Leptin participates in regulation of ovarian folliculogenesis indirectly via control of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone secretion. More recent evidence suggests that leptin also has direct regulatory actions on the developing follicle. The presence of leptin receptors on follicular cells, including oocytes, and early preimplantation embryos suggests that leptin may play a direct physiologic role in follicular maturation, oocyte development, and early cleavage. Because circulating leptin levels are directly related to body adiposity, elevated leptin concentrations associated with obesity may partly explain the negative impact of obesity on fertility. The influence of leptin on follicular development and oocyte maturation has important implications for ovulation induction and assisted reproductive technologies. Moreover, polycystic ovarian syndrome may be associated with altered leptin phsyiology.
Leptin - ovary - gonadotropin stimulation - in vitro fertilization - polycystic ovarian syndrome