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DOI: 10.1055/s-2000-16642
Patterns and Ecological Correlates of Pollination Modes Among Bromeliad Communities of Andean Forests in Bolivia
July 3, 2000
October 2, 2000
27. August 2001 (online)

We studied the distribution of five pollination modes (ornithophily, chiropterophily, entomophily, mixed/unspecific, autogamy) among the bromeliad communities of 74 forest sites in the Bolivian Andes and adjacent lowlands. We recorded a total of 188 bromeliad species belonging to 16 genera, including 115 (61 %) ornithophilous, 14 (7 %) chiropterophilous, 45 (24 %) entomophilous, 8 (4 %) autogamous, and 6 (3 %) species with mixed pollination mode. Ornithophily was the dominant pollination mode at high elevations and in wet regions, while entomophily dominated in arid regions. Chiropterophily was most common in wet lowland regions, autogamy in arid sites, and mixed pollination in the lowlands. Pollination modes were rather evenly distributed among life-forms and ecophysiological types, with a few exceptions: terrestrial forest bromeliads, mostly belonging to unarmed, soft-leaved taxa, had a prevalence of entomophily and few ornithophilous species; large, spiny terrestrial bromeliads of Puya and Bromelioideae showed a prevalence of ornithophily; and autogamy was restricted to the neotenous subgenus Diaphoranthema of Tillandsia. The restriction of unspecific pollination modes to the lowlands is hypothesized to be related to the abundance of pollinators, eliminating the need for specialized co-evolution, or to the overall rarity of bromeliads in this environment, precluding the development of specialized relationships. The low representation of entomophilous species in small dry forest regions compared to extensive areas is assumed to be due to the seasonal influx of hummingbirds and/or bats. Overall, the frequency of individual pollination modes was related to the availability of pollinators as determined by temperatures and humidity.
Key words
Bats - bromeliads - diversity - hummingbirds - insects - montane forest - pollination
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M. Kessler
Albrecht-von-Haller-Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften
Abteilung Systematische Botanik
Untere Karspüle 2
37073 Göttingen
Section Editor: G. Gottsberger