Synthesis 2003(12): 1787-1789
DOI: 10.1055/s-2003-41032
© Georg ThiemeVerlag Stuttgart · New York

Organometallic NucleosideAnalogues: An Adenine-Analogue Fischer Carbene­ Complex [1]

Karl Heinz Dötz*, Edite Gomes da Silva
Kekulé-Institut für OrganischeChemie und Biochemie , Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, 53121 Bonn, Germany
Fax: +49(228)735813; e-Mail: E-mail:;
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Publication History

Received 12 July 2003
Publication Date:
13 August 2003 (online)

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A six-step synthesis of a nucleoside analogue Fischer carbenecomplex has been developed starting from d-ribono-1,4-lactone.The key steps involve a stoichiometric metathesis of exo-glycal 3 withpentacarbonyl[(diphenyl)carbene]chromium to give chromiumfuranosylidene 4, its ring-opening aminolysiswith the nucleobase adenine and a Mitsunobu recyclisation leadingto imino-l-lyxo-furanosylidene complex 6 with inversion of configuration.


Organotransition metal modified sugarsPart 28 For Part 27 see: Dötz, K. H.; Gomes da Silva E. J. Organomet. Chem. 2003,in press.