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DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-118147
Forschen für uns! Welche Forschungsthemen interessieren von Depression Betroffene?
Research for us! Which Topics are Relevant for Patients with Depression?Publication History
Publication Date:
29 August 2017 (online)
Ziel der Studie Identifikation und Priorisierung von Forschungsfragen zu Depressionen durch Betroffene und Angehörige.
Methodik In einer Onlineumfrage konnten Betroffene und Angehörige Forschungsthemen benennen, die von den Autoren zu Forschungsfragen zusammengefasst wurden. Diese wurden auf einer Likert-Skala online bewertet.
Ergebnisse Die Befragten schätzen Forschungsfragen zum Zugang und zur Gestaltung von Versorgung als besonders relevant ein.
Schlussfolgerung Themen aus dem Bereich Selbsthilfe und Zugang zur Versorgung sollten stärker beforscht werden.
Objective To identify and prioritize research questions about treatment and care of depression which are relevant to patients, carers and clinicians. The importance of involvement of those stakeholder groups in health services research is increasingly recognized internationally.
Methods Research topics were collected in an online survey using unipark software. Patients, carers and clinicians wrote down research topics, i. e. uncertainties they experienced when dealing with depression. The stated research topics were summarized by the authors to generate research questions. Patients, carers and clinicians rated the importance of the identified research questions using a 7 point likert-scale in a further online-survey.
Results Respondents rated research questions with regard to accessibility and organization of care as especially relevant. A research question regarding the effectiveness of self-help and coping-strategies was rated as most important. Further relevant research questions refer to decide on and find effective therapy.
Conclusion According to patients, carers and clinicians more research about self-help and access to treatment should be conducted.
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