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DOI: 10.1055/s-2001-12021
J.A.Barth Verlag in Medizinverlage Heidelberg GmbH & Co.KG
Integrative Frauenheilkunde: neue Behandlungsstrategien dank psychosomatischer Evaluationsmethoden
Integrated gynecology: new medical treatments due to psychosomatic methods of evaluationPublication History
Publication Date:
31 December 2001 (online)
Eine Tumorerkrankung trifft vor allem in der Frauenheilkunde nicht nur die einzelne Patientin grundlegend, sondern meist die ganze Familie. Die Auswirkungen medizinischer Verfahren hinsichtlich ihrer psychosozialen Folgen für die Patientin werden bisher wissenschaftlich zu selten untersucht und noch seltener werden die dabei gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wieder in den klinischen Alltag integriert. Seit einigen Jahren werden an der UFK Mainz die Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Behandlungen auf die Lebensqualität von Patientinnen prospektiv erfaßt. Die bisherigen Ergebnisse zeigen, daß der Einsatz psychosomatischer Testverfahren in der Akutklinik möglich und sinnvoll ist, um moderne Therapieverfahren zu evaluieren und Beratungs- und Betreuungsangebote den Bedürfnissen der Patientinnen entsprechend anzubieten.
Integrated gynecology: new medical treatments due to psychosomatic methods of evaluation
Objective: Women with gynecologic cancer are confronted with difficult decisions regarding the therapeutic options. The objective of the present paper is to demonstrate the relationship between surgical procedures and the outcome on quality of life and to discuss the implications for patient management. Methods: Gynecologic patients were assessed in a prospective study with preoperative semistructured interviews and objective assessments (T 1), interviews were repeated 4 and 12 months postoperatively (T 2, T 3). Results: Women planned for hysterectomy with severe complaints indicate a better postoperative quality of life. Cancerpatients, however, tend to feel more distressed about the surgical procedure if they could not be treated organpreserving or by reconstructive techniques. Medical interaction is dependent on the patient's anxiety level and mostly important for their quality of life before and after surgery. Conclusion: Psychosomatic research is not only necessary to understand the patient's needs before and after surgery but may also serve as an evaluation method of therapeutical options. By this methods we are able to anticipate the medical and psychological consequences of the therapeutic decisions. Future studies will systematically explore the alternating effect of surgical procedures on the patient's well-being.
Lebensqualität - psychosomatische Evaluation - Operationsoptionen
Key words
Quality of life - psychosomatic evaluation - surgical options
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Dr. Sabine Hawighorst-Knapstein
Langenbeckstr. 1
D-55131 Mainz