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DOI: 10.1055/s-2004-830385
Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart KG · New York
Rejuvenation of Ageing Bean Leaves under the Effect of Low-Dose Stressors
Received: March 19, 2004
Accepted: September 10, 2004
29. November 2004 (online)

The effect of low concentrations of some stress-inducing compounds like Cd, Pb, Ni, and Ti salts and DCMU on the senescence of chloroplasts was investigated in detached primary leaves of bean. After the petioles of ageing leaves had developed roots, these low-dose stressors stimulated chlorophyll synthesis and photosynthetic activity, as compared to the control, thus causing rejuvenation in treated leaves. The amount of photosystem I (lowest in DCMU-treated leaves) and light-harvesting complex II increased, while that of photosystem II decreased or remained unchanged. Fluorescence induction parameters indicated unchanged electron transport (except for DCMU treatment). CO2 fixation and, in some cases, starch accumulation was stimulated. In parallel, the occurrence of large plastoglobuli seemed to decrease in plastids of heavy metal-treated leaves. A cytokinin bioassay of leaf extracts confirmed the cytokinin-mediated effect of low-dose stressors, as the slopes of Chl and cytokinin curves were similar during the rejuvenation process. It is assumed that these stressors generate non-specific alarm reactions, which involve changes in the hormonal balance by increasing the synthesis of cytokinins.
Key words
Cytokinins - DCMU - heavy metals - Phaseolus vulgaris L. - photosynthesis - rejuvenation
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P. Nyitrai
P.O.B. 120
1518, Budapest
Editor: M. Riederer