Horm Metab Res 2003; 35(9): 541-545
DOI: 10.1055/s-2003-42656
Original Clinical

© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Autoantibodies against Oxidized LDL and Serum Total Antioxidant Status in Active Cyclists and Ex-Cyclists

M.  T.  García-Unzueta1 , J.  B.  Gutiérrez-Sánchez2 , I.  de Mier2 , J.  A.  Amado3 , J.  R.  Berrazueta2
  • 1Clinical Biochemistry
  • 2Cardiology
  • 3Endocrinology Services, Universitario M. de Valdecilla Hospital, University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain
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Received 13 December 2002

Accepted after second Revision 6 May 2003

30. September 2003 (online)


There is an apparent paradox between the benefits of aerobic exercise and the potentially deleterious effects of increased free radicals and decreased circulating antioxidants generated during exercise. To assess the oxidative/antioxidative status in competitive cyclists and ex-cyclists, we measured two markers not well studied in these situations, serum total antioxidant status (TAS) and antibodies against oxidized LDL (AuAb-ox-LDL) in 18 competitive male cyclists, 10 ex-competitive cyclists and 14 healthy males. AuAb-ox-LDL was evaluated by enzyme immunoassay, and serum TAS concentration was analyzed by spectrophotometry. Ex-cyclists had serum TAS levels statistically higher than the control group and cyclists group (p = 0.001 and p < 0.001, respectively). Active sportsmen showed significantly less AuAb-ox-LDL than healthy sedentary males, while there was a non-significant trend in the ex-cyclists to have lower AuAb-ox-LDL than the corresponding control group. AuAb-ox-LDL levels were not statistically different between the groups of active and previously active sporting men. There was a positive correlation between TAS and LDL-cholesterol in active cyclists under heavy training. In the ex-cyclist group, there was a negative correlation between serum TAS and the time elapsed since they had ended the competition. Competitive cycling decreases AuAb-ox-LDL levels, suggesting that it may decrease ox-LDL levels. After ending physical training, antioxidative status remains increased for at least one year, but the effect on AuAb-ox-LDL levels is lost.


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Prof. J. R. de Berrazueta

Professor of Cardiology · Servicio de Cardiologia · Hospital Universitario M. de Valdecilla

Avda/Valdecilla s/n · Santander 39008 · Spain

Telefon: +34(942)201334

Fax: +34(942)201334 ·

eMail: jose.berrazueta@unican.es