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DOI: 10.1055/s-2001-17026
J.A.Barth Verlag in Medizinverlage Heidelberg GmbH & Co.KG
Primary shortening - Secondary lengthening for limb reconstruction in experimentally induced bone defects
A comparison between two techniques in rabbitsPublication History
Publication Date:
12 September 2001 (online)

In severe tibial fractures, muscle and skin contusion as well as bone fragments with periosteal stripping may lead to tissue necrosis and bacterial spread. An adequate and radical debridement of both, soft tissue and occasionally bone, combined with a minimally invasive fixation technique, is the key to improving local perfusion in order to reduce the rate of infection and promote bone healing [1] [5] [7]. A primary limb shortening after debridement, in order to close bone defects and to gain viable soft tissue for bone coverage, may present an alternative technique in selected situations [2] [3] [4] [6]. Little is known about the possibility of stretch¿ing soft callus from the primary short¿ening site. The aim of this study was to evaluate the outcome of limb reconstruction after immediate resection shortening and distraction osteogenesis for secondary lengthening in a bone defect animal model using two different techniques.
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Dr. med. R. H. Meffert
Klinik und Poliklinik für Unfall- und Handchirurgie
Universität Münster
Waldeyerstraße 1
D-48149 Münster