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DOI: 10.1055/s-2001-15177
Pathophysiology of Chronic Venous Insufficiency and New Horizons in Surgical Management
Publication History
Publication Date:
31 December 2001 (online)

The sequelae of chronic venous disease have plagued mankind since the earliest known medical records. Recently, through the endeavors of numerous pioneer clinicians, our understanding of this complex disease has blossomed. This has been achieved by recognizing the spectrum of disorders encompassed by the umbrella term ``chronic venous insufficiency'' and by the ability to classify each through an understanding of its basic pathophysiology and clinical presentation. Appropriate diagnostic studies allow careful patient selection to optimize the benefit of conservative medical therapy while clarifying the appropriate timing for interventional therapies. Interventional therapy may include sclerotherapy, vein stripping, perforator ablation, primary valvuloplasty, vein transposition, and venous valve transplantation. We review the current approach to the classification, diagnosis, and treatment of chronic venous insufficiency.
Venous disease - chronic venous insufficiency - pathophysiology - diagnosis - treatment - surgery
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