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DOI: 10.1055/s-1999-39
Esophageal Food Bolus Obstruction: Evaluation of Extraction and Modified Push Techniques in 75 Cases
31. Dezember 1999 (online)

Flexible endoscopy using a variety of accessories and techniques is recommended as the preferred approach to dislodge (or disimpact) and remove food bolus obstructions from the esophagus [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]. The choice of which techniques are employed should depend on the underlying esophageal disorder and the amount and character of the food bolus. In this study, the efficacy, efficiency, and safety of extraction and modified push techniques were evaluated in 75 episodes of food bolus obstruction. We also report our experience in dilating strictures during the same session.
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L. B. WeinstockM.D.
10287 Clayton Road
St. Louis, MO 63124, USA
Telefon: + 1-314-997-5086