Plant Biol (Stuttg) 2001; 3(4): 319-325
DOI: 10.1055/s-2001-16465
Original Paper
Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart ·New York

Developmental Changes in Effect of Cytokinin and Gibberellin on Shoot K+ and Na+ Accumulation in Salt-Treated Sorghum Plants

G. N. Amzallag
  • The Judea Center for Research and Development, Carmel 90404, Israel
Further Information

Publication History

February 12, 2001

May 25, 2001

Publication Date:
16 August 2001 (online)

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The effect of cytokinin (CK) and/or gibberellin (GA) treatments on shoot accumulation of Na+ and K+ was investigated in Sorghum bicolor exposed to 150 mM NaCl. These hormonal treatments modified the shoot content of Na+ and K+, but the effect varied throughout development. Comparison of ion concentration versus ion content in shoots indicates that regulation of shoot concentration of K+ is modified during a transition period of development. This change is concomitant with reorganization of the regulation network for meristem activity, an event also involving changes in sensitivity to CK and GA. This evidence suggests a strong interdependency between dynamic changes in a between-organ network of relations and control of accumulation of monovalent ions in the shoot. Moreover, a new pattern of regulation of shoot Na+ concentration emerges during the transition period. During this process GA appears progressively involved in regulation of Na retranslocation, while CK is rather controlling the root uptake of Na+. Accordingly, the spontaneous emergence of Na-includer and Na-excluder individuals observed from an initially homogeneous population is interpreted as related to variations in sensitivity to GA and CK during differentiation of this newly emerging pathway of regulation.


CK: cytokinin

CV: coefficent of variation

GA: gibberellin

RCV: relative CV

RGR: relative growth rate

RSD: relative standard deviation