J Am Acad Audiol 2023; 34(01/02): 045-047
DOI: 10.1055/s-0044-1792045
JAAA CEU Program

JAAA CEU Program

The questions on this page refer to Tobener et al, “Oculomotor Findings in Videonystagmography across the Lifespan,” pages 11–18.

Learner Outcomes

Readers of this article should be able to:

  • Identify differences in oculomotor findings between children and older adults compared to the control group.

  • Describe the effects of aging on the oculomotor test battery.


CEU Questions

  1. Why is oculomotor testing included in videonystagmography (VNG) testing?

    • This testing indicates neurological impairment and provides baseline measurement of oculomotor function prior to positional/positioning and caloric irrigation.

    • This testing indicates vestibular nerve function.

    • This testing indicates source of dizziness.

  2. Which of the following is not a reason for improvement of oculomotor function in early childhood?

    • attentional maturation

    • brain myelination

    • temporal lobe maturation

  3. Which of the following is not a reason for degradation of oculomotor function with aging?

    • decreased neuronal density

    • memory impairment

    • decreased cortical gray matter

  4. What oculomotor tests were analyzed?

    • saccades, smooth pursuit, OPK

    • gaze, saccades, OPK

    • smooth pursuit, OPK, spontaneous nystagmus

  5. What differences were seen in saccades for both the children and older adults compared to the control group?

    • prolonged latency

    • decreased speed

    • decreased accuracy

  6. What trend was observed across groups as the frequency increased in smooth-pursuit testing?

    • Gain increased as frequency increased

    • Gain decreased as frequency increased

    • No change in gain as frequency increased

  7. Which speed of optokinetic (OPK) testing revealed no significant difference between groups?

    • 20 degrees/sec

    • 40 degrees/sec

    • 30 degrees/sec

  8. What was the overall purpose of this investigation?

    • To establish normative data for oculomotor testing in children

    • To establish normative data for oculomotor testing in older adults

    • To further describe the age effect on oculomotor function

  9. What is a possible risk when comparing oculomotor testing results across the lifespan?

    • not having normative data to compare to

    • errors in diagnosing central vestibular involvement

    • equipment malfunction

  10. What is the suggested speed for testing smooth pursuit across all groups?

    • 0.6 Hz

    • less than 0.6 Hz

    • greater than 0.6 Hz


Publication History

Article published online:
16 October 2024

© 2023. American Academy of Audiology. This article is published by Thieme.

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