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DOI: 10.1055/s-2004-836303
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York
Unreamed Nailing of Femoral Fractures with the Solid Femoral Nail
Publication History
Publication Date:
31 May 2005 (online)

In order to reduce pulmonary complications after reaming and intramedullary nailing, a solid 8.5 mm femoral nail was developed. Clinical application of the solid femoral nail in 25 cases of diaphyseal fractures showed promising results. The series consisted of 21 closed fractures, three Grade I fractures, and one Grade III B open fracture. A solid femoral nail was applied eight times in the course of polytrauma, in six patients with multiple injuries, and in 11 patients with isolated femoral fractures. Application was bilateral in three patients. The rate of union was 92 % at 6 months postoperatively. Reaming and renailing were necessary in one patient with deux étages and in one with a pathological fracture. In the latter, nail failure occurred. Bone grafting was needed in one case of pathological fracture. Locking-screw breakage was observed in three (12 %) cases 12 to 25 weeks postoperatively but did not lead to any additional complications. There was one intraoperative complication but no infections were observed. The excellent results of unreamed nailing with the solid femoral nail consequently led to its use as the primary method of treatment of femoral fractures associated with polytrauma, multiple injuries, thoracic trauma, narrow medullary cavity, and pathological fractures, in the presence of concomitant peripheral vascular diseases.
Key words
Femur - fracture - solid femoral nail - treatment
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Dr. Walter Stoik
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