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DOI: 10.1055/s-2002-19851
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Barrett's Esophagus
Publication History
Publication Date:
14 August 2002 (online)

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common clinical problem. More frequent and extended acidic reflux episodes are characteristic of GERD, although substantial (nonacid) reflux per se is also observed in control individuals. Helicobacter pylori may protect some people from reflux disease, but others do not experience deterioration of GERD as a result of H. pylori eradication, for reasons so far unknown. Medical treatment, preferably with proton-pump inhibitors, is well established and is also recommended in endoscopy-negative forms of the disease, although the efficacy is less marked in comparison with erosive esophagitis. Surgery has emerged as an alternative to medical therapy, but the long-term results do not now appear to be as promising as was initially claimed. A number of new endoscopic techniques for the treatment of GERD have been developed, but the future for these is unclear. Barrett's esophagus develops in some patients with GERD for unknown reasons, and surveillance should be carried out in these patients due to the risk of subsequent malignant transformation. Several new approaches have been developed for detecting premalignant conditions, but these need to be investigated further. Ablative techniques are still under intensive investigation, and appear to be promising, at least in a subset of patients, although they are not devoid of major complications. Whether antireflux therapy, irrespective of the method used, can slow down the development of cancer is still an intriguing and clinically important question.
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H. Koop, M.D.
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