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DOI: 10.1055/s-2003-39137
Body Dysmorphic Disorder in Cosmetic Surgery Patients
Publication History
Publication Date:
09 May 2003 (online)

This article discusses body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) among cosmetic surgery patients. BDD is characterized as a preoccupation with a slight or imagined defect with some aspect of physical appearance that leads to significant disruption in daily functioning. Although the prevalence of BDD within the general population is unknown, recent evidence suggests that the disorder may be overrepresented among persons who seek cosmetic medical treatments. Preliminary evidence suggests that persons with BDD do not benefit from cosmetic treatments and frequently experience a worsening of their BDD symptoms. Thus, identification of BDD symptomotology has become an important part of determining patients' appropriateness for cosmetic procedures.
Body dysmorphic disorder - psychological issues - patient assessment - body image
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1 *Sarwer and colleagues have written several detailed reviews of this literature. Those who are interested in reading about this literature in greater detail are referred to the papers and chapters cited here