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DOI: 10.1055/s-2002-20439
Lipoxygenase Pathway and Membrane Permeability and Composition during Storage of Potato Tubers (Solanum tuberosum L. cv Bintje and Désirée) in Different Conditions
Publication History
August 15, 2001
November 13, 2001
Publication Date:
28 February 2002 (online)

Potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L. cv Bintje and Désirée) were stored for 12 months under three different storage conditions: 4 °C, 20 °C with sprout inhibitor and 20 °C without sprout inhibitor. Independent of the storage conditions, our results show that the increase of membrane permeability, as revealed by electrolyte leakage, is not correlated with the lipid saturation status. Moreover, there is no simple correlation between cold sweetening and membrane permeability or lipid saturation status. During storage at 20 °C without sprout inhibitor, the increase in membrane permeability is inversely correlated to sucrose accumulation, but this is not the case when tubers were stored with sprout inhibitors. Lipoxygenase (LOX) is often proposed as responsible for peroxidative damage to membrane lipids. The gradual peroxidation resulting in double bond index decrease is regarded as a cause of senescence sweetening. Our results revealed that the role of LOX in aging and senescence of potato tubers is far from clear. LOX activity and gene expression are not correlated with the fatty acids composition of the membrane. Moreover, LOX activity and fatty acid hydroperoxide content are low in older tubers, whatever the storage conditions or the varieties. On the basis of our results, the correlation between sugar accumulation (low temperature and senescence sweetening) and peroxidative damage occurring during storage of potato tubers is discussed.
CIPC: ispropyl N-(3-chlorophenyl)carbamate
DBI: double bond index
GC: gas chromatography
LOX: lipoxygenase
MDA: malondialdehyde
ROOH: fatty acid hydroperoxides
Key words
Fatty acid hydroperoxides - lipoxygenase - membrane integrity - potato tubers - Solanum tuberosum L. - storage
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M.-L. Fauconnier
Unité de Chimie Générale et Organique
Faculté Universitaire des Sciences Agronomiques de Gembloux
Passage des Déportés, 2
5030 Gembloux
Section Editor: H. Rennenberg