the procedure, study design and average tumor size explains 18 %, 15 %, 8 %, and 4 % of the heterogeneity respectively.

2 Indicates variables that were cut at tertiles in order to ensure comparability of number of studies between groups.

Table 3

Clinical outcomes of colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection in Asia as compared to the western world.


Western world

Studies, n

Rate (95 % CI), %[1]

Studies, n

Rate (95 % CI), %[1]

Efficacy measures

 Histologic en bloc resection


87 (84, 90)


71 (64, 77)

 Endoscopic en bloc resection


94 (92, 95)


82 (76, 87)

Safety measures

 Immediate perforation[2]


3.8 (3.1, 4.6)


6.6 (4.6, 9.4)

 Immediate major bleeding[2]


0.39 (0.11, 1.3)


3.3 (1.4, 7.6)

 Delayed perforation[3]


0.18 (0.08, 0.42)


1.2 (0.29, 4.6)

 Delayed major bleeding[3]


1.8 (1.4, 2.4)


3.9 (2.5, 5.8)

 Recurrence (if R0)[4]


0.05 (0.01, 0.33)



 Recurrence (if not R0)[4]


2.3 (1.1, 4.4)


21 (11, 36)

 Recurrence (irrespective of R0 status)[4]


0.37 (0.13, 0.10)


6.5 (3.7, 11)

N, number; R0, histologically-confirmed en bloc resection

1 The rates are calculated as a percentage of the total number of tumors operated.

2 Immediate refers to adverse outcomes occurring within 24 hours of the procedure.

3 Delayed refers to adverse outcome occurring 24 hours after the procedure.

4 Average follow-up was ~20, 19, and 25 months for assessment of recurrence among tumors with R0, without R0, and irrespective of R0 status respectively (for Asian studies); and ~7, 7, and 10 months for assessment of recurrence among tumors with R0, without R0, and irrespective of R0 status respectively (for western studies).

Table 2

Rates of adverse outcomes in patients undergoing colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection between 1998 and 2014.

Adverse outcomes

Studies, n

Patients, n

Tumor, n

Rate (95 % CI), %[1]

Immediate [2]





4.2 (3.5, 5.0)

 Major bleeding




0.75 (0.31, 1.8)

Delayed [3]





0.22 (0.11, 0.46)

 Major bleeding




2.1 (1.6, 2.6)

Recurrence [4]

 Among tumors with R0



0.04 (0.01, 0.31)

 Among tumors without R0



3.6 (1.4, 8.8)

 Irrespective of R0 status




1.0 (0.42, 2.1)

N, number; R0, histologically-confirmed en bloc resection

1 The rates are calculated as a percentage of the total number of tumors operated.

2 Immediate refers to adverse outcomes occurring within 24 hours of the procedure.

3 Delayed refers to adverse outcome occurring 24 hours after the procedure.

4 Average follow-up was ~19 months for assessment of recurrence among tumors with and without R0; and ~23 months for the assessment of recurrence irrespective of R0 status.

Endoscopic en bloc and curative resection rates were reported in 86 and 14 studies, respectively. Across studies, meta-analysis yielded a pooled estimate of 92 % (95 % CI, 90 – 94 %) ([Fig. S2]) for endoscopic en bloc resection rate and 86 % (95 % CI, 80 % – 90 %) ([Fig. S3]) for curative resection rate, although all but one of the studies reporting curative resection were from Asia. When we performed separate analysis for Asia vs Western countries, endoscopic en bloc resection rate was 94 % (95 % CI, 92 % – 95 %) and 82 % (95 % CI, 76 % – 87 %) for Asian and Western countries, respectively.

Zoom Image
Fig. S1 Funnel plot of histologically confirmed en bloc (R0) resection rate in 60 studies involving 8312 tumors in 8111 patients that underwent colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection. Each dot represents the R0 resection rate. Lack of asymmetry in the distribution of study estimates around the center of the funnel suggests no publication bias. P value for egger’s test = 0.57. ES, estimate; se(ES), standard error of estimate.
Zoom Image
Fig. S2 Meta-analysis of endoscopic en bloc resection rate in 86 studies involving 12 346 tumors in 12 151 patients that underwent colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection. Each dot and the horizontal line through them correspond to the point estimate and confidence interval from each study respectively while the center and width of the diamond corresponds to the pooled estimate and its confidence interval respectively. Even though weighting (not shown) was done, it is not explicit because an iterative procedure was used in parameter estimation. ES, estimate.
Zoom Image
Fig. S3 Meta-analysis of curative resection rate in 14 studies involving 1805 tumors in 1784 patients that underwent colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection. Each dot and the horizontal line through them correspond to the point estimate and confidence interval from each study respectively while the center and width of the diamond corresponds to the pooled estimate and its confidence interval respectively. Even though weighting (not shown) was done, it is not explicit because an iterative procedure was used in parameter estimation. All studies except one (Emura 2014, Colombia) were from Asia. ES, estimate.


Adverse outcomes

Perforation and major bleeding requiring intervention were the most common perioperative complications reported ([Table 2]). Overall, immediate and delayed perforation rates were 4.2 % (95 % CI, 3.5 % – 5.0 %) and 0.22 % (95 % CI, 0.11 % – 0.46 %), respectively, while rates of immediate and delayed major bleeding were 0.75 % (95 % CI, 0.31 % – 1.8 %) and 2.1 % (95 % CI, 1.6 % – 2.6 %). When we performed separate analysis for Asia vs Western countries, immediate and delayed perforation rates were 3.8 % (95 % CI, 3.1 % – 4.6 %) and 0.18 % (95 % CI, 0.08 % – 0.42 %) for Asia and 6.6 % (95 % CI, 4.6 % – 9.4 %) and 1.2 % (95 %, 0.29 % – 4.6 %) for Western countries, respectively, while rates of immediate and delayed major bleeding were 0.39 % (95 % CI, 0.11 % – 1.3 %) and 1.8 % (95 % CI, 1.4 % – 2.4 %) for Asia and 3.3 % (95 % CI, 1.4 % – 7.6 %) and 3.9 % (95 %, 2.5 % – 5.8 %) for Western countries, respectively ([Table 3]).

After an average postoperative follow up of 19 months, the rate of tumor recurrence was 0.04 % (95 % CI, 0.01 % – 0.31 %) among those with R0 resection and 3.6 % (95 % CI, 1.4 % – 8.8 %) among those without R0 resection ([Table 2]). Overall, irrespective of the resection status, recurrence rate was 1.0 % (95 % CI, 0.42 % – 2.1 %). For Asian studies, rates of tumor recurrence were 0.05 % (95 %, 0.01 % – 0.33 %), 2.3 % (95 % CI, 1.1 % – 4.4 %), and 0.37 % (95 % CI, 0.13 – 0.10) among tumors with R0 resection, without R0 resection, and irrespective of R0 status respectively. On the other hand, tumor recurrence rates for Western countries were 21 % (95 % CI, 11 % – 36 %) and 6.5 % (95 % CI, 3.7 % – 11 %) among tumors without R0 resection and irrespective of resection status respectively. All four Western studies that assessed recurrence among tumors with R0 resection reported no recurrence among such tumors after an average follow up of 7 months ([Table 3]).

All our estimates were comparable to those of sensitivity analysis as pre-specified ([Table S3]).

Table S3

Clinical outcomes among patients who underwent colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection (analysis restricted to only studies published as full-text journal article).


Studies, n

Tumor, n

Rate (95 % CI)[1]

Efficacy measures

 R0 resection



84 (80 – 87)

 Endoscopic en bloc resection



93 (90 – 95)

 Curative resection



87 (81 – 91)

Safety measures

 Immediate perforation[2]



4 (3 – 5)

 Immediate major bleeding[2]



0.82 (0.32 – 2.1)

 Delayed perforation[3]



0.24 (0.11 – 0.54)

 Delayed bleeding[3]



1.7 (1.2 – 2.4)

 Recurrence (if R0)[4]



0.05 (0.01 – 0.35)

 Recurrence (if not R0)[4]



3.6 (1.3 – 9.9)

 Recurrence (irrespective of R0 status)[4]



0.58 (0.19 – 1.7)

n, number; R0, histologically-confirmed en bloc resection

1 The rates are calculated as a percentage of the total number of tumors operated.

2 Immediate refers to adverse outcomes occurring within 24 hours of the procedure.

3 Delayed refers to adverse outcome occurring 24 hours after the procedure.

4 Average follow-up was ~18, 21 and 19 months for assessment of recurrence among tumors with R0, without R0, and irrespective of R0 status, respectively.



Our meta-analysis showed that, across multiple studies in 15 countries, ESD demonstrated an excellent treatment success in patients with colorectal tumors. Perioperatively, perforation and major bleeding were the most commonly reported serious adverse outcomes but their risk is somewhat comparable to EMR [4] [8]. In addition, the risk of tumor recurrence in patients with treatment success after a moderate duration of follow up is very low. These findings provide evidence that ESD is effective and offers a reasonable safety profile across a wide range of patients.

Treatment success was assessed in 3 ways: R0, endoscopic en bloc and curative resection rates. In this study, we considered R0 resection as primary endpoint. Across studies, there were excellent results based on this endpoint. However, there was significant heterogeneity in study estimates which were partly explained by four main factors: first, the estimates vary by continent. Difference in continent accounted for most of the heterogeneity with highest rates of clinical success being reported by studies from Asia. This, in a way, was expected because the procedure was developed in Asia and has been used for a long time in this part of the world allowing for the development of expert skill needed for the procedure as well as development of better techniques. On the other hand, the acceptance rate of the procedure had been low in other parts of the world. Second, lower rates of treatment success were reported in the prospective studies as compared to retrospective studies. However, only a few of the studies were prospective and most of these were from Europe, which further underscores the lower rates of treatment success in countries outside Asia. Third, rates of treatment success increase with decreasing length of the procedure. Because length of the procedure is expected to correlate with level of expertise and size of tumor, we presume this is an indicator of higher rates with better expertise/years of experience and smaller tumor size. This notion is further supported by difference in estimates by tumor size, the fourth sources of heterogeneity in our analysis, although this was only marginally significant.

The relatively high risk of adverse outcome associated with the procedure had been one of the factors against the acceptability of the procedure in western countries [3]. Intraoperatively, perforation was the most common serious adverse outcome. However, most of the perforations were successfully sealed with endoscopic clips with only large ones requiring surgical intervention. More than 24 hours after the procedure, major bleeding becomes the most common serious adverse event. These cases of delayed bleeding often require endoscopic re-exploration. Although the incidence of delayed perforation is very low, it is a more serious adverse event because these usually require surgery for peritonitis [9]. The relatively low risk of recurrence has been the attractive feature of ESD. After a moderate follow up, tumor recurrence was present in only 1 in 100 tumors after the procedure, and this rate was majorly influenced by those without R0 resection i. e. patients with positive lateral or vertical tumor margins. In patients with R0 resection, the risk of recurrence is very negligible: 4 in 10 000 tumors. Overall, rates of adverse events were generally better in Asia compared to the Western world.

Before the invention of ESD in the late 1990s in Japan, EMR was the most widely used minimally invasive option for noninvasive colorectal tumors in the world and it is still the most widely used in many western countries. Over the years, numerous comparative studies and reviews had shown the superior benefit of ESD in terms of complete resection and tumor recurrence as compared to EMR [4] [8] [10]. In addition, its risk of complication is comparable to other minimally invasive alternative including EMR and laparoscopic assisted colectomy (LAC) [11]. However, given the low risk of malignancy among small tumors (< 20 mm in diameter) in addition to comparable rate of recurrence between EMR and ESD for small tumors, EMR remains a suitable option in this subgroup especially when ESD cannot be performed due to lack of expertise or patient-related factors e. g. weak intestinal wall [10]. Furthermore, ESD is not recommended for invasive cancers with risk of lymph node metastasis. LAC remains the only minimally invasive option in such cases [11].

Our study has several strengths. Notably, a guideline-driven approach ensures that our analysis was systematic and comprehensive. In addition, we made attempt to gather all available data by including all comprehensive abstracts and placing no restriction on language of publication. Our moderately large number of studies enabled us to shed more light on potential sources of heterogeneity in treatment success after ESD, and the comparability of the main findings to those in sensitivity analysis further ensures the robustness of our result. Although similar studies exist in the literature [12] [13] [14], our study is the largest and most updated. In addition, we provided the most comprehensive reporting of all clinically relevant outcomes while also identifying potential sources of heterogeneity.

Limitations of this study should also be considered. First, due to rapidly evolving techniques in ESD procedure, the rates of each outcome may vary slightly by technique and our rates of adverse outcomes might have been over-estimated compared to new technique. There was also a suggestion of increasing rate of treatment success over time, indicating that newer techniques may be associated with higher success rate, although this was not statistically significant. Second, the recurrence rates were assessed after variable follow up between and within study, and since the rate of recurrence is time-dependent, cautious interpretation of average follow-up reported is warranted when applied to individual cases. Third, we could not evaluate for potential heterogeneity of clinical outcomes between mucosal and submucosal tumors as most of the studies involved a mixed population of mucosal and submucosal tumors. Further studies are needed to evaluate these 2 classes of tumors in a head-to-head comparison.



In conclusion, colorectal ESD appears safe and effective based on the large and broad body of current medical literature. It compares favorably with other minimally invasive options and warrants consideration as first-line therapy when an expert operator is available. However, the result is not optimal yet given that R0 resection rate is still only 86 % and there is enough room for improvement to achieve rates close to 100 %.


Competing interests: Dr. Christopher Thompson serves as consultant to the following organizations: Boston scientific; covidien; USGI Medical; Olympus; and Apollo Endosurgery

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  • 113 Hulagu S et al. ESD for laterally spreading tumors in colon: Experience for a tertiary unit. Gastroenterology 2011; 140: S684
  • 114 Tholoor S et al. Feasibility, safety and outcomes of an endoscopic submucosal dissection service in a UK setting. Gut 2012; 61: A379
  • 115 George R et al. Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD)/hybrid ESD for large colorectal polyps: UK district hospital. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2013; 28: 27
  • 116 Gorgun IE, Remzi FH. Endoscopic submucosal dissection for large nonpedunculated lesions of the colon: Early experience in the united states. Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Techniques 2013; 27: S478
  • 117 Omer E, Kantsevoy S. Clinical outcomes of endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) and endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) for large flat colorectal polyps. American Journal of Gastroenterology 2012; 107: S208-S209
  • 118 Antillon MR et al. Effectiveness of endoscopic submucosal dissection as an alternative to traditional surgery for large lateral spreading polyps and early malignancies of the colon and rectum in the United States. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2009; 69: AB279

Corresponding author

Christopher C. Thompson, MD, MHES, FACG, FASGE
Division of Gastroenterology
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
75 Francis St. ASBII
Boston, MA 02115

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  • 101 Kojima Y et al. Risk factors for procedure-related intestinal perforation in endoscopic submucosal dissection for colonic tumors. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2013; 28: 498
  • 102 Fukuzawa M et al. The indication of colorectal ESD – Which size of lesion permit for colorectal ESD?. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2012; 27: 130
  • 103 Yamada S et al. Endoscopic diagnosis of invasion depth for early protruded-type colorectal cancer and the clinical outcomes of endoscopic submucosal dissection. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2013; 77: AB552-AB553
  • 104 Kobayashi N et al. The influence of biopsy before treatment on the outcome of colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2012; 75: AB408
  • 105 Hayashi Y et al. Colorectal ESD for large tumors (>5 cm in diameter) is as safe and reliable as for smaller tumors (2 – 5 cm in diameter). Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2013; 28: 557
  • 106 Lee Y et al. Short and long term results of endoscopic submucosal dissection for early colorectal cancer: Diagnostic and therapeutic role. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2011; 73: AB219
  • 107 Ko BM et al. Evaluation of complication rate and safety of endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) in colorectal neoplasms. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2009; 69: AB382
  • 108 Park DS, Baek IH. Usefulness and short term clinical outcomes of colorectal ESD. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2012; 27: 177-178
  • 109 Kim HK et al. The usefulness of endoscopic submucosal dissection technique in resection of large pedunculated colon polyps. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2010; 25: A41
  • 110 Rhee KH et al. Feasibility and safety of endoscopics dissection for colorectal neoplasia. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2010; 25: A48-A49
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  • 113 Hulagu S et al. ESD for laterally spreading tumors in colon: Experience for a tertiary unit. Gastroenterology 2011; 140: S684
  • 114 Tholoor S et al. Feasibility, safety and outcomes of an endoscopic submucosal dissection service in a UK setting. Gut 2012; 61: A379
  • 115 George R et al. Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD)/hybrid ESD for large colorectal polyps: UK district hospital. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2013; 28: 27
  • 116 Gorgun IE, Remzi FH. Endoscopic submucosal dissection for large nonpedunculated lesions of the colon: Early experience in the united states. Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Techniques 2013; 27: S478
  • 117 Omer E, Kantsevoy S. Clinical outcomes of endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) and endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) for large flat colorectal polyps. American Journal of Gastroenterology 2012; 107: S208-S209
  • 118 Antillon MR et al. Effectiveness of endoscopic submucosal dissection as an alternative to traditional surgery for large lateral spreading polyps and early malignancies of the colon and rectum in the United States. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2009; 69: AB279

Zoom Image
Fig. 1 Screening and selection process.
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Fig. 2 Percentage distribution of 13 603 patients who underwent colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection between 1998 and 2014 in 15 countries. Others include Taiwan, Australia, France, Poland, Sweden, Turkey, UK, Brazil, Colombia, and USA that contributed ≤ 1 % each.
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Fig. 3 Meta-analysis of histologic en bloc (R0) resection rate in 60 studies involving 8312 tumors in 8111 patients that underwent colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection. Each dot and the horizontal line through them correspond to the point estimate and confidence interval from each study respectively while the center and width of the diamond corresponds to the pooled estimate and its confidence interval respectively. Both within continent and overall pooled estimates are presented. Even though weighting (not shown) was done, it is not explicit because an iterative procedure was used in parameter estimation. ES indicates estimate.
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Fig. S1 Funnel plot of histologically confirmed en bloc (R0) resection rate in 60 studies involving 8312 tumors in 8111 patients that underwent colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection. Each dot represents the R0 resection rate. Lack of asymmetry in the distribution of study estimates around the center of the funnel suggests no publication bias. P value for egger’s test = 0.57. ES, estimate; se(ES), standard error of estimate.
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Fig. S2 Meta-analysis of endoscopic en bloc resection rate in 86 studies involving 12 346 tumors in 12 151 patients that underwent colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection. Each dot and the horizontal line through them correspond to the point estimate and confidence interval from each study respectively while the center and width of the diamond corresponds to the pooled estimate and its confidence interval respectively. Even though weighting (not shown) was done, it is not explicit because an iterative procedure was used in parameter estimation. ES, estimate.
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Fig. S3 Meta-analysis of curative resection rate in 14 studies involving 1805 tumors in 1784 patients that underwent colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection. Each dot and the horizontal line through them correspond to the point estimate and confidence interval from each study respectively while the center and width of the diamond corresponds to the pooled estimate and its confidence interval respectively. Even though weighting (not shown) was done, it is not explicit because an iterative procedure was used in parameter estimation. All studies except one (Emura 2014, Colombia) were from Asia. ES, estimate.