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DOI: 10.1055/s-2003-40736
Stereoscopic Navigation-Controlled Display of Preoperative MRI and Intraoperative 3D Ultrasound in Planning and Guidance of Neurosurgery: New Technology for Minimally Invasive Image-Guided Surgery Approaches
TL has not been involved in the study after he became a developer in MISON AS in 1999.Publication History
Publication Date:
21 July 2003 (online)

Objective: This paper demonstrates a method that brings together three essential technologies for surgery planning and guidance: neuronavigation systems, 3D visualization techniques and intraoperative 3D imaging technologies. We demonstrate the practical use of an in-house interactive stereoscopic visualization module that is integrated with a 3D ultrasound based neuronavigation system. Materials and Methods: A stereoscopy volume visualization module has been integrated with a 3D ultrasound based neuronavigation system, which also can read preoperative MR and CT data. The various stereoscopic display modalities, such as “cut plane visualization” and “interactive stereoscopic tool guidance” are controlled by a pointer, a surgical tool or an ultrasound probe. Interactive stereoscopy was tested in clinical feasibility case studies for planning and guidance of surgery procedures. Results: By orientating the stereoscopic projections in accordance to the position of the patient on the operating table, it is easier to interpret complex 3D anatomy and to directly take advantage of this 3D information for planning and surgical guidance. In the clinical case studies, we experienced that the probe-controlled cut plane visualization was promising during tumor resection. By combining 2D and 3D display, interpretation of both detailed and geometric information may be achieved simultaneously. The possibilities of interactively guiding tools in a stereoscopic scene seemed to be a promising functionality for use during vascular surgery, due to specific location of certain vessels. Conclusion: Interactive stereoscopic visualization improves perception and enhances the ability to understand complex 3D anatomy. The practical benefit of 3D display is increased considerably when integrated with surgical navigation systems, since the orientation of the stereoscopic projection corresponds to the orientation of the patient on the operating table. Stereoscopic visualizations work well on MR and CT images, although volume rendering techniques are especially suitable for intraoperative 3D ultrasound image data.
Key words
Image-guided neurosurgery - stereoscopic visualization - 3D ultrasound-based neuronavigation - 3D display - computer-assisted surgery - minimally invasive image guided-surgery - cerebrovascular surgery - tumor resection - intraoperative imaging - virtual reality
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T. A. Nagelhus Hernes,Research Director, PhD
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