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DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-1754390
Measuring Quality of Life after Venous Thromboembolism: Who, When, and How?

There is a growing body of evidence revealing that many patients with a history of venous thromboembolism (VTE) suffer from long-lasting sequelae such as post-thrombotic syndrome and post-pulmonary embolism syndrome. These two syndromes are detrimental to patients as they affect their quality of life (QOL). From this perspective, monitoring QOL may play a crucial role to improve quality care in VTE patients. Many studies have explored possible temporal relations between VTE episodes and decreased functional status and/or QOL. However, studies exploring the implementation of QOL and functional status questionnaires in clinical practice are scarce. In this context, we discuss possible perspectives synthetized from available literature regarding in whom, when, and how QOL could be measured in clinical practice.
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Article published online:
02 September 2022
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