Anästhesiol Intensivmed Notfallmed Schmerzther 2001; 36(8): 514-517
DOI: 10.1055/s-2001-16672
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

„Frozen shoulder” - MRT-verifizierte, kontinuierliche Blockade
des Nervus suprascapularis

Frozen shoulder - MRI-verified Continuous Block of Suprascapular NerveSt. Eckert1 , M. Hornburg2 , U. Frey2 , J. Kersten1 , J. Rathgeber1
  • 1Abteilung Anästhesiologie und operative Intensivmedizin
    (Chefarzt: Priv.-Doz. Dr. J. Rathgeber)
  • 2Abteilung für Radiologie, Sektion MRT (Chefarzt: Dr. M. Siemers)
  • Albertinen-Krankenhaus, Hamburg
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
27 August 2001 (online)


Die kontinuierliche Blockade des Nervus suprascapularis stellt ein effizientes schmerztherapeutisches Verfahren zur Mobilisierung des schmerzhaft bewegungseingeschränkten Schultergelenks dar. Anhand einer Kasuistik eines Patienten mit adhäsiver Kapsulitis wird die kontinuierliche periphere Blockade des Nervus suprascapularis mit einem Katheter vorgestellt. Die Katheterlage wurde mittels MRT verifiziert. Die angewendete Blockadetechnik wird in Vergleich zu alternativen regionalen peripheren Blockadetechniken diskutiert.

Frozen shoulder - MRI-verified Continuous Block of Suprascapular Nerve.

Suprascapular nerve block may provide sufficient analgesia in painful immobilisation of the shoulder joint. In the following case report a 41 year old male presenting with adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder) has been treated successfully by performing continuous delivery of local anesthetics to the suprascapular nerve via catheter. The location of the catheter has been verified using MRI examination. Pain relief was quantified by using visual analog scale (VAS 1 - 10) and showed decretion from VAS 8 - 10 pre treatment to VAS 1 - 2 after insertion of the catheter and throughout five days of intensive physiotherapy, respectively. The technique of catherization using a nerve stimulator and alternative peripheral nerve blocks are discussed. In summary, continuous suprascapular nerve block offers an advantageous alternative for pain relief in patients with frozen shoulder. It may provide better pain control and earlier discharge in the ambulatory setting than repetetive single dose blocks.


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Dr. med. Stefan Eckert

Abteilung Anästhesiologie und
operative Intensivmedizin
Albertinen-Krankenhaus, Hamburg

Süntelstr. 11 A, 22457 Hamburg