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DOI: 10.1055/s-2004-830336
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York
The Effects of an Ankle Destabilization Device on Muscular Activity while Walking
Publication History
Accepted after revision: August 4, 2004
Publication Date:
22 February 2005 (online)

Chronic Ankle Instability sprain causes are unclear and many factors or mechanisms may contribute to recurrence of this injury. The aim of the study was to investigate how an ankle destabilization device affects the EMG patterns of the ankle muscles during ankle stabilization against inversion. The left foot was equipped with a mechanical device mounted under the heel of the shoe. This mechanical device induces subtalar joint destabilization necessitating the control of ankle muscles. Surface electrodes were placed over the tibialis anterior, the peroneus longus, the peroneus brevis, the gastrocnemius lateral, and the gastrocnemius medial. Nine healthy subjects (mean age 37 ± 12 yr; mean mass 68 ± 17 kg; mean height 1.73 ± 0.7 m) were instructed to walk normally along a tape fixed on the floor. The ankle destabilization device altered the walking pattern of all subjects. More specifically, the walking pattern is disturbed resulting in higher amplitude of the EMG activity of the peroneal muscles and the Tibialis Anterior and anticipatory reactions in the peroneal muscles. The results suggest that the ankle destabilization device could be beneficial for rehabilitation programs especially during the training of walking. Using this material may help to a specific reinforcement of muscles involved in anti-inversion ankle movement.
Key words
Electromyography - orthosis
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N. Forestier
Université de Savoie, Laboratoire de Modélisation des Activités Sportives · UFR CISM · Département STAPS
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