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DOI: 10.1055/s-2001-18120
Microsurgical Anatomy of the Orbital Part of Oculomotor Nerve
Publication History
Publication Date:
31 October 2001 (online)
The microsurgical anatomy of the oculomotor nerve through its intraorbital course and branching was studied in 30 specimens obtained from 15 cadaver heads fixed in formalin. The superior and inferior divisions of the oculomotor nerve were shown and neural and vascular relationships of each division were examined, then some measurements were performed. In this part of the oculomotor nerve, some critical key points to the various orbital approaches were determined and microanatomic relationships of the orbital contents were revised.
Key words:
Oculomotor Nerve - Orbit - Surgical Approach - Microsurgery - Anatomy
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Corresponding Author
E Gönül, M. D
Department of Neurosurgery
School of Medicine, GATA
06018 Etlik
Phone: +90-312-3045313
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