Seminars in Interventional Radiology, Table of Contents Semin intervent Radiol 2000; Volume 17(Number 03): 285-294DOI: 10.1055/s-2000-9412 Copyright © 2000 by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA. Tel.: +1(212) 584-4662 Pelvic Aspiration and Biopsy in the Female Patient Michael M. Maher, Michael J. Lee Department of Radiology, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, Ireland Recommend Article Abstract Buy Article ABSTRACT This article offers the reader an overview of indications, technique, and expectations when employing transvaginal biopsy and drainage techniques. KEYWORD Needle aspiration - needle drainage - pelvic fluid collection Full Text References REFERENCES 1 Dordoni D, Zaglio S, Zucca S, Favalli G. The role of sonographically guided aspiration in the clinical management of ovarian cysts. J Ultrasound Med . 1993; 12 27-31 2 Fleischer A C, McKee M S, Gordon A N. Transvaginal sonography of postmenopausal ovaries with pathologic correlation. J Ultrasound Med . 1990; 9 637-644 3 Bohm-Velez M, Mendelson E B. Transvaginal sonography: Applications Equipment and Techniques. In: Nyberg DA et al (eds): Transvaginal Ultrasound, 1st ed, Vol 1. St. Louis: Mosby Year Book 1992: 1-20 4 Bret P M, Guibaud L, Atri M, Gillelt P, Seymour R J, Senterman M K. Transvaginal ultrasound-guided aspiration of ovarian cysts and solid pelvic masses. Radiology . 1992; 185 377-380 5 Troiano R N, Taylor K JW. Sonographically guided therapeutic aspiration of benign-appearing ovarian cysts and endometriomas. AJR. 1998; 171 1601-1605 6 Bret P M, Atri M, Guibaud L, Gillett P, Seymour R J, Senterman M K. Ovarian cysts in postmenopausal women: Preliminary results with transvaginal alcohol sclerosis. Radiology . 1992; 184 661-663 7 Weinraub Z, Avrech O, Fuchs C. Transvaginal aspiration of ovarian cysts: Prognosis based on outcome over a 12-month period. J Ultrasound Med . 1994; 13 275-279 8 De Crespany L, Robinson H P, Davoren R A, Fortune D. The `simple' ovarian cyst: Aspirate or operate?. Br J Obstet Gynaecol . 1989; 96 1035-1039 9 Khaw K T, Walker W J. Ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration of ovarian cysts: Diagnosis and treatment in pregnant and non-pregnant women. Clin Radiol . 1990; 41 105-108 10 Gonen Y, Blanker J, Casper R F. Transvaginal ultrasonically guided follicular aspiration: A comparative study with laparoscopically guided follicular aspiration. J Clin Ultrasound . 1990; 18 257-261 11 Steiner E, Mueller P R, Simeone J F, Snai S, Hahn P F, Ferucci Jr J T. Transcystic biopsy: A new approach to posterior pelvic lesions. AJR . 1987; 149 93-95 12 Savader B L, Hamper U M, Sheth S, Ballard R L, Sanders R C. Pelvic masses: Aspiration biopsy with transrectal US guidance. Radiology . 1990; 176 351-353 13 Butch R J, Mueller P R, Ferucci Jr J T. Drainage of pelvic abscesses through the greater sciatic foramen. Radiology . 1986; 158 487-491 14 Pardes J G, Schneider M, Koizumi J, Engel I A, Auh Y H, Rubenstein W. Percutaneous needle biopsy of deep pelvic masses: A posterior approach. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol . 1986; 9 65-68 15 Laude I M, Hill M C, Cosco F E. Adnexal and cul-de-sac abnormalities: Transvaginal sonography. Radiology . 1988; 166 325-332 16 Moyle J W, Rocnester D, Sider L, Shrock K, Krause P. Sonography of ovarian tumours: Predictability of tumour type. AJR . 1983; 141 985-991 17 Levine D, Gosink B B, Wolf S I, Feldesman M R, Pretorius D H. Simple adnexal cysts: The natural history of postmenopausal women. Radiology . 1992; 184 653-659 18 Rulin M C, Preston A L. Adnexal masses in postmenopausal women. Obstet Gynecol . 1987; 70 578-581 19 Granberg S, Norstrom A, Wikland M. Comparison of endovaginal ultrasound and cytological evaluation of cystic ovarian tumors. J Ultrasound Med . 1991; 10 9-14 20 De la Cuesta R S, Goff B A, Fuller A F. Prognostic importance of intraoperative rupture of malignant ovarian epithelial neoplasms. Obstet Gynecol . 1994; 84 1-7 21 Varghese J, Byrne P, Gaughan B, Lee M J. Transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) guided aspiration of selected ovarian cysts: Results and complications. Radiol Suppl . 1998; 209(P) 378 22 Webb M J, Decker D G, Mussey E. Factors influencing survival in stage I ovarian cancer. Am J Obstet Gynecol . 1973; 15 222-228 23 Edwards R G, Steptoe P C, Purdy J M. Establishing full-term human pregnancies using cleaving embryos grown in vitro. Br J Obstet Gynaecol . 1980; 87 737-756 24 Hill L M. Infertility and reproductive assistance. In: Nyberg DA et al (eds): Transvaginal Ultrasound, 1st ed, vol 1 St. Louis: Mosby Year Book 1992: 43-61