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DOI: 10.1055/s-0044-1791718
First Steps Toward a Participatory Research Program: Early Intervention Perspectives on SLP Services for Children of Diverse Backgrounds

This research was designed to deepen the understanding of contributing factors to disparities in speech-language pathology (SLP) service delivery to children of diverse backgrounds with language and communication delays, as well as to initiate community connections. We sought to understand the perspectives and experiences of those who provide or oversee SLP services to children with communication disorders in early intervention settings in Washington State. Individual semistructured interviews were completed with six SLPs and three administrators across five organizations. The interviews were designed to understand both individual- and systems-level contributing factors to service delivery challenges. Interviews were analyzed using an iterative coding process with multiple rounds of coding and multiple coders. In addition to synthesizing participants' understandings of, and preparation for, culturally responsive practice, three overarching themes are presented: (1) assets of early intervention as a service delivery model, (2) the distance between families and the practitioners and systems that serve them, and (3) compromised access and quality of services due to a predominantly monolingual-English system. Findings inform the next steps for building community partnerships with early intervention organizations. The long-term goal of this work is to collaboratively develop a participatory research program on equitable service delivery that addresses children's, families', and SLPs' needs.
culturally responsive practice - cultural humility - cultural and linguistic diversity - graduate training - IDEAPublication History
Article published online:
15 November 2024
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Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.
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